Running another target after existing one - makefile

Imagine we have an existing (untouchable) Makefile with target "foo", and another included Makefile which I can modify. I would like to add a new target called "runafter" which shall be executed after "foo" was run. So the user keeps calling "foo" and some additional code shall be run afterwards.
The usual way to achieve this would be to rename the original ones and do something like:
foo: foo_old
# run some code or call another target explicitly
$(MAKE) runafter
But that only works if you can rename foo. If not, how could I extend the behavior of the existing target? Everything I tried to do with foo: ... apparently causes overriding of the old foo target (with warning). But I just want to run some code afterwards!

I do not see how to do this from the included makefile but if you use GNU make then you can add a makefile named makefile instead of Makefile:
$ cat makefile
$(MAKE) -f Makefile $#
$(MAKE) runafter
From the GNU make man page:
If no -f option is present, make will look for the makefiles GNUmakefile, makefile, and Makefile, in that order.
So you can also name it GNUmakefile if you wish. With one or the other running make foo should do what you want.


GNU make - reference targets in another makefile

Yes, my makefiles are written badly.
No, I/we didn't write them; we inherited this code base from another company.
I want to know if it's possible to fix my problem WITHOUT rewriting them.
Is there a way to reference targets from another makefile and use those as prerequisites?
Say you have:
all: libs binary
binary: # I need to add prereqs here
For binary, I need to targets in other makefiles as prereqs.
I cannot just include those makefiles, and therefore those targets, because those makefiles define identical variables but with different values.
Is it possible to do something like:
binary: C:/mk1:foo C:/mk2:bar
In case it's not clear, makefilesC:/mk1 and C:/mk2are part of the same makefile project that is being executed via some top level makefile with make --jobs=X so in theory all makefiles could be being made in parallel.
Sometimes Recursive Make [duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!] is the right tool for the job:
binary: foo bar
.PHONY: foo bar
$(MAKE) -f mk1 $#
$(MAKE) -f mk2 $#
The PHONY forces Make to execute those rules and invoke the other makefiles to (perhaps) rebuild foo and bar even if they already exist (because this makefile doesn't know what prerequisites they may have).
What about using the include makefile (or sinclude) mechanism to incorporate the inherited makefile? This should work as long as your own targets have different names.
You can also concatenate makefiles by specifying multiple -f makefile options. They are concatenated in order.

Makefile: Declaring dependencies between included files

Using make's ''Remaking Makefiles'' feature I am generating parts of my makefile with include directives (see Makefile: defining rules and prerequisites in recipes). Now I'm stuck with being unable to see how I can express dependencies between included makefiles. They seem to be all evaluated at once.
Consider the following minimal makefile that illustrates my problem:
-include foo.make
-include bar.make
foo.make: Makefile
echo FOO:=blub bla baz > foo.make
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo BAR:=$(FOO) > bar.make
If I now run make I will get:
$ cat foo.make
FOO:=blub bla baz
$ cat bar.make
Why? Since bar.make depends on foo.make, shouldn't the evaluation of bar.make wait until it successfully included foo.make?
And how do I fix this problem and make sure that bar.make is either re-evaluated later or only evaluated once foo.make exists, is included and can define the variable BAR?
The reason I cannot combine foo.make and bar.make into a single makefile and rule is two-fold:
Firstly, in my real setup, bar.make depends on more intermediate targets which in turn transitively depend on foo.make. So at the time foo.make can be created, the content of bar.make cannot yet be made.
Secondly, in my real setup, foo.make and bar.make do not just define variables but also eval() define/endef blocks. So I have to write:
-include makefile_with_prerequisite_variables
define MYDEF
sometarget-$1: $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES)
-include makefile_with_eval_call_statements
The content of makefile_with_prerequisite_variables and makefile_with_eval_call_statements cannot go into a single makefile snippet:
If I would put makefile_with_eval_call_statements above MYDEF together with makefile_with_prerequisite_variables then the $eval( $call( MYDEF)) statements in it would not work because MYDEF is only declared afterward.
If I would put makefile_with_prerequisite_variables below MYDEF together with makefile_with_eval_call_statements then the recipes defined in MYDEF would not have proper prerequisits because the $(TARGET_$1_PREREQUISITES) variables would then be declared afterward by makefile_with_prerequisite_variables.
In summary, I need to include two different makefiles where one depends upon the other. I do not know how I can express this relationship such that the content of one makefile would only be created after the other makefile is up-to-date and included into the main makefile.
First, your makefile creation in this simple example can easily be fixed by escaping the value of $(FOO) so that it's not expanded when bar.make is created but rather deferred until it's read in. So:
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
However, that might not be sufficient in your more complex real-life makefiles.
GNU make works like this: first parse all the makefiles. Then for every included makefile, treat it as a goal and try to build it (e.g., act as if the user invoked make ...). Then at the end of that, if any of the included makefiles was rebuilt, re-exec ourselves and start the entire process over from scratch.
GNU make does NOT work like this: parse makefiles, try to rebuild the first included makefile and if it's rebuilt, re-exec; if it's not rebuilt go on to the next included makefile, etc.
A simple trick you can use if you have to have this type of order is to put the include of bar.make into foo.make:
-include foo.make
foo.make: Makefile
printf -- '-include bar.make' > $#
echo FOO:=blub bla baz >> $#
bar.make: Makefile foo.make
echo 'BAR:=$$(FOO)' > $#
By doing this you ensure that if foo.make doesn't exist, make can't see the include of bar.make and so it won't try to build it. Only after the first re-exec will make see the include of bar.make and try to build it.
One thing: if you get the latest version of GNU make you no longer need to use the -include trick. You can just use include even with generated makefiles.

