Conditional Tests in Cypress using data-cy attributes as selectors - cypress

I see some posts about this exact topic, but none of them using data classes like I am as selectors, so it makes this conditional test a bit harder to write.
The idea is that I have a table with pagination on it. My idea is to check if the [data-cy-pagination-next] has or doesn't have the disabled attribute on it, which would mean there's more than one page and therefore the test can continue.
Most posts I see use a syntax like this:
.then($button => {
if ($':enabled')) {
But I don't have the $button like they described. What I would be clicking on is a button, but does that really matter?
It doesn't seem like I can write
.then('[data-cy=pagination-next]' => {
if ('[data-cy=pagination-next]'.is(':enabled')) {
How can I get this conditional to work?
If there is more than one page, this test works great, but in the cases that there is no second page, I just want the test to end there.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the test currently
it('Data Source has Pagination and test functionality', () => {
// assert that we are at the first page and the start and back button is disabled
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 1 of')
// If there are multiple pages then do the following tests
// click next button and assert that the current page is page 2
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 2 of')
// click end button and assert that the end and next buttons are disabled
// click start button button and assert that the current page is page 1 and next and start buttons are disabled
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 1 of')

You can use the page indicator to split the test logic
it('Data Source has Pagination and test functionality', () => {
.then($pageList => {
if ($pageList.text() === 'Page 1 of 1')
// single page assertions
} else {
// multi page assertions
.should('contain', 'Page 2 of') // assert on second page
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 1 of')
Better still, control the test data so that only a single page exists, then run two tests under known conditions and eliminate flaky conditional testing.

I think you're misunderstanding how yielding and callbacks work. The reason there is $button in the .then() is because it is yielded by cy.get(). It could be named anything, so long as it is a valid name (note: a string literal, like you are trying to do, is not valid).
So, $button is just the yielded element from your cy.get('my-button'). Which is why we can then use JQuery functions and Chai assertions on it.
.then($el => { // naming the yielded object from `cy.get()` to $el
if ($':enabled')) { // using JQuery function `.is` to check if the element is enabled
cy.wrap($el).click() // Cypress requires the JQuery element to be wrapped before it can click it.

You can do something like this. You can use an each to loop over all the pagination elements. So in case, you don't have only 2 buttons the loop will check for only 2 buttons and then terminate.
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').should('contain.text', 'Page 1 of')
cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-next]').each(($ele, index) => {
if ($':enabled')) {
cy.wrap($ele).should('contain.text', `Page ${index + 2} of`) //index starts from 0


cypress - deleting a sub-row while trapped inside .within and .then

I have a EditParentAndChildren screen where I want a test that:
navigates to page
remembers the name of the parent
pick one of the children rows
remember its id/name
delete it via the Trashcan button on that row
navigate to a View
ensure the parent's name appears and the deleted child's name does not
I can't seem to pluck text off of the screen and put it into one of Cypress's #alias variables, and standard js variables aren't allowed by cypress. So, I use .then to get the value that way.
But when I choose a child row and go .within to get its name and click its delete button, I can't then issue the final assertions for the test because I'm still in the .within, I can't escape the .within because the .then for getting the child's name is completely inside, and, trying to .root().closest() doesn't work because the <tr> I'm in is not only getting deleted but I'm doing a page nav afterward.
.then(parentName => {
.within(tr => {
.then(nameOfchildToDelete => {
// delete this child
// ERROR can't find submit button, you are still .within the <tr>
cy.url().should('match', /parent\/\d+$/);
cy.contains('[class*=breadcrumb_currentcrumb]', parentName).should('exist');
cy.contains('table', nameOfChildToDelete).should('not.exist');
One solution is simply never to use .within. Formerly I was selecting the row, then within it selecting & using each piece of the row. Instead, select each piece of a row using the same selector that selects that row.
Not this:
.within(tr => {
.then(nameOfchildToDelete => {
More like this:
cy.get('[class^=childrenTable] [name=sample_id]:first-child')
.then(nameOfSampleToDelete => {
// etc...
cy.get('[class^=childrenTable] [class*=trash]').first().click();
Code inside a .then is just like outside the .then excepting the level of indent, so most of the code is the same. But code inside a .within is kind of at a dead-end. You can't return values from a .within and can't set state or js vars from the outer context.
So: don't use .within, always use long selectors, and don't worry about picking "sections" like a particular <tr> or a particular card in a FlexBox for re-use.
If the selectors are very long consider moving them to a const string outside of the file and possibly concatting them if need be. But generally in Cypress trying to enter into a context is something of an anti-pattern.

