spring boot red error everywhere (intellij) - intellij-13

I've changed my project folder, then everything became red .
any solution ?
Red everywhere


IntelliJ marking mapstruct classes as having a problem, until I click them and there is none

Maybe it's just me being unable to formulate the question in such a way as to find an answer on google. Maybe it's a common thing, maybe it's not.
All I can say is that I'm working on my fifth microservice, and all five of them have had the same exact issue.
Project view has no issue. I've even enabled Project-Wide Analysis.
But mapstruct classes (be it interfaces or abstracts), but not configs. Just classes that will eventually end up generating code. They all get a red squiggly underline.
If I don't click the class and build or run, everything is fine.
If I do a gradle clean build - everything is fine.
If I do a gradle clean to remove generated classes - everything is fine.
But no matter which of the above steps I do, the red squiggly line does not go away.
However when I double-click the class (to open it in the editor and see what the issue is) ... everything is suddenly fine. No error, no problem, no nothing. For like a minute till they get underlined again.
The gutter red line for the project view gives me no popup to suggest what the issue is. And, again, the problem view is empty.
I have no idea what to do. It's driving me nuts!
I did find one error, in the Auto-Build tab of the IDE, it only really says:
javax.annotation.processing.FilerException Attempt to recreate a file for type [SomeMapperImpl]
at ...
Caused by: javax.annotation.processing.FilerException: Attempt to recreate a file for type [SomeMapperImpl]
at ...
But the error seems to be in error itself. The class was absolutely generated and everything works.
I tried invalidating caches:
IntelliJ -> File -> Invalidate Caches -> tick everything -> Invalidate and Restart.
Worked like a charm.

How can i fix intelliJ Spring red text error?

enter image description here
There is any error. It works well. But intelliJ show me red text on files. How can I fix it.
Looks like VCS (git, subversion, etc) is configured in the project, but these files are excluded from it.
That's why they are marked red.
To add files to version control, choose the Add action in the Git submenu of the file context menu:

Can't open application.properties in Eclipse

I've encountered a problem as I'm practising with Spring Boot. I've installed in Eclipse the Spring Tool 4 plugin and then created a Spring project. The problem is I can't open the application.properties file within Eclipse and I do not understand the reason. I double click and nothing happens.
Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong? The file is openable from outside the IDE with a text editor but it seems empty.
Try to open the file by pressing ctrl+shift+R and application. properties.

Front end reload on 'Build Project' IntellIJ using SpringBoot devtools

In IntellIJ not long ago I was able to make changes to my html/thymeleaf files and hit 'Build Project' and Spring Boot didn't have to restart the entire app. It would showcase the changes in my web browser (Firefox, Chrome). I have researched and tried a variety of changes and can't seem to find the issue/error to get me back to faster, efficient frontend productivity.
It's only a setting inside of IntelliJ Idea. You can see here what you need to set, and to have in a build.gradle or pom file.

STS unable to bind maven file (.m2)

I'm working on a maven project in Spring tool suite(STS), issue is unable to navigate to other classes and methods (using ctrl+ mouse click), and its showing many error messages near import statements and other places in the class.
When clicked on the red cross mark which states error and select FIX project setup below is the message displayed on popup window.
The following proposals have been found to fix the unresolvable reference to 'Bootstrap'
Add archive 'lpa-core-1.2.5.jar - c:\Users\tom.m2\repository\com\lpa\lpa-core\1.2.5' to buildpath of 'lpa-realtime-service'
Please suggest how to include .m2 file automatically while build process to avoid the error messages and to navigate to other classes and methods using ctrl and mouse click.
It sounds like your project is not properly set up so that the IDE doesn't really configure its classpath correctly. Normally this would all happen automatically via m2e (i.e. Eclipse's maven support).
M2e is included in STS by default, so its probably installed, but somehow your project isn't treated as a maven project.
You can try to re-import it using the proper 'import wizard' which should set things up correctly for you.
Delete the project from the workspace. Take care not to actually delete the files themselves. (There's a checkbox 'Delete project contents on disk', so don't select that).
clean out all the 'junk' data from your project. Delete all tese files / folders from your project .classpath, .project, .settings, target.
Now that you have a 'clean slate'. Import it using m2e. Menu: File >> Import >> Existing Maven Projects".
This should setup everything correctly.
I say should because it depends to a large degree on what is in the project itself. But this, in principle, is the correct way to import maven project into STS (or Eclipse in general).
