Plaid does not support connections between [Bank] and [Application] - plaid

I'm using Plaid Link and server-side API to let users register account/routing numbers with the auth product. We have customers with a bank that's retrievable in the UI's Select Your Bank search bar and with the API's /institutions/get endpoint, but it seems to not be a viable option to select and link. When I try to link it in the UI, there's a warning icon and a message that says "Plaid does not support connections between [Bank] and [Application]. Try another financial institution or check for another connection method."
Does this mean the bank can be supported, but my application isn't properly configured to support it? It seems to have the product I'm using (auth). I'd like to enable customers to add this specific bank, but also understand what the blockers are to supporting similar banks for my application.
I had seen that some banks require Oauth, but this one doesn't look like it does (oauth is false for it when I call /institutions/get). I wonder if there's some other requirement I'm missing.

You say you're initializing with auth, but are you initializing with only auth and nothing else? You can get this error if you're initializing with multiple products and it doesn't support all of them.
What's the bank? Knowing that would help a lot for troubleshooting; some banks are special snowflakes in various ways.

Try (Node API)
which will give you the products the given institution supports.
If you have generated a link token that does not contain the products listed from your bank (above), you will get the error "Plaid does not support connections between ..."


Places API returning NOT_FOUND

Since this morning the Places API has returned NOT_FOUND results for every single place ID we've tried searching for.
We regularly query the API to check details & it has been running fine for over a year but today it's fell over and only returns NOT_FOUND, for over 300 different place ids.
Is there a current issue with the API?
I contacted Google Cloud support today about this because it still hasn't changed.
Yes they no longer support Service area businesses in the Places API. Here is their response:
Thank you for contacting Maps Platform Technical Support. My name is Ana and I'm here to assist you.
Places API mission is to enable developers to help users find relevant places to visit. Since Service Area Businesses are not places users can visit, they do not belong in the Places API. That is the reason why you cannot search it in Places API and it is an intended behavior.
Business owners can fix this via MyBusiness IF they have a brick-and-mortar shop
(a shop someone can visit on the streets).
I find this shocking that developers are unable to pull out information about any ACTIVE business on Google. I have responded with my own views but as expected Google will not change their stance.
Well that is very confusing to customers. You (rightly so) allow local listings to be setup as service area businesses. Why should only brick and mortar shops be allowed to utilise the Place API? That’s separating the market for businesses to advertise properly and surely is not legal.
Regardless of if you agree about service area businesses not being allowed to be shown on Maps – there is no reason that an ACTIVE business should not return details through a Development API which has no public facing impact. It is stifling the support agencies and businesses can provide to its customers.
We're denied access to the Google My Business API and then resort to pulling out data via the Places API and now we can no longer do that.
You should at the very least provide some kind of development data for ANY business that is available on Google, whether that be via the Places API or not – business owners should have a right to pull out data about their own business at any time.
Please forward this to the GMB team.

Mix Panel API web segmentation and personalisation

Hi I am interested in using Mix Panel on a web site to track customers events. I would like to know if there is any way to use the api to personalise the web site per customer, similar to segmentation for emails.
I would like to query the api for a singular customer asking whether they have achieved several events.
For example something like
If customer has clicked out and last visit greater than a month ago display a banner advert.
Mixpanel does not seem like a correct tool for the job you describe here.
While theoretically this might be possible (via Mixpanel's HTTP API), this will create unnecessary architectural complexity and add extra latency. If you need to customize your web site per user, store any user state in a database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. This will be both faster and easier.

Google Tag manager is not recordingTransactions for enhanced Ecommerce

I already searched a lot and saw this link.
I setup my google analytics with configuring magento native Google API by using account type the Google tag manager. I am able to see page views, All sessions and sessions with product views. however, the rest are 0. please take a look at the following image:
I debugged the google tag manager with debug tool and I can see that purchase tracking with purchase event is being fired, however, I do not see it in google analytics.
I already setup what the this link provided,
Also I see that data layer has the purchase information id,revenue,tax,etc.
I am wondering what needs to be done so that sessions with transactions will get recorded?
here is the configuration that I have for the tag:
I'm not sure what's wrong?
If those are the exact tags that you are using, then there looks to be a typo in your Purchase trigger. You've got Event equals puchase (typo for "purchase"). You don't need to define this value again, and it would be sufficient to just have Event name of purchase (ie. you don't need the This trigger fires on).

What are CreateToken and StoreToken in SagePay Server V3.0?

We are upgrading our SagePay protocol from v2.23 to 3.0 to support surcharge fees. In v3.0 transaction registration post there are CreateToken and StoreToken which was not in the earlier version. What is the reason for create and store tokens? I went through the document but couldn't find a clue.
The link provided in the above post links to advice by one of our Sage Pay Partners so take a look at it.
Token allows shoppers the option of storing their card details (as a token) to their account on the payment page during their first purchase instead of having to set it up manually afterwards. Single click purchases for repeat customers will become much simpler and quicker to set up.
To view the Token Guide go to here, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the Download the Documents option within your preferred method of integration (server, server inframe, direct). Within the guide it explains creating and storing a token.
If this is a service you would like enabled on your Sage Pay account our New Business team are available 0900-1800 on 0845 111 4466. Prices for Token are available via here. If you have any other questions, our 24/7 Support team can assist to on 0845 111 4455.
Sage Pay Support.
I believe this is related to their token system, allowing you to store and send card details as a token.
If you don't use their token system you don't need to worry about it.
Sage Pay have destroyed their content recently so it's hard to find anything, here's a quick article on their token system -

Can the opensocial API remotely search for users in orkut etc.?

Does anyone know if (and how) I can build an application (Java/Ruby/whatever) doing REST or RPC calls to a social network like Orkut (using opensocial) to search for a user by name or email address? So far I know that I can list all friends for a particular user ID, but I want to search among all users. Would I need to code it as an app/gadget running inside the google sandbox or is there a way to get a list of matching user ID via REST?
So far I got this one to work: But with this API and the gadget linked there I only get people that are already linked to me...
Thanks for answers,
No, you can't do that. At least, OpenSocial doesn't have spec like that.
In addition, SNS normally have privacy policy which disables developers to poke around users who hasn't installed your app.
Think OpenSocial API access to private information is quite limited.
