Which API does Windows Resource Monitor use? - windows

Windows Resource Monitor displays (among other things) which files on disk are currently accessed by which processes. And it does that in realtime. How?
I know that it probably uses ETW and that I can generate traces with tools like xperf. But how to get realtime information without having to start, stop and parse a trace file?
I need to programmatically access the data, i.e. from C# or C++.

wOpenTrace/ProcessTrace/StopTrace can get the data in real-time as long as you know the provider GUID. They can run on Win2000 but you need to parse the raw data in your callback functions. To convert raw data into human-readable text, we need the TMF/MOF. Not sure if they are public though.
For Vista/Win7, there is a new set of TDH (Trace Data Helper) APIs (eg: TdhFormatProperty).
Scroll down a little of above links and you can see them. The good thing about TDH is they can parse the data for you (still need to provide TDH the TMF/MOF though).
I tried to write my own .etl to readable .txt program using Open/Process/StopTrace API (because I need to support XP). I found out it's quite difficult. The TMF file is not hard to interpret since it pure text. The hard thing is to decipher more than 50 different undocumented prinf-alike format-specifications' internal structures. So I gave up in the end and stick to the powerful tracefmt.exe provided in Microsoft WDK.


Difference between net/http/pprof and runtime/pprof

I have been reading about the profiling here it is explained using net_http_pprof and here runtime_pprof. So, what are difference between these two and which one should be prefer over another. And please don't paste the overview definition from the given links
net/http/pprof exposes the pprof profiler data via a web interface. If you're writing a server-based system, this may be useful since you may not have access to the host.
runtime/pprof will write the profiler data to a data file that you can then convert into various image or document types. If you're writing a system that can't or won't have a web interface, this is probably the one to use. Either way they expose the same data.

Virtual/programmatically generated file on Windows?

I'm looking for a feature similar to CreateNamedPipe on Windows, which would allow programmatically generating file contents on demand. However, it would need to support seek operation as well, so plain named piped will not work, I think. Or does it?
Some details: The file will be read by other existing program, and changing that is not possible in this case. The two specific uses are: 1. the actual data is in a compressed binary blob. 2. the actual data is behind a network connection, accessed with a custom protocol. In both cases, the "virtual" file would give access to date as if it were a local regular file.
I'm sure this would be possible at least by creating a custom file system device driver, or using existing network file system and creating custom server program. But this sounds like very complex (is it?) and not worth the effort.
So, any practical efficient solution, other than just storing the data to regular temp file?
You need to write a kernel device driver, or take advantage of one of the existing user mode device driver frameworks, such as UMDF. You can start reading up on that on Wikipedia.

How can Windows API calls to an application/service be monitored?

My company is looking at implementing a new VPN solution, but require that the connection be maintained programatically by our software. The VPN solution consists of a background service that seems to manage the physical connection and a command line/GUI utilty that initiates the request to connect/disconnect. I am looking for a way to "spy" on the API calls between the front-end utilty and back-end service so that our software can make the same calls to the service. Are there any recommended software solutions or methods to do this?
Typically, communications between a front-end application and back-end service are done through some form of IPC (sockets, named pipes, etc.) or through custom messages sent through the Service Control Manager. You'll probably need to find out which method this solution uses, and work from there - though if it's encrypted communication over a socket, this could be difficult.
Like Harper Shelby said, it could be very difficult, but you may start with filemon, which can tell you when certain processes create or write to files, regmon, which can do the same for registry writes and reads, and wireshark to monitor the network traffic. This can get you some data, but even with the data, it may be too difficult to interpret in a manner that would allow you to make the same calls.
I don't understand why you want to replace the utility, instead of simply running the utility from your application.
Anyway, you can run "dumpbin /imports whatevertheutilitynameis.exe" to see the static list of API function names to which the utility is linked; this doesn't show the sequence in which they're called, nor the parameter values.
You can then use a system debugger (e.g. Winice or whatever its more modern equivalent might be) to set breakpoints on these API, so that you break into the debugger (and can then inspect parameter values) when the utility invokes these APIs.
You might be able to glean some information using tools such as Spy++ to look at Windows messages. Debugging/tracing tools (Windbg, or etc.) may allow you to see API calls that are in process. The Sysinternals tools can show you system information to some degree of detail of usage.
Although I would recommend against this for the most part -- is it possible to contact the solution provider and get documentation? One reason for that is fragility -- if a vendor is not expecting users to utilize that aspect of the interface, they are more likely to change it without notice.

How can I reverse engineer scrambled packets in a windows app?

I have a windows exe app that used to sends packets to a server in the clear. This app (lets call it the client app) is definitely close sourced, but some clever hacker hex-edited the binary, and made it send packets that are scrambled.
Now, obviously, those packets are scrambled in a way that is decipherable (otherwise the server would not be able to understand it), but what I wanted to do is to write an emulator that emulates this binary app, sending the same packets to the server, and being able to unscramble the response (if it is scrambled).
The hex-ed client required an extra dll in order to run, which the old client did not. I am assuming that somehow the hex-ed client managed to load that dll (lets call it client.dll) and the function of that dll is to implement the scrambling/unscrambling, by hooking into some windows api that rerouted all packets sent from the client.exe process.
If there are anyone who can direct me on how to even get started on working out how this all works, and how I can reverse engineer the scrambing, that would be really appreciated.
I have no idea what kind of information to provide, but if there is any lacking, just reply, and I will post with more details, and if anyone wants the binaries, I m happy to provide it.
binary download for any interested parties:
These wont run because the resource files are required - they are about 3 gigs, so too big to upload anywhere. Names have been changed to protect the guilty =) , but that probably doesnt protect the name of the dll...
I'm assuming that the person which coded this hook which adds encryption to the packet I/O for the aforementioned program has either hooked the relevant Windows' socket APIs (WSASend, send, etc) or hooked the internal program functions used to send/receive data.
This being said, I'd suggest you use a hook detection program (e.g. RkUnhooker) to find out what is actually being hooked. Once you know what APIs are hooked you should also know where these hooks are going and from there on in you'll have to manually reverse engineer the hook functions.
As for the subject of learning how to do this, I couldn't direct you to just one tutorial to teach you everything but I highly suggest you look at the Tuts4You site, it has a plethora of tutorials which would meet all of your needs.
If possible, upload a copy of the edited client & the hook DLL, if I have the time I'll code you replica encryption & decryption functions.
You need to hook the functions exported by the additional DLL and look into the functions being called and the parameters being passed to them. This is not going to be easy since you do not have type information (e.g. the function signatures for the DLL exports.)
Look here for some information on API hooking. You will also need a good debugger try Windbg from microsoft.
As far as I can see the only option you have here is black box testing ie give known input to both systems and compare the responses against each other to find the differences and similarities.
Input--------->| Original App |--------->Response1
Input--------->| Modded App |--------->Response2
Now once you figure out how to use the functions from the additional dll you can use it yourself in the same way the original app does.

Getting Information From Master File Table on Windows

I need to get some information that is contained in the MFT on a Windows machine, and I'm hoping that there is some super-secret API for getting this information. I need to be able to get to this information programmatically, and because of legal concerns I might not be able to use the tools provided by the company formally known as sysinternals.
My other option (which I really don't want to have to do) is to get the start sector of the MFT with DeviceIoControl, and manually parse through the information.
Anyway, in particular, what I really need to get out of the Master File Table is the logical sectors used to hold the data that is associated with a file.
There is a documented API for getting info on file positions on disk since Windows 2000. Look for DeviceIoControl function with FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code on MSDN:
The API has been provided for writing custom disk defragmenters and consists of several other control codes.
