Send Data to Mailchimp Audience - mailchimp

I have a form on my website and if user left the form after filling email id or something else that lead should go to Mailchimp Abandoned Form/list or if user filling up whole form and click on submit then it should go to Mailchimp Success Audience/list.
So Right now, I can not define when and how to use the conditions or code that track both of these scenarios.


How to tell which page a user was on when they fired the first of an event type in Google Analytics

I want to see what page on the site my users were on when they fired the first event action: add to cart, effectively starting their shopping journey within that session. I'm in Google Analytics, but completely stumped how to combine the pageviews and event action to pinpoint that this was the page the user was on the first time the user fired that event in their session (assuming Unique Event could be a metric used?).
Would love some ideas and help! Thank you!!
From the Events report you can't deduce when a user clicked for the first time on an element. The data is aggregated.
You could do it for example by sending a custom dimension at the time of the click on your element and assigning a cookie that checks if that information has already been sent to Analytics. If the cookie exists, don't send that dimension anymore.
It is not a 100% reliable method but it allows you to get the information you want for the future.

Time of stay on webpage

I want to know the time a user spends to fill a particular field in the page and want to trigger an event if the user spends more than 5 minutes to answer a question on that page.
I've looking at various Web Analytical tools like Crazyegg, Lucky Orange. Google Analytics for my website and i did not find any of them have this feature.
Is there any way that i can get this feature in my website.
I've been researching to get the perfect fit but in vain.
Any advice would help.
Thank you.
With the help of the Google Tag Manager you should be able to do this with Google Analytics:
Add a Datalayer to your page, which fires if a User starts filling your form/field.
Build a Event, Listening on this Datalayer and send a Timestep (for example: Category = Form, Action = Start, Label = {{Timestamp}}) Now you know then a User started interacting with your form.
Build a second Datalayer, fireing when the User sends your form. Build a Event for this and send your second Timestamp to GA (for example: Category = Form, Action = End, Label = {{Timestamp}}) - now you know how long a user needs for your form.
Trigger the Event
Here we can use the same Datalayer, we used with the Event-Tracking.
Build a Triger for your Event, listening on the Datalayer and then starts a Countdown (Timer-Trigger in GTM)
In the Timer-Trigger rules you have to specify, that the Trigger should not fire if the second Datalayer (Datalayer-End) fired allready.

How to add RSVP button options in MailChimp template

I've created a party invitation template in MailChimp with an RSVP section within the body of the email that contains 3 buttons:
I have also added a custom text field on the list called "RSVP".
Is there a way I can automate the user click event to automatically update the profile and target this field?
I realize I can add the |UPDATE_PROFILE| merge tag and send the user to a custom form where they choose their RSVP option, but ideally i want to bypass the form and handle the response using the buttons in the email body ONLY.
Is this possible?
Yes, this is possible, mostly. You can do most of what you want with survey tags. The result won't be put in your custom text field in your list called "RSVP", but you will still be able to make segments of your list based on who clicked a particular response, as described below.
Anywhere in your email, in a text portion, include the following:
*|SURVEY: 1. yes|*
*|SURVEY: 2. maybe|*
*|SURVEY: 3. no|*
When the recipient gets the email, they will see three links:
1. yes
2. maybe
3. no
These links will take them to a survey landing page. (You can edit this: in your lists page, click the drop down to the right of the stats button, then choose Signup Forms, and then choose Form Builder, then in the drop down choose Survey Landing Page)
After you send out the email, and some people have clicked some of your yes/maybe/no links, it's time to see the results.
Click on Campaigns at the top of mailchimp, then the View Report button to the right of the email you sent. Scroll down and you will see a box called Poll Information, and in this there is a link to View poll results. There you can see who clicked on which link.
You can also make a list segment based on Poll/Survey Activity, which lets you do things like see who all didn't pick any of your RSVP options, who did, and who clicked which one.

How to save form data (not in database)

I am making an application using ASP.NET MVC 3 which contains "form wizard", i.e. there are three forms which are wizards.
First form is for entering user details, second is for selecting product and third is for entering his payment details.
When the user enters his details in first form and goes to second form by clicking next submit button. And in the second form when the user selects the product, then his details from first form and his product choice from second form is sent to admin for approval. My question is that where should I save data from first and second form till users approval. When the user is approved then user data is saved to database. Where should I save form data when going from one form to other.
JavaScript Way
Just because "form1" and "form2" look like two physically different forms doesn't mean they have to be. You can initially display the container for the first set of inputs, then when the user clicks next it hides the first and shows the second.
Once the user is finished with the second set of inputs the page submits both sets of fields to the server using one form. At this point it would need to go in a database or be emailed to someone for persistence.
Traditional Way
If you need to have each form on a different page and submit between each one you could do it like this: (Note: this is a really bad way)
1. Form 1 submits
2. Server responds with form2 and data from form1 (to store in hidden fields on form 2)
3. User submits form2 (along with the hidden form1 data)

Web Form with more than 100 fields

What would be the best design layout for a web form with more than 100 fields? Right now I have grouped the fields to tabs.I am having tough time in validating the fields.I should either validate it on 'Submit' of the form or on tab change.Both has its own drawbacks. If I validate on tab change then user cannot view other tabs till they fill all the mandatory fields in the previous tab.Also it is not an good idea to throw so many validation messages to the user when he submits the form.
Please share your thoughts..
You can use a stepwise process. In the first step provide all the most important fields. Then on the click of a 'Next' button you can go to the next step and so on. By validating the fields you can allow the user to go to the next step.
