Get comments that contain specific words Gerrit - comments

I want to ask about Gerrit, I'm looking into the review comments on the Nova project, I want to know if I can get all the comments that contain specific words, like 'TEXT'.
I tried comments:'TEXT' but it doesn't work, it even gets a code change that contains no comments at all

Are you using single or double quotation marks? It worked pretty well for me in Gerrit 3.4.1, using double quotation marks, as the following example:
comment:"shame on me"


Find Files in Folder - Search Query Includes Parentheses

I have a flow that pulls a list of filenames from an Excel file and then looks for them in a folder. Sometimes the filenames have parentheses in them, which causes issues with the search query and it doesn't even look for the file. I'm not sure how to handle the parentheses, but I don't want to remove the parentheses from the filenames (and ergo the search query). I thought about trimming the parentheses from the search query, but I want to make sure the right file is found. Perhaps I just need a way to escape the parentheses? I'm not sure how to do that though.
Here's a picture of the flow section in question:
I tried to find another post on this but after searching for a while I couldn't find anything, so I'm sorry if this has been answered already!
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: I'm going to try replacing any parentheses found with %28/%29 per Expiscornovus' suggestion.
Can you use a different search mode in the settings of your Find Files in Folder action (OneDriveSearch instead of Pattern)?
Ignore my previous suggested encoding. Inputting the Search query with parentheses should work. Look at the example below.

How to instances in .env in laravel?

I wish to integrate CHATkit in my app, and there are some codes that I need to add in my env file, I just wonder what is the proper format to add that code? (like with quotation or without)
here is the code
here is how I added them with their proper values.
"These are all strings. It's entirely fine to quote them"
Answered by #ceejayoz

Is there a method for pull quotes?

Is there an existing method for pull quotes with Pelican? When you're reading an article, and there are balloons with key sentence fragments or excerpts to highlight the area. Ideally, I want to write the text once, and just surround it with whatever delimeter is appropriate and have the template do its magic.
An outdated plugin is available at With a little tweaking - it works!

CodeRush QuickPair remove

I like CodeRush QuickPair feature.
Does anybody know how to remove quotes or braces with a shortcut?
For example:
Can I select
"some string"; // with quotes
and remove quotes with a shortcut and will get
some string; // without quotes
or select
(someArgument); // with braces
and remove braces and will get
someArgument; // without braces
If I'm understanding you correctly, CodeRush does not contain this functionality at present.
However it sounds like the kind of thing that could be created as a plugin quite quickly.
If you update your question to include some before and after examples, I'm confident I could create such a plugin for you.
Update: I have created a plugin to fulfil the first requirement. That of removing Quotes from around a string.
The source is published on github and you can download the VSIX here
Could you provide a little more context in your 2nd example? It does not appear to be syntactically correct C#.
I'm interested to see what sort of code you would perform this operation on. This is also necessary in order to make the plugin available in the correct context.

Inline Code in DokuWiki

I'm looking for a way to include code as part of a paragraph in DokuWiki like I can by adding backtick escapes in StackOverflow like _so_. Simply adding <code>bla</code> puts code on it's own line.
You probably want to use ''%%here is code%%''. This formats it in monospace ('') and prevents any interpretion of possible wiki markup (%%).
I was able to find an answer to my own question. Add quotes around the in-text code ''like this''. Simple, short, and works great.
