Create an MS Teams app that is always added to all meetings - microsoft-teams

I want to create an app for Microsoft Teams that, after installed and approved by the user, is always 'added' to all meetings and group conversations. Is that possible? The documentation from Microsoft is not clear about it.
The app is meant to get notifications from the meeting - someone has joined, recording has started, meeting has ended, etc.

Currently, We are adding the custom teams app manually.
Ref doc :-
We do not have API to add the app to all meetings.
At the moment, it has to be a two step process. First, create the meeting using Graph and then add the app to the meeting using Graph.
Could you please raise a user voice here for new requirement:


Auto Start Teams Meeting using Power Automate Flow

Currently I'm able to create a teams meeting using Power Automate Flow.
However, the meeting still needs to be started by the creator of the meeting.
How to sort of "auto-start" the meeting so all that access the meeting can
use the meeting link without waiting the creator to start the meeting?
Assuming meeting participants are either guest users or users from other organization, so they are not able to start the meeting directly and meeting creator has to admit them in lobby after starting the meeting.
Meeting creator can set who can bypass the lobby. Go to "Meeting options" inside created meeting, and select appropriate option in "Who can bypass the lobby?"
Pass lobbybypasssettings parameter while creating Graph request for creating meeting.

How to add a call in phone number to an existing Microsoft Teams Meeting?

Since recently, I can add a call-in phone number to Microsoft Teams meetings. For new meetings, this works fine. But I have a meeting with a large number of customers for which I sent the invitation before I had the phone number. So currently, there is no phone number to call in to that meeting. How can I add one, without cancelling the old meeting and creating a new one?
What I tried without success so far:
Using a number from another meeting (seem to be different "rooms")
Deleting the link block by hand and trying to add a new one (not possible, the button still says "join the meeting")
Trying to find out whether the numeric meeting ID can be derived from the one in the link
You can add phone number to the meeting using Update online meeting API. You can get the meeting Id by subcribing to notification API please check the docs for more info.

External link to existing Microsoft Teams chat

I have developed a Microsoft Teams app, and I'm using 'deep linking' to create named chats (chats with topic names) with selected users, as per the docs:
An example of a 'deep link' to create a chat would be:,,
This works fine - and if I save the portion of the link minus the 'message' portion, this again works fine, and links the user to the existing chat:,,
However, if another user is added to the chat from inside Teams itself, the link above will not link to the existing chat any more, rather create a brand new chat instance with the same topicName and originally specified users.
Is there a way of 'deep linking' to a chat by it's topicName or some kind of ID only? Without having to get clever with the Microsoft Graph API?
just links to the chat 'home screen', where a user can start a new chat through Teams
I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can't achieve this directly. As soon as you add a new person, it's no longer the "same" chat, so to speak (e.g. a chat with "Joe, Bob and Dave" is NOT the same as a chat with "Joe, Bob, Dave and Sue". The two ways I can think of that you can achieve what you're looking for though, are:
create a Meeting with that subject - the "meeting" chat seems to hang around forever, it has a title, and you can modify participants, even after the "meeting" is over.
Alternative to the above, if there's an ongoing initiative, maybe it's just better as an actual Team or Channel anyway...?
I came here looking a solution to this same requirement.. a link that others can click on to dial into a normal MS Teams (multi-person) chat. I want to include this in my meeting invites in the case where I initially created the chat group manually within MS Teams (not originally via meeting invite).
I opened the chat in MS Teams Web (in my browser) to get the unique conversation identifier and then replaced that portion in a sample link that I would typically find in meeting invites. I also removed the context parameter. When I followed the resulting link in my browser it launched my MS Teams desktop application and joined the chat group meeting. An illustrative sample link is below:*19:1235774810bf4d7086ada8e13c7c6c8a#thread.v2/0*
The portion "19:1235774810bf4d7086ada8e13c7c6c8a#thread.v2/0" is what I replaced.
And there is no need for something like "?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c9b9cb50-3544-4db4-a267-fa84df2f4ceb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22663db54f-657a-407d-8a0b-45c76d8cdffd%22%7d" at the end either. I'm not sure what will happen if someone uses this link who has not been added to the chat by me though. You'll have to test that if that is a requirement.

Teams SDK events - determine if Team has been deleted

I have a fairly basic Teams app I've been developing, that has a bot associated with it. The bot is a simple NodeJS application, that us just waiting on events sent by my teams app to it
I see the teams conversationUpdate Type and some associated eventType in the SDK docs.
Is there an easy way to detect if the actual Team itself has been deleted?
i.e I have a Team, I add my app to it and create a tab in the team for the app. I can detect that the app has been added to the team, by checking the teamMemberAdded eventType.
But, I'm unsure if i can use the teamMemberRemoved eventType to determine if the Team has been deleted
Currently, Bots do not receive an event when its containing team is deleted.
If you are storing team and channel details for proactive messages then you can clean it up when you get "NotFound" error code in exception while sending a message.

Does a bot get notified when it's uninstalled from a tenant?

I'm testing out a bot right now via an uploaded custom (sideloaded) app. I can see that when I add the bot to a team or remove it from a team that I get an activity with a type of conversationUpdate with the bot's ID in the members added or members removed element.
Is there a specific activity or other event that the bot gets when it's removed from the tenant entirely? Do I just have to track all teams the bot was added to?
Teams does not yet have a well-defined concept of being added at the tenant level. We will be adding that in the first half of 2018.
In the meantime, yes, you have to track it on a team-by-team basis I'm afraid.