Cypress : The submit button is disabled even after all the text fields have filled

I was trying to automate a text submit form using cypress. The 'Create student' button is disabled even after all the fields have been filled
Please see the cypress error
code :
it('should be able to add a new student and update the details, remove from the class and delete the account', function () {
cy.findByLabelText('First Name').type('ark')
cy.get('#first-name').should('have.value', 'ark')
cy.findByLabelText('Last Name').type('last')
cy.get('#last-name').should('have.value', 'last')
cy.get('#grade-dropdown').should('have.value', '1')
cy.get('[data-test-select-teacher]').select('Lehner, Abbey')
cy.get('#teacher-dropdown').should('have.value', '3068134')
.should('include.text', `Successfully created a student`)
Be careful using click({force:true}) as suggested in the error message, there may be another problem that your test will now ignore!
You can first try an assertion that the button is not disabled.
Sometimes the test can run too quickly, and the web page has not yet enabled the button before the test tries to click it.
Adding .should('') will retry this check for up to 4 seconds, which should be enough time for the page to complete changes.
If using .should('') does not work (I agree, it should be the first thing to try), try adding a trigger event to each input - in case the .type() command is not triggering the validation change.
cy.findByLabelText('First Name').type('ark').trigger('change')
cy.get('#first-name').should('have.value', 'ark')
cy.findByLabelText('Last Name').type('last').trigger('change')
cy.get('#last-name').should('have.value', 'last')
cy.get('#grade-dropdown').should('have.value', '1')
cy.get('[data-test-select-teacher]').select('Lehner, Abbey').trigger('change')
cy.get('#teacher-dropdown').should('have.value', '3068134')
If still no joy, use .click({force:true})
By the way, cy.get('[data-test-select-grade]').select('1') looks a bit suspicious. The select command can take a display value as a string or a position value as a number. The screenshot shows "K" is selected, so I would expect either of these to work
cy.get('[data-test-select-grade]').select(1) // number passed
// or
cy.get('[data-test-select-grade]').select('K') // string passed
One option would be to use {force: true} with click().
it('should be able to add a new student and update the details, remove from the class and delete the account', function () {
cy.findByLabelText('First Name').type('ark')
cy.get('#first-name').should('have.value', 'ark')
cy.findByLabelText('Last Name').type('last')
cy.get('#last-name').should('have.value', 'last')
cy.get('#grade-dropdown').should('have.value', '1')
cy.get('[data-test-select-teacher]').select('Lehner, Abbey')
cy.get('#teacher-dropdown').should('have.value', '3068134')
cy.get('[data-test-submit-new-student]').click({force: true})
.should('include.text', 'Successfully created a student')

Does mixing javascript functions and Cypress commands contribute to test flakiness?

Among many, One of my test looks like
it("Admin is able to edit new group", () => {
cy.intercept("PUT", /\/api\/groups/).as("editGroupAPI");
cy.get("#groups").then(groups => {
const group = groups[0];
// go to edit page cancel and come back to groups page
.groupActionIcon(, "modify")
.should("have.text", "Edit Group");
app.commonElements.toolBarTitle().should("have.text", "Groups");
// edit group - 1
.groupActionIcon(, "modify")
.type(" edited");
// validate that Groups page have loaded
app.commonElements.toolBarTitle().should("have.text", "Groups");
// validate whether group card description is reflected on card
.should("have.text", group.description + " edited");
app is top level parent obj, and this test uses Page Object Model.
One example of POM class is :
class CommonElements {
burgerMenu() {
return cy.get("#widgets-banner-appBanner-sideDrawerButton-content");
toolBarTitle() {
return cy.get("");
toolBarTitleWithText(text) {
return cy.contains("", text);
globalScopeButton() {
return cy.get("#global-scope-switch-toggleSwitch-button");
So as it is evident that, cy.wait() and then call to pageObjectModel function to grab title element:
// validate that Groups page have loaded
app.commonElements.toolBarTitle().should("have.text", "Groups");
Now sometimes this fails, so as I have seen in docs, plain js code get executed immediately, but since in this case whole test is wrapped in cy.get("alias"), will it still matter (or execute js immediately)?
This might sound very obvious, but I just want to confirm.
Final question: does mix usage of Page Object Model functions and cy.command contribute to test flakiness?
Short answer: no, mixing Cypress commands with Page Object model functions does not itself contribute to test flakiness.
Explanation: a Cypress command is never executed immediately. It does not matter if a Cypress command is called in any 'external' function (including a POM function) or directly in a test case function. Either way, Cypress commands are only enqueued when statements of a function are executed. And they later will be executed in the same order regardless whether they defined inside 'external' function or test case one.
This is also true for a command that was called inside a cypress synchronous block of code (in a then/should callback). Even in this case the command will not be executed immediately.
In a nutshell, using a POM function to call a Cypress command does not influence on how and when this command is executed and so using POM approach can not itself contribute to any test flakiness.
You can play and see the order of command execution using such a script:
You can either open Dev console to see the console output or use breakpoints to see the execution live.
The gif above shows the debugging directly from IDE (IntelliJ) using the Cypress Support Pro plugin

