How to differ Chinese with GetLocaleInfo? - windows

I want to get an ISO 639-1 language string from an LCID. The problem is that 2052 (Simplified Chinese) and 1028 (Traditional Chinese) both return zh (Chinese) instead of zh-CN and zh-TW.
The code I use is
WCHAR locale[8];
GetLocaleInfoW(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, locale, 8);
Is there a way to get the right code?

ISO 639-1 specifies 2-letter language names, so GetLocaleInfo() correctly returns "zh" for both Simplified and Traditional Chinese - they are not differentiated in the ISO 639-1 spec.
A call with LOCALE_SNAME instead always returns a string also containing the sub-tag, eg "de-DE" or "de-AT".
Everything else, for example a 2-letter tag for "most" languages and 4-letter one (xx-YY) for some "exceptions" (like Chinese - and which other ones?), is something custom and would therefore require custom code.


What is VBS UCASE function doing to Japanese?

In order to avoid case conflicts comparing strings on an ASP classic site, some inherited code converts all strings with UCASE() first. This seems to work well across languages ... except Japanese. Here's a simple example on a Japanese string. I've provided the UrlEncoded values to make it clear how little is changing behind the scenes:
Server.UrlEncode("戦艦帝国") = %E6%88%A6%E8%89%A6%E5%B8%9D%E5%9B%BD
UCASE("戦艦帝国") = ƈ�ȉ�Ÿ�ś�
Server.UrlEncode(UCASE("戦艦帝国")) = %C6%88%A6%C8%89%A6%C5%B8%9D%C5%9B%BD
So is UCASE doing anything sensible with this Japanese string? Or is its behavior buggy, undefined, or known to be incompatible with Japanese?
(LCASE leaves the sample string alone. But now I'm wary of switching all comparisons to LCASE because I don't know if it bungles other non-western languages that do work with UCASE....)
Only lowercase letters are converted to uppercase; all uppercase letters and non-letter characters remain unchanged.
Most Western languages (particularly those with writing systems based on the Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Coptic, and Armenian alphabets) use letter cases in their written form as an aid to clarity. Scripts using two separate cases are also called bicameral scripts. Many other writing systems make no distinction between majuscules and minuscules – a system called unicameral script or unicase.
"lowercase or uppercase letters" does not apply in Chinese-Japanese-Korean languages, hence, the output of UCase() should remain unchanged.

Can I treat all domain names as being IDNs without any ill effects?

From testing, it seems like trying to convert both IDNs and regular domain names 'just works' - eg, if the input doesn't need to be changed punycode will just return the input.
This looks great, but is it specified anywhere? Can I safely convert everything to punycode?
That is correct. If you look at how the procedure for converting unicode strings to ascii punycode, the process only alters any non-ascii character. Since regular domains cannot contain non-ascii characters, if your conversor is correctly implemented, it will never transform any pure-ascii string.
You can read more about how unicode is converted to punycode here:
Punycode is specified in RFC 3492:, and it clearly says:
"Basic code point segregation" is a very simple and
efficient encoding for basic code points occurring in the extended
string: they are simply copied all at once.
Therefore, if your extended string is made of basic code points, it will just be copied without change.

Ruby 2: Recognizing decomposed utf8 in XML entities (NFD)

Problem is simple: I have XML containing this value
This appears to be valid XML format for representing a u with an umlaut, like this.
But all the parsers we have tried so far result in u¨ -- two distinct characters.
This form of unicode (UTF-8) uses two codepoints to represent a single character; and is called Normalized Form Decomposed or NFD, and in binary is \303\274.
Most characters can also be represented as a single codepoint and entity, including this case. The XML could also have included ü or ü or ü and in binary is \195\188. This is called Normalized Form Composed. Any of these would work fine.
Getting Right to the Question
So I think the question is one of:
Is there a parser (doesn't seem to be nokogiri) that can detect and normalize to our preferred form?
Is there a reasonable way for us to reliably detect entities in the NFD form and convert them to the NFC form (or is there something that will do that out there?)
The character you’re using, U+00A8 (DIAERESIS) isn’t a combining character – it is distinct from U+0308 (COMBINING DIAERESIS). (I’ve only just discovered this myself – I don’t know what the use for the non-combining diaeresis is).
It looks like in this case this behaviour is correct and your XML is wrong (it should be using ̈ and not ¨).

