Wavesurfer.js -Is there any way to know, which frame(start or end) of region is getting updated on dragging? - wavesurfer.js

I have case in which I need to updated video frame when we drag region from waveform. I know that even "region-updated" get trigger when we move/drag region, and get Region object in callback. I am able to handle the case when we drag the whole region. But, when user drag only start or end of region, Do we get any information on whether start or end is being drag of region?

When region is being updated "region-updated" even is triggered with the region details. This is how you can access it.
wavesurfer.on('region-updated', function(region){
Hope this helps!


PTVISIBLE always returns true when relevant point obscured by another window

I am trying to ascertain whether the mouse cursor is over a specific window and whether there are any other windows obscuring that window at that specific point. The relevant point is obtained in screen coordinates by way of a mouse hook. I then use the ptVisible function to determine this. My code is:
DC := GetDC(wnd);
Result := PtVisible(DC, pt.X, pt.Y);
ReleaseDC(wnd, DC);
This always returns false even when there is nothing obscuring the window represented by the wnd handle.
I found very little on the web as to proper use of ptVisible. Can anyone advise if I am using it incorrectly?
You are not using it correctly. From the docs page, PtVisible() "determines whether the specified point is within the clipping region of a device context." This has nothing to do with mouse location or location of a pixel within a window. This has specific uses to check whether the point is within the clipping region of a graphics device context.
If you want to check whether the mouse is within a certain window, you might want to try checking if your mouse coordinate is within GetWindowRect(). And then to check whether or not any windows overlap, you'd want to EnumWindows() and then IntersectRect()

How to scroll to a particular co-ordinate in Test Complete

I have spied a notepad and text box of a notepad contains a string which will be visible only if you scroll down.
Now I am trying to perform a single click there via passing a rectangle co-ordinate to the Test Complete.So with that it is able to click if it is visible on the screen otherwise it fails saying :"there was an attempt to perform an action at a point which is beyond the screen"
Is there any way where we can scroll to the point of interaction before performing the action.
I tried with following steps to achieve that but its of no help.
testObject.MouseWheelScroll(an integer value)
Please try this..
I'm using this code and this is working fine for me..

X11: Removing event from queue

I'm creating an FPS demo using an Engine called: Gameplay. I'm currently trying to define a captureMouse() function into the engine so the player can look around the map. I've already been able to pin the cursor to the center of the window and turn it invisible, but as I move the mouse the screen (camera) seems to "vibrate" as it moves around. After a lot of tinkering with X11 functions I figured that the XWarpPointer() function I'm using to warp the cursor back to the center of the window is adding a "mouse moved" event to the event queue.
X11 Question: How can I identify and remove an event from the event queue before it is captured by the event cycle?
Question: Has anyone been a similar problem and solved in a different manner? If so, what did you do?
I'm sorry if I'm not being clear. I have no extensive knowledge of X11, but I really need to add this to the engine so I can, in turn, add it to my game.
I guess you're using XtAppMainLoop to handle your events.
This is actually a call to XtAppNextEvent followed by XtDispatchEvent.
If you replace the XtAppMainLoop with a loop calling XtAppNextEvent to get the next event and check its type (the type field of the XEvent structure).
If you want to handle the event call XtDispatchEvent, do nothing to ignore it.
The loop needs to exit when XtAppGetExitFlag returns true (or add your own exit flag).

WinApi: How to resize the window region on MouseMove event correctly?

My application is screenshot maker. User needs to select screen area to make a screenshot. I use Win32 API with PureBasic, but it doesn't matter, all is similar with C++.
When user runs application, the semitransparent borderless form is shown on full screen to hook mouse over all other windows. On mouse down event selection is started and I apply XORed region to the form to cut a hole in it with size of current selection.
I create and apply a new region on every mousemove event:
rgn1 = CreateRectRgn_(0,0,DWidth,DHeight) ; full size of desktop
rgn2 = CreateRectRgn_(sx, sy, ex, ey) ; current selection points
CombineRgn_(rgn1, rgn1, rgn2, #RGN_XOR)
SetWindowRgn_(WindowID(0), rgn1, #True); apply region
It works well on my computer with Windows XP, but works buggy on other computer with Vista. I think it is wrong when I create the new region object on every mouse move. Maybe I need to create it once and then to resize? Can anybody explain how to do this right? Examples on C++ are ok.
In the beginning you create region, using CreateRectRgn (like in your code).
Then it's enough to call SetRectRgn function for updating region bounds

replicating mouse motion using ajax

I want to implement an application on my website where once the users are connected, they share a text editor. If one user enters anything on
the text editor available on his screen, the same text appears on the second user’s
screen at the same coordinates.
Same thing goes for the other user. Also there would be pointer shaped images on both user’s screens to represent mouse pointers.
When user A moves his mouse pointer, the image on user B’s screen should be
moved according to the movement of user A’s mouse and similarly, when user B
moves his mouse, the image on user A’s screen should be moved accordingly.
The problem is I am using database to store the coordinates of each user. And this approach results in the a lot of lag and delay. What should I use in place of the database?? Please Help !
You probably don't want to request the updates but push them to your clients: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_%28programming%29 . This reduces the delay between an update from your client to the server and other clients again checking for updates.
how abt using Redis : http://code.google.com/p/redis/
an example of a similar collaborative text editor using this : http://www.web2media.net/laktek/2010/05/25/real-time-collaborative-editing-with-websockets-node-js-redis/
