Validate uniqueness of email/phone on Stripe checkout page - validation

After Customers checkout from Stripe payment link, We use their filled email and phone to create record/signup in our database on confirmation page. Our business requires that email and phone should be unique. Therefore when some customers enter duplicate detail (email/phone) it causes issues.
Is there a way that we can enforce email address and phone to be unique? Either through some Stripe web hook or configuration on Stripe end.
One way I know I can use is to create my own checkout session with pre-validated email/phone but I want to avoid that.


Laravel - Paypal user to user money transfer

i have a donation website where users post their cases and any other user can donate to them, i want to implement paypal integration but my question is what do i write in the paypal clientid and secret key if the receipient is different for each case? every tutorial i see, it has a fixed receipient so they just write the clientid of their merchant account, but in my website there is no fixed receipient as each user that posts a case can receive donations.
sorry if my question is too basic but this is my first time working with paypal. any help is really appreciated!
For payments directly to another account, there are two different integration options:
Checkout flow :: specify the payee.email_address of the recipient's PayPal account when creating the order. See the documentation.
Donation flow :: specify the recipient account as the business parameter. See the documentation. Do not specify a hosted_button_id. Specifying a fixed amt is optional.

How do I login with PayPal to save user_id?

Is it possible to use a "login with PayPal" button through the PayPal API? I want to use it as a twitter signin to link your paypal account once to the app, then have it store a user_id.
Is this possible?
I want some kind of 'connect to paypal' behaviour. Think about a shop where goods are sold and get paid to the shop onwers paypal account. The shop owner must verify (connnect) once his paypal account and the app will then know where all payments must go.
It is also possible to just ask for the shop owners paypal email account, but this ain't really low level in my opinion.
If this even was posssible to do I wouldn't do such a thing for authentication.
The reason is, the user could easily assign that he has to pay for every login with this procedure.

Magento: How to create an account with email and password only

I'm using Magento 1.7.
I would like to simplify the create account (register new user) to show and require only the email and a password.
The user would only fill in the other info (like name, address, etc) when making a purchase.
The idea behind is that every user would need to give out the email address in order to view the site content.
I'm already using this extension in order to make the the site available only to login users. I need a way to simplify the register process to include only email and password
and comment out the fields that you don't want.
This is what you want, right?
You can try this extension from Magento Connect - Fast Registration it allow customer registration only with Email & Password

PayPal Money Request automation in mvc 3

I have a button on my page (ASP.NET MVC 3) redirecting to the PayPal service.
I want to automate some process in my system, and I want to allow users to send the Money Request using PayPal.
But, is it possible to pass to the PayPal service (via URL ?) the Recipient's email address, amount and Request payment type (Goods/Services) ?
After the user is logged in, all that fields will be filled in. I'm totally new with that scenario, is it possible ?
You need to create a checkout form in your site and use paypal IPN.
When you create the check out form, you need to store in your database all the values the user gives you. Then send paypal the information you want using the IPN.
The IPN will come back telling you that the transaction was approved or not.
Here is a good tutorial.

Create guest order in the backend with magento

Is it possible to create an order for guests in the backend without the customer email?
I know how to create orders for registered or new users but most of the time I need to create an order without knowing the customer's email.
Without making changes to the code, you could achieve this by using an internal convention (similar to #Joseph's answer but a little cleaner) e.g.
You could configure your mail server or MX records to drop emails sent to the "guest." subdomain.
Magento requires an email address to complete an order (and uses that email address elsewhere, depending on it entirely). You could hack it by using some store email address or a temporary email address, but you'll have to enter one.
If you remove the javascript required field validation from the email address when placing admin orders, Magento will generate a dummy email address for the customer.
This functionality looks to be deprecated as of so test this on your version.