What standard do language codes of the form "zh-Hans" belong to?

Through the REST API of an application, I receive language codes of the following form: ll-Xxxx.
two lowercase letters languages (looks like ISO 639-1),
a dash,
a code going up to four letters, starting with an uppercase letter (looks like an ISO 639-3 macrolanguage code).
Some examples:
az-Arab Azerbaijani in the Arabic script
az-Cyrl Azerbaijani in the Cyrillic script
az-Latn Azerbaijani in the Latin script
sr-Cyrl Serbian in the Cyrillic script
sr-Latn Serbian in the Latin script
uz-Cyrl Uzbek in the Cyrillic script
uz-Latn Uzbek in the Latin script
zh-Hans Chinese in the simplified script
zh-Hant Chinese in the traditional script
From what I found online:
[ISO 639-1] is the first part of the ISO 639 series of international standards for language codes. Part 1 covers the registration of two-letter codes.
ISO 639-3 is an international standard for language codes. In defining some of its language codes, some are defined as macrolanguages [...]
Now I need to write a piece of code to verify that I receive a valid language code.
But since what I receive is a mix of 639-1 (2 letters language) and 639-3 (macrolanguage), what standard am I supposed to stick with ? Are these code belonging to some sort of mixed up (perhaps common) standard ?
The current reference for identifying languages is IETF BCP 47, which combines IETF RFC 5646 and RFC 4647.
Codes of the form ll-Xxxx combine an ISO 639-1 language code (two letters) and an ISO 15924 script code (four letters). BCP 47 recommends that language codes be written in lower case and that script codes be written "lowercase with the initial letter capitalized", but this is basically for readability.
BCP 47 also recommends that the language code should be the shortest available ISO 639 tag. So if a language is represented in both ISO 639-1 (two letters) and ISO 639-3 (three letters), than you should use the ISO 639-1.
Following RFC-5646 (at page 4) a language tag can be written with the following form : [language]-[script].
language (2 or 3 letters) is the shortest ISO 639 code
script (4 letters) is a ISO 15924 code (see also RFC section)

what kind of keyboard layout can type ISO 8859-1 Characters?

what kind of keyboard layout can type ISO 8859-1 Characters?
Example of what needs to be typed are:-
Ánam àbìa èbèa Ógbuá
First of all: Keyboard layouts and character sets are not directly tied to each other. If I type Ü on my keyboard while in a UTF-8 application, the resulting character will be
a UTF-8 character. If I type it in a ISO-8859-1 application, it will be a character from that character set.
That said, there isn't a keyboard layout that covers all ISO-8859-1 characters; every country layout covers a part of them.
Full list of characters
According to Wikipedia, ISO-8859-1 covers the following languages' special characters in full:
Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Breton, Catalan, English (UK and US), Faroese, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, (new
- orthography), Italian, Kurdish (The
Kurdish Unified Alphabet), Latin
(basic classical orthography), Leonese,
Luxembourgish (basic classical
orthography), Norwegian (Bokmål and
Nynorsk), Occitan, Portuguese,
Rhaeto-Romanic, Scottish, Gaelic,
Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Walloon
so you can safely assume that the keyboard layouts of those countries cover a part of ISO-8859-1.
This is what I have decided to do. Hope it puts somebody else on the right footing.
With Special thanks to #Pekka for the patience, guidance and support.
// Replaces combination char with special chars
$phrase = "`U `are ^here tod`ay.";
$search = array("`U", "`a", "^h");
$replace = array("û", "ñ", "à");
$resulte = str_replace($search, $replace, $phrase);
Could be cleaner in a function though
