I'm building a web application on RPi for wildlife monitoring using WebRTC with socket.io implementation. As my server will go into sleep when no clients are connected, I need to detect number of connected clients. It works with 'connect', 'disconnect' events, but I am unable to detect clients closing the browser or the browser tab. Anyone know the solution?
We are not able to detect subscribers'/clients' disconnected signal or poor network connection with Android/iOS SDK, however, we are able to detect with OpenTok web (JS).
The below link suggested for the web which is working fine our end too, but we need the same for OpenTok Android and iOS SDK.
Determining if a remote subscriber is temporarily disconnected.
we need sample code to detect poor connection or network disconnected at subscribers end for both Android and iOS. if anybody faced a similar problem and has a workaround then please suggest.
our aim to show messages on the mobile phone if subscribers have poor connection issues or trying to reconnect.
There are analogous re-connection callbacks for Android and iOS as well. Reconnection callbacks get triggered when a client tries to automatically reconnect after losing its connection to an OpenTok session. Otherwise, if a client cannot reconnect, the SessionListener's "disconnected" method gets triggered.
To verify if session reconnect APIs are working fine at your end, we recommend you to implement the necessary callbacks and manually check if the registered callbacks gets triggered or not by disconnecting network and then reconnecting it again.
Please checkout the below link for implementing callback APIs:
iOS: https://tokbox.com/developer/sdks/ios/reference/Protocols/OTSessionDelegate.html#//api/name/sessionDidBeginReconnecting
Hope it helps!
I am setting up an MQTT/Websockets server, my client is an flutter app, which connects to the broker on main screen, and in other screens it sends and receive messages from the broker. My understanding of keepAlive is how often the client and server should share ping/pong, so they make sure the connection is still alive. being said, if my flutter app, connects to the broker in main screen, of 3600/1 hour keepAlive, and suppose to share and receive messages on other screens, if i disconnect the client from the internet for 2 minutes, and reconnect after that, it will not send/receive messages, maybe my understanding of keepAlive is not correct. Well, How would i structure my app/server to reconnect automatically to the internet as soon as internet connection is back and up again.
I have also tried On.Disconnect method, which i noticed it will never get called, and the app even though still thinks its connected to the broker.
I mentioned websockets, on the tags as i could do mqtt over websockets.
I see that no-one else has responded, so I'll try (however I'm new to this also).
Also, have you looked at the Flutter connectivity package?
From my reading of the Mqtt specification, it seems the Mqtt client ** should** disconnect the TCP/IP connection if it doesn't receive a PINGRESP to its PINGREQ in the keep alive period (ie it's not required to disconnect).
My Flutter + Mqtt app checks the connection state, and reconnects if needed, every time it sends a message. I haven't needed to check for internet dropouts, but I have noticed the connection is lost on some application state changes. The main app widget. is notified of these using didChangeAppLifecycleState() and sends a dummy message if needed.
So this doesn't answer exactly what you asked, but I hope it's useful anyway.
I am new to this !
I am working for a chat application which requires text+ video chats.
I explored Socket.io initially and found it very handy to develop text based chatting application (WEB).
While exploring the Video chat element i came across WebRTC -RTCDataChannel for sending out arbitrary data across connected peers.
My Chat Server( preferably NodeJS ) will be serving the connections for peers, along with saving text chat history.
Should I use Socket.io-MyChatServer as the Signalling server also? [Possible?] , Or
Should I use RTCDataChannel for signalling server? , Or
Simply forget Socket.io and consider WebRTC for both !
Thanks in advance :)
Well WebRTC data channels and web sockets are different and complementary concepts in the case of peer connections.
In order to open a data channel you first need a P2P connection. In order to establish a P2P connection, you need a signaling server. So, sockets are used for that purpose, to exchange the metadata necessary to create a P2P connection. First, through sockets you establish a peer to peer connection and only after that you can use data channels.
As for using the same chat server as signaling server is up to you. WebRTC let the signaling server architecture be defined by the developer. It's a blackbox.
So, no you can't use data channels as signaling, as you can see.
We are using tomcat websocket implementation in our web application. Messages are pushed from server to client through websockets. Web socket messages are not pushed when intermittant connection drop or network is switch over but still web application is connected.
Let say for example i am connected to LAN and logged in app, now i connecting through wifi after wifi successfully connected i am disconnecting LAN with in fraction of second network is switched from LAN to wifi But after this messages are not pushed from server to client through websockets.
After network switch if i check the state of the websocket(readyState) which says 1 which means websocket connection is open but actually its not.
Can anyone faced this issue earlier and provide your suggestions.
You must create a connection drop detection mechanism. The WebSocket protocol has ping/pong frames, but I don't know if Tomcat has that functionality. In some Webscoket frameworks you can define a timeout interval, and the server will ping the client regularly, if the client miss some pongs is disconnected.
If that functionality is not provided by Tomcat, you can still create your own. Just define a special type of message and repeat it to the server from the client. If you do not get any of those messages for a while, disconnect.
I use soŃket.io (transport flashsockets), the client flash application with websockets library (binary sockets). How can I detect client disconnection immediately, such as if the Internet connection is broken? Currently, the disconnect event is triggered after a delay that is set to heartbeattimeout. What happens if you turn off heartbeats? If the connection is closed from flash, then all is well.
The frontend is nginx with tcp-proxy-module. Does this require specific settings timeouts?
io.set("close timeout", 1);
Refer to:https://github.com/LearnBoost/Socket.IO/wiki/Configuring-Socket.IO