Selecting an element not equal to a certain string

I am trying to select an incorrect answer (radio button) to get an error message to appear, but the answers are random (except the correct answer).
How can I say get the radio buttons, and then click one that does not equal "correct answer" using cypress assertions?
.should('not.contain', 'correct answer')//.find('label').not('corect answer')//.not.includes('correct answer')
I would like to be able to select one of the two radio buttons for the incorrect answers, right now I can only select the correct answer.
be aware that .should('not.contain', 'correct answer') is an assertion, is not a way to filter/get some elements.
It's, essentially, just a way to check (aka "assert") that something is like you expect it to be.
An assertion like yours is useful just to get the Cypress log print something like this
Read it like if you are telling
"Ehy Cypress, I selected an element, could you check that it doesn't contain the correct answer, please?"
What are assertions useful for? They aren't useful when everything goes right but when the test goes wrong.
Because without assertions, you can find yourself behind a broken test with Cypress telling you that "there isn't the element" but you can't know which element Cypress isn't finding.
Placing some "key point" assertions allows you to understand why a test failed in short time.
Anyway: if your HTML is something like this
<div data-cy="multipleChoiceQuestionAnswer"><label>correct answer<input type="checkbox"/></label></div>
<div data-cy="multipleChoiceQuestionAnswer"><label>no<input type="checkbox"/></label></div>
<div data-cy="multipleChoiceQuestionAnswer"><label>nope<input type="checkbox"/></label></div>
you can accomplish your goal making:
cy.get('[data-cy="multipleChoiceQuestionAnswer"]').then(els => {
// `els` is a jQuery instance, let's parse the various elements
let $el;
for(let i = 0, n = els.length; i < n; i++) {
// it transforms every element in a jQuery instance
$el = Cypress.$(els[i]);
// it uses jQuery to get the label text
if($el.find("label").text() !== "correct answer") {
// it stops as soon as the answer isn't the correct one
// returns the element to be clicked
return $el.find("input");
// it assert about it (to have a useful hint in the Cypress command log)
.should("not.contain", "correct answer")
// clicks it
I hope the code is self-explanatory (in case it isn't, ask me some more clarifications) 😊

Selecting Ajax Dropdown suggestion list using Selenium for Firefox

How can i select Ajax Dropdown suggestion list item using selenium code for firefox??
My problem is :the Ajax dropdown list is visible but it is not selected and next steps gets stuck.
May be selenium is waiting for something.
the list that page populates is dynamic and in bla bla tags.
Please help with a example code.
How can i use waitfor* here.
Remember i am not using firefox ide but i am writing a code.
Please help.
I had a similar problem whereby, selenium was able to find the dropdown menu but was unable to click on the visible text. I later found out that there was an Ajax call that was populating the dropdown menu data and as a result selenium seemed to not be able to select the intended visible text because the list items had not been fully populated. That is, by the time the script was selecting my option value, Ajax had not completely loaded the menu options. Here's my solution:
public void nameOfCollegeList(String optionItem) {
// declare the dropdownMenu web element
WebElement dropDownMenu = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#CollegeNames"));
// click on the dropdownMenu element to initiate Ajax call;
// keep checking the drop down menu item list until you find the desired text that indicates that the menu has
// been fully loaded. In this example I always expect "Other (please specify)" to be the last item in the drop down menu.
// If I don't find the expected last item in the list in my if condition, execute the else condition by calling the
// same method(recursively). Please note that if the "if" statement is never satisfied then you'll end up with an
// infinite loop.
if (dropDownMenu.getText().contains("Other (please specify)")) {
new Select(dropDownMenu).selectByVisibleText(optionItem);
else {
i am little confused with your question at " :the Ajax dropdown list is visible but it is not selected "
this sounds like that the element is disabled. (Java coding)
if so selenium.isElementDisabled()
if not then,
1) programming laguage solution using while loop and isElementPresent() OR isElementDisabled()
//trigger the Ajax request and then
long initialTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
}while((!selenium.isElementPresent("AjaxElement")) && (System.getCurrentTimeMillis() - initialTime <= 5000)) ;
//some thing like above for client programming solution...but for,
2) selenium's inbuilt solution
we have a method called waitForCondition("java script to be executed", "time out value");
this method loops the javascript statement until it returns true or the supplied time out occurs
here the important thing is analyzing the application/Ajax element to find out which particular condition of the element changes.
from your explation my guess is this, display=none will be changed to display=block OR
disabled=true will be changed to disabled=false OR isReadOnly will be changed to no such attribute ect.....(you need to figure out this)
and then, use this attribute = value to build a javascript function as ,
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
you can work out the above statement however you want in your programming language.
try {
//do the action which triggers the Ajax call
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT[drop down element]').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
selenium.waitForCondition("window.document.getElementById('AJAX ELEMENT').disabled == 'false'", "3000");
catch(SeleniumException se)
if((se.getMessage()).toLowerCase().contains("timed out")
throw //..some a custom exception however your organisation requires
}"drop down element id", "option id");
and so on.....
