How to make react native app communicate with local machine (ios) - xcode

I need to know ALL the things I need to do in order to allow a react native app communicate with a local server running on my mac. (I'm running react native on an ios device).
This is what I know of/have tried:
Using the actual IP address of my machine instead of localhost
Set up signing & capabilities in xcode
Make sure both the iphone and computer are on the same network
Make sure there are no firewalls up on the computer running the api
Set the info.plist to "AllowArbitraryLoads = true"
Here's my full info.plist if you want to check it
I have been trying to get this simple react native app to communicate with a bare-bones flask app on my computer for like a week now, and I'm starting to lose my mind.
Assume I'm a complete moron. If there's something that "everybody knows and isn't worth mentioning", please mention it. If I didn't list it above, then I don't know about it. I feel like I'm missing a very simple step here but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.
Here are the error logs (i've tried googling the Flipper errors, with little success, so if you know anything about that please share):
Here's a link to a demo project I'm using to test this:

Finally figured out the last step I was missing...
When you run the flask app, you have to run it to be hosted on rather than which are both ways of referencing your local machine, but are treated slightly differently on the network.


How to web app isntace of Zxing QR generator locally?

I am hoping someone can provide some guidance on how to host a local html / web app instance of I have read the documentation, and have searched in the web but I have come away empty-handed.
Also related, Does anyone know how safe it is to use when entering personal info (like wifi passwords)?--> this is one motivation to run the app locally but I am not sure if this concern is well-founded.
I tried downloading the web app source code from:
and installed it using maven. It seems like the installation went without issues (in wsl2), but I dont find a way to run the app locally as a web server.

Shopify CLI - Ngrok error when serving app

I am on a windows 10 machine and trying to use the Shopify App CLI to create apps, but I am running into some errors.
First I installed ruby so I could use the gem command to install the Shopify App CLI, as explained here.
When running shopify version as explained in the above documentation, I get the following output:
bash: shopify: command not found
After googling for a bit I found a solution to this problem, by running shopify.bat version. With this command I can use the CLI.
Moving on, I tried following this tutorial to create my first Shopify App. I used shopify.bat create node to create my app, moved into the folder and ran shopify.bat serve to serve my app locally.
Now the following problem arises:
It starts promising by installing ngrok:
But after waiting for a bit, I get the following output (Sorry for the screenshot, I could not get it to look normal with inline code):
What I also notice is that it uses C:/Ruby27-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/shopify-cli-1.4.0/ as the path to the CLI, but when looking on Google, most people have /home/[USER]/.shopify-app-cli/ as the path to the CLI. This path does not exist on my machine.
So I would like to know why first of all the serving of the app won't work, because ngrok can't be found, and second why ~/home/user/.shopify-app-cli does not exist.
Thanks in advance,
I think modern Windows come with Linux now. Since the Internet runs on Linux, you might find development and following tutorials much easier if you use Linux, since all these inconveniences of Windows disappear. Unless you are already super handy with all the quirks of Windows to work around their results, it could be your ticket!
That being said, I mastered this development pattern using *nix and it remains pretty advanced to actually have a smooth workflow for both localhost and production development. Ngrok itself is painful without paying for the service and using puma-dev and puma-ngrok... I laugh when I think about how those essentials running under Windows will be for you.

Need new way to put apps in j2me phone

This morning I discovered that the one way known to work to get an app into my java phone,, has stopped working. I need an alternative.
The phone I'm developing for is an LG Rumor Reflex, model LN272. It does not have WiFi, and attempts to point browsers at have always failed. So the only way to install an app is through the internet.
I do not have a website of my own. claims to do what I need, including generate a .jad file automatically. However, half the time it refuses to upload the file, claiming that I didn't enter the correct code when in fact I did; and the rest of the time, attempting to download the .jad file fails.
Google searches have turned up the now defunct rumkin, mobilefish, and results that have nothing to do with what I need.
Can anyone point me to either a phone upload site that still/actually works, or some means of installing through the usb cable that works. Also has anyone had any success doing this through dropbox or similar storage sites?

Permanently allow Xamarin iOS app to accept incoming connection (Xamarin Test Cloud Agent)

My question is closely related with this question, as I am creating a Xamarin App and want to automatically test the UI. I've followed the instruction from the official documentation but once I do the last step, where I add Xamarin.Calabash.Start(); into my AppDelegate.cs, my Mac keeps on asking me, whether it allows incoming connections from the App.
I can manually acknowledge the firewall rule on each startup of the app and when starting the tests, since the application is redeployed over and over again. However - if I don't, weird things start happening: Sometimes it works (I'm not sure why, possibly if I started the app manually before), sometimes I get exceptions like
SetUp : System.Exception : Unable to start CalabashHostStrategyProxy
Is there any way to permanently enable my application (especially the Test Cloud Agent part) to accept incoming connections? Or at least to get rid of this dialog somehow automatically?
Would this affect my test-execution, if I run my tests in the Xamarin Test Cloud?
Adding the iOS simulator app to the mac's firewall worked for me.
Have a look at the instructions over here:
(I didn't have to add the app I was trying to run, just the iOS simulator app).

Run two APKs together - and have them detect each other

What I'm attempting to do is run Complete Linux Installer on a Chromebook through ARCwelder. The app runs as it should, but requires androidVNC and Android Terminal Emulator - both of which I've 'welded' to run and work as they should.
My problem is that the main app, Complete Linux Installer, will not detect the terminal app when it is running. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm beginning to think Google hasn't gone as far as allowing apps to communicate with each other through Chrome.
Complete Linux Installer Screenshot
If anyone knows why this happens, whether or not it's useless info, please let me know. There's not a lot on the web about welding APKs for Chrome - unless there's a forum dedicated to it that I've yet to discover. Also, I've read 29583906, but it doesn't say exactly how to combine the apps. Am I missing something?
