Which way can I put into WinCC OA data from external DB? - wincc-oa

I need to receive data to my WinCC OA project from external MSSQL. Are there any internal functions in WinCC OA to request DB? If that can only be done with Qt, where can i find instructions to do it?

Depending on the version you are using there are various ways of retrieving data from a database. If you want to access data programatically, you can use the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) functions that are provided by the control interpreter.
Information about available functions can be found in the WinCC OA Documentation. The easiest way is to search for a function called dbOpenConnection and handle yourself further from there.
As the code is executed in the control interpreter itself, it is independendt from Qt.


Off-Chain Worker Framework

I haven’t entirely given up on the idea of validators moonlighting as oracles for off-chain computation…based on this extensive discussion: https://gov.near.org/t/off-chain-computation-framework/1400/6
So far from studying Sputnik’s code, I have figured out the mechanics of how to upload a blob to a smart contract. Let's say that a blob represents a storage-less contract, having only stateless functions that act only on input to the function, and return those inputs modified.
Now I’m missing the piece of how Validators can download and execute the blob. As mentioned by Ilya in the link above, the NearSDK would be able to interpret the blob (if the blob is essentially a compiled contract), but it needs to be a modified version of the SDK...
Think of this like sandbox mode…blob cannot modify state of any other contract, but can read state (forget about the internet access part for now). Results of the blob execution are then fed back to a smart contract, where they have to match the results of every other validator who executed the blob. This can be done by hash comparison (rather than looping through the results individually), so it’s not an expensive comparison, especially because it’s all or nothing.
Question: how can a Validator download the blob and execute it via a sandboxed SDK, and post the result via the regular SDK to the blockchain? I am missing a lot of architectural context…and this is bringing me to the edge of giving on the idea. Please help prevent that from happening!
If you are implementing this as a separate binary, your binary will be doing next things:
Use RPC to load the WASM file from the blockchain. See RPC reference
Use runtime-standalone to run this WASM with specific inputs. An example of using runtime standalone is here, but you will need to customize this with few things.
The result should be sent as a transaction signed by this binary again via RPC.
If you want these WASM files to have access to state, you will need to load state inside this binary. There are two options:
Modify a nearcore node to also do the above items
Run nearcore in parallel, and open the database on read when you are initializing Trie (e.g. here load from disk instead).
If you want to add more host functions (like accessing internet), you will need to fork runtime-standalone to expose those functions.

Encrypt decrypt PL SQL Packages in oracle

Is there any way to encrypt the SQL Packages (Stored procedure, Functions etc) in oracle using specific key and decrypt using the same key for security purpose???
i am using oracle 12c....
Yes, you can use the wrap tool for this, see PL/SQL Source Text Wrapping
You can wrap the PL/SQL source text, thereby preventing anyone from displaying that text with the static data dictionary views *_SOURCE.
In principle decryption is not supported, however you can use tools like Unwrap It!.
I like Wernfried's answer. I would like to expand a little if I may.
Assuming you will try the WRAP method (some say easily cracked), here are things to try to check it's effectiveness:
Check with tkprof if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
Check the V$SQL and related views to see if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
Check with OEM to see if executing the WRAPd objects reveals any logic or SQL
I've never tested the above, but if I was considering using WRAP I would do so that I know the limits of whatever protection it gives. Given the importance of DBAs being able to monitor and tune queries, I would be surprised if the SQL at least was not ascertainable via standard performance views/queries.
Also note, if your code has any dynamic SQL or PLSQL, this could show up in the symbol table of the wrapped file (as hex codes).
I think you cannot wrap TRIGGER code (though, you could of course have triggers call PLSQL procedures that are wrapped).
If you are a software vendor concerned about customer DBA poking around your code, given the above point about SQL monitoring, and assuming the DBA have access to a suitable cracker I don't think there is much you can do to stop them them. You might be able to prevent non-DBA users from doing this by restricting access to DBA_SOURCE, V$SQL and related views.
Out of interest I had a look at Native Compilation of PLSQL, to see if the compiled M-code could be shipped instead of the PLSQL source, but it seems that you have to ship the PLSQL code too.
What other options are there? Can the PLSQL be hived off to a remote protected database and consumed via REST API calls? That depends heavily on application logic and data access, and if having such a service on a protected remote server is feasible.
The one last thing I'd consider if it was absolutely necessary to hide the logic would be to implement as ProC/C/Java modules to create EXTERNAL LIBRARIES. But note here as well, SQL calls within the ProC/C/Java will still be exposed in V$SQL. Plus, there aren't many around who write Pro*C anymore.
Using wrap functionality is only obfuscation, not encryption. It is easily undone with a variety of available web sites, python scripts, and other PL/SQL procedures. There are additional obfuscations that you can do to make interpretation of your code more difficult (Oracle's SQL Developer has some built-in functions for this) so that even if your code is unwrapped it is still difficult to read. Here's an example of one other custom obfuscation toolkit, too: https://pmdba.wordpress.com/2020/02/24/code-obfuscation-toolkit/. For a commercial-grade toolkit, check this out: http://www.petefinnigan.com/products/pfclobfuscate.htm

