How do i know a contact was created or updated using google people api? - google-api

I'm using the google people API for independent projects and I came across the following issue, when I get the contacts that were created or updated after the last syncToken I can't tell if they were actually created or updated!

If you're syncing a set of contacts in your app with the set of contacts stored in Google Contacts,
then you can compare the contacts received from the People API with the contacts already existing in your app, all the contacts in the response that don't exist in your app were created since your last sync.


Can I get working places for all users from organization using calendar API?

I wonder if I can get working places for all users from organization using calendar API. Coworkers from my organization uses google calendar to mark if they work from home or office. I attach screen to show what I am talking about.
I've searched many endpoints from calendar API but did not find suitable one. Is it possible to get those information from API?
It is not yet possible to retrieve those information from the API.
But Google already documented it (tutorial, API reference) and it should come at some point in the (hopefully) near future.
Here is the related issue in their tracker :

how to remove/edit old attachments using google classroom API

using the google classroom api i am able to modify attachments
and everytime i call the method
but the attachments just concatenate to the previously attached files.
my question is how can i remove an attachment that i accidently added or that i want to replace?
just like the classroom UI enables you to remove an attachment after you added it
Google classroom UI
Unfortunately there is no feature available to remove attachments with Google Classroom API . This is a product limitation for the API and can be promoted for future development [1]. Your idea will then be available for other members of the community to browse and vote on. Depending on the business impact Google product engineers typically roll out into production.

Google Contacts API was turned off in our Developer Console mysteriously

Our application relies on the Google Contacts API. Access to the Google Contacts API was disabled in our Application on August 7th, 2017 at 6pm (Pacific). Graph:
We weren't notified by Google and I'm certain we haven't hit the quota. Our users let us know and we were able to re-enable it this morning successfully.
But we're trying to figure out how this happened. Has anyone else seen API access disabled without their knowledge... or can someone from Google help us track this down?
Yes, had the same issue today with one of our projects that is using Google Contacts API - found Contacts API disabled...
And that came with another quite annoying issue when we started to get "unusual traffic" web page content with the CAPTCHA thing instead of error, when trying to access Google Contacts API.
The detailed issue was registered by me here, you can take a look:

Google Contacts auto filled name but missing from api

I am implementing an api to pull contacts using Google Contacts Api. However, the result is different from what I have on Web version of Google Contacts. I can see name is auto filled when I add a contact by email. However, the name is missing when I pull data from api. Is there a way to get the name like Web version does?

Google calendar won't fetch ics feeds from

I have an app running on heroku that provides users with a calendar feed. This used to work on google calendar, but a few months ago it suddenly stopped working. People can't add their calendar to gcal, and users that already have their feeds in gcal experience issues with the calendar not updating.
I've debugged this for a while, trying to figure out what is wrong, and come to the conclusion that is on some sort of a grey/black list at google. This is how I came to my conclusion:
First I set up the app locally, exposing it to the interwebz using localtunnel. I added the localtunnel-url as a calendar feed and google immediately fetched it.
Then I set up a custom domain for my herokuapp, added the (custom domain) calendar url in google calendar, again it was retrieved and indexed immediately.
My findings can be reproduced with the following to urls (in google calendar, add by url):[any string here] <-- will not work[any string here] <-- works
(The p=[any string here] is a hack. Google has already indexed the no-param version (before it started acting up) of the url. The param is ignored by my app, but it will make google try to retrieve the calendar again, instead of getting it from the global calendar cache it seem to have).
So, my question is really, why is google not willing/able to get calendar feeds from
