chose in scrolling field to go to another card - scroll

enter image description here
good day I need to chose from scroll field and it go to it own card the code I write always go to card "geely_km" even I chose "choice 2 "

If you lock the text of the scrolling field, then the text of any line you click on can be extracted:
on mouseUp
go card the clickText
end mouseUp
So if you have the names of the cards in that field, then clicking on any line will navigate to the card of interest

The easiest and most common way to do this in LiveCode to create a list-style field. Do it in either of these two ways:
Drag a Scrolling List Field object from the Tools palette to your card.
If you already have a field on your card, open its property inspector and tick the Lock Text and List Behavior properties.
Once your list field is created, enter the names of the cards, one per line, in the list.
Script the list field like this:
on mouseUp
go card the selectedText of me
end mouseUp
As long as the names of the cards and the names in the list match exactly, this will work.


Is it possible to move the position of Action.ShowCard's new Adaptive Card?

I am using "Action.ShowCard" to show another card in adaptive cards - specifically spfx ACE in the Viva Connections Dashboard.
I cannot see a way to get the new card to appear anywhere other than the bottom of the parent card. Is it possible to get it to appear somewhere else? Ideally I would like some more content under the button that calls "Action.ShowCard".
For example, if you look at the simple examples here: you will see that the new adaptive card that is shown to the user always appears at the bottom. This is OK when there is not much content on the parent card, but when the parent card has a lot of content then the user experience is not so good as they miss the new content at the bottomn of the card.
If you are in Preview mode, you would single click to expand the card. When editing, you need to double click the Action.ShowCard button to have it display its associated fields. Then, you can add the additional actions, etc., that you want.

XCUIAutomation: Click on corresponding button?

How to click on a button called Unlock from the label text LE SR Home notour. I'm new to this tool and got stuck here.
Oddly, your screenshot shows two Unlock buttons, but your debug only shows one.
Going from your debug output, assuming there is only a single unlock button in the application, you simply need to provide the label.
If there are multiple buttons matched, you need to associate it with the label and find their shared parent. This only works if the parent container isn't shared with the other Unlock button.
app.otherElements.containing(.staticText, identifier: "LE SR Home notour:").lastMatch.buttons["Unlock"].tap()
OR assume its index. If it's the first one on the page firstMatch is what you're looking for.
If it's not the first you can return an array of all elements (allElementsBoundByIndex) and then choose the index of the one you want. To find the second (arrays begin at 0), for example:
app.buttons["Unlock"].element(boundBy: 1).tap()
The best solution is for you or your development team add an accessibility identifer to this button so it can be uniquely identified.

Focus and UnFocus is not working in Xamarin Android

I am using Entry control for numeric field as below structure
enter image description here
In above structure I am inheritance "XXXEditor" from Entry in renderer and binding dynamically with n numbers of items.
But when we enter something in numeric field and go to some other numeric field then enter something, when we come back to previous numeric text to make some changes so by that time if we try to enter something so textchange event will fire then
unfocus-->focus -->unfocus-->focus
in Nexus 5 but it will behave some thing in Samsung Galaxy S7.
Please suggest the solution to handle these events.

Positioning mouse cursor on another Application's List item entry based on its text value

I want to do an automation using Excel VBA. First of all I am not sure if its possible so I need to explain the problem first.
I would launch an application which has a list of reports , that one can run by right clicking on any of these and selecting an entry from the popup menu caled say "Run this report". The problem is the report names are displayed in a listbox.
There are so many entries I only need to run a few of them based on their names.
To achieve this I thought about placing the mouse cursor on the text displaying the appropriate report name and then trigger the right click event. These can be done using Windows APIs.
The challenge I am facing is how to hover my mouse on any particular list item based on its display text.
I can enumerate all the windows controls based on the handle of the application's window, but is it possible to get the location of any item on the screen based on the text displayed on list item.

cocoa + what ui element should i use?

I am developing an app which has a text field box. so when i am entering text, it should search the database and give me suggestions just like google search. like if i have entered letter 'a', it should have a box like thing below text field with all names starting with letter 'a'. then if i have entered letter 'b', it should resize the box and give names that start with 'ab' and so on.
I was planning to use a table view below the text field which reloads itself as and when new thing is entered into text field. but i dont know how to resize the table view depending on number of suggestions. So is there any other ui element which suits this kind of situations?
Also how do i detect a new alphabet or number entered into text field so that i can filter out suggestions like is there any such notification? what i mean to say is say i entered letter 'a' so now the string value of text field is 'a' and now i entered say 'b'. so now the string value changed to 'ab'. how do i detect this? i think textDidChange notification will do this for me.
You can use an NSComboBox for auto-completing lists like you describe. NSComboBox is a subclass of NSControl so you can use the -controlTextDidChange: delegate method to detect changes in the text that the user types. Make sure you set the control to "continuous" in Interface Builder or call [comboBox setContinuous:YES].
If, for whatever reason, you find that a combo box is inappropriate for your situation, you can implement the list of completions as a child window of the control's window, with a headerless table view in it. Then you would programmatically resize that window as the number of possible completions changes.