Read CDPOS/CDHDR Sap tables using vbscript

I am trying to read sap change log using rfc + vbs as buffer.
I know that I need to use CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS functions to do this, but have not found any research how to do this properly with the help of vbscript.
I have already found out how to read normal tables using BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE but it doesn’t work with CDPOS...
Any ideas?
First, if you want to use VBscript to integrate with SAP, you will go through RFC channel using SAP NWRFC library or SAP .Net Connector 3.0, and the SAP functions or BAPIs you can call must be remote enabled. Unfortunately, the two functions, CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS, are not remote enabled. I could imagine CDPOS is difficult for you because CDPOS has wide fields which cannot be processed by BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE.
Once we are aligned with the objective challenges, there are two options to help you move forward:
Write your own custom "Z" function module, which is remote enabled, and call CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS and CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS inside the function;
Use third party commercial library (our company AecorSoft developed such ADO.NET compliant library for SAP integration).
I would suggest you explore #1 first. You can follow this blog https://blogs.sap.com/2017/02/09/how-to-use-dotnet-connector-nco-inside-vba/ to get started.
Dunno about BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE but RFC_READ_TABLE perfectly reads CDPOS
If you need to header-based query you will need 2 sequential reads: first for CDHDR headers and the second for positions, constructing second query from the first.

Which API does Windows Resource Monitor use?

Windows Resource Monitor displays (among other things) which files on disk are currently accessed by which processes. And it does that in realtime. How?
I know that it probably uses ETW and that I can generate traces with tools like xperf. But how to get realtime information without having to start, stop and parse a trace file?
I need to programmatically access the data, i.e. from C# or C++.
wOpenTrace/ProcessTrace/StopTrace can get the data in real-time as long as you know the provider GUID. They can run on Win2000 but you need to parse the raw data in your callback functions. To convert raw data into human-readable text, we need the TMF/MOF. Not sure if they are public though.
For Vista/Win7, there is a new set of TDH (Trace Data Helper) APIs (eg: TdhFormatProperty).
Scroll down a little of above links and you can see them. The good thing about TDH is they can parse the data for you (still need to provide TDH the TMF/MOF though).
I tried to write my own .etl to readable .txt program using Open/Process/StopTrace API (because I need to support XP). I found out it's quite difficult. The TMF file is not hard to interpret since it pure text. The hard thing is to decipher more than 50 different undocumented prinf-alike format-specifications' internal structures. So I gave up in the end and stick to the powerful tracefmt.exe provided in Microsoft WDK.

Using Windows LockResource to access binary resource data

First, my concrete question: In my attempt to access cursor raw data, my call to LockResource succeeds, but the SizeOfResource call tells me that the data is only 20 bytes, which is just too small...
What I'm really trying to do: I am exploring possibilities for remoting cursors from mixed code server application to a CLR client application. My (quite possibly naive) idea is to use LockResource to access the binary data of a resource (embedded in a native dll), pass this data to the client and treat it in the same way as resource data that has been retrieved from a local assembly using Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream to get the resource stream and Resources.ResourceSet to iterate through the resources. I am hoping that since .NET no doubt makes the same underlying system calls as native code, this makes sense. On the other hand...
Does anyone have any comments or better ideas ? (It would of course be easier to simply provide a compatible resource package on the client and remote some cursor id, but we seem to have a requirement for cursors to be dynamically added at runtime.)
Any comments gratefully received!
In the end, I used Win32 calls to get at the cursor bitmap, serialised this and the hotspot location to the client, and recreated the cursor there using the Win32 API again. Once you've got an HCURSOR cient-side, you can construct a .NET WinForms Cursor from it if you want (but such an object cannot be serialised using straightforward .NET - otherwise that would have been a much easier way to remote it!).