using the same make file in a separate directory

I have a makefile in directory foo and would like to use the same makefile in a subdirectory bar. I have been doing the following:
<do work in foo>
cd bar;
make -f ../Makefile <target to make in bar>
This gets very messy when I try to do target specific variable values as I need to pass them on the command line when calling make in bar. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
I cannot tell from the question whether the following solution suites your needs, it might - or might not - work for you.
If your situation is that you simply want the same Makefile features available, include could be a solution. You can create a Makefile in directory bar in which you do everything you need specific to bar, and besides that, you do:
include ../foo/Makefile
Caveat! This doesn't work straight-forward. There cannot be two recipes with the same name. For example, if you want foo/Makefile to do recipeBar for all, and you want foo/Makefile to do recipeFoo and recipeBar for all, the following does not work:
.PHONY: all
.PHONY: all
include foo/Makefile
Instead, the recipes have to be separated into unique names. However, dependency rules can be there multiple times, so it's not really a challenge to workaround this caveat. So, the following would work:
.PHONY: all
all: allFoo
.PHONY: allFoo
.PHONY: all
all: allBar
.PHONY: allBar
include foo/Makefile
Now, if you run make in bar, it would run recipeFoo and recipeBar.
If the sequence matters to you and recipeFoo must run before recipeBar, make allBar dependent on allFoo, like this:
.PHONY: all
all: allBar
.PHONY: allBar
allBar: allFoo
include foo/Makefile
If you want your target-specific variables available when you call another make (for which I recommend to use $(MAKE) not make), you can export your variables - with the corresponding consequences (environment space overflow risk on some Windows versions, .
For example, if you have a target-specific variable FOO for target all in Makefile, and you want that when calling Submake.mak that variable is known, it works like this:
all: export FOO:=bar
.PHONY: all
$(MAKE) -f Submake.mak
.PHONY: all
echo $(FOO)
Create a link (hard or symbolic, your choice) in bar to ../Makefile. Then, as Carl points out in his comment, you can make -C bar and everything should work. (As of gmake 3.81, at least, make switches to the new directory first, then does its thing. I cannot speak for gmake 4.0.)

How to have variables of one included makefile available in another makefile included later?

I have the Makefile below,
where has the following content,
and is as follows:
.PHONY: all
$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_MAKEFILE) display
.PHONY: display
#echo "FOO=$(FOO)"
#echo "BAR=$(BAR)"
The problem is that make all results in the following output
instead of
How to have the variables FOO and BAR available in
When you execute just make -f (in the all target), the values are not set because you've just reread without pre-reading
In the Makefile, the variables are set. If you add a rule such as:
#echo "FOO=$(FOO); BAR=$(BAR)"
to the Makefile, and then run make check, you'll see that FOO and BAR are indeed set.
So, the question becomes: why on earth are you doing what you are doing — and why are you expecting just make -f to know about stuff set in a makefile that the second invocation of make hasn't read? I think this is probably an XY Problem.
You could add include to; that might make sense (but then the main Makefile would only need to contain include, leaving open the question of why you have both).
They are available in They aren't available in the sub-make that you are spawning because you haven't exported them.
Use $(info FOO:$(FOO))/etc. in and you'll see them print out correctly.

What is the purpose of .PHONY in a Makefile?

What does .PHONY mean in a Makefile? I have gone through this, but it is too complicated.
Can somebody explain it to me in simple terms?
By default, Makefile targets are "file targets" - they are used to build files from other files. Make assumes its target is a file, and this makes writing Makefiles relatively easy:
foo: bar
create_one_from_the_other foo bar
However, sometimes you want your Makefile to run commands that do not represent physical files in the file system. Good examples for this are the common targets "clean" and "all". Chances are this isn't the case, but you may potentially have a file named clean in your main directory. In such a case Make will be confused because by default the clean target would be associated with this file and Make will only run it when the file doesn't appear to be up-to-date with regards to its dependencies.
These special targets are called phony and you can explicitly tell Make they're not associated with files, e.g.:
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf *.o
Now make clean will run as expected even if you do have a file named clean.
In terms of Make, a phony target is simply a target that is always out-of-date, so whenever you ask make <phony_target>, it will run, independent from the state of the file system. Some common make targets that are often phony are: all, install, clean, distclean, TAGS, info, check.
Let's assume you have install target, which is a very common in makefiles. If you do not use .PHONY, and a file named install exists in the same directory as the Makefile, then make install will do nothing. This is because Make interprets the rule to mean "execute such-and-such recipe to create the file named install". Since the file is already there, and its dependencies didn't change, nothing will be done.
However if you make the install target PHONY, it will tell the make tool that the target is fictional, and that make should not expect it to create the actual file. Hence it will not check whether the install file exists, meaning: a) its behavior will not be altered if the file does exist and b) extra stat() will not be called.
Generally all targets in your Makefile which do not produce an output file with the same name as the target name should be PHONY. This typically includes all, install, clean, distclean, and so on.
NOTE: The make tool reads the makefile and checks the modification time-stamps of the files at both the side of ':' symbol in a rule.
In a directory 'test' following files are present:
prerit#vvdn105:~/test$ ls
hello hello.c makefile
In makefile a rule is defined as follows:
cc hello.c -o hello
Now assume that file 'hello' is a text file containing some data, which was created after 'hello.c' file. So the modification (or creation) time-stamp of 'hello' will be newer than that of the 'hello.c'. So when we will invoke 'make hello' from command line, it will print as:
make: `hello' is up to date.
Now access the 'hello.c' file and put some white spaces in it, which doesn't affect the code syntax or logic then save and quit. Now the modification time-stamp of hello.c is newer than that of the 'hello'. Now if you invoke 'make hello', it will execute the commands as:
cc hello.c -o hello
And the file 'hello' (text file) will be overwritten with a new binary file 'hello' (result of above compilation command).
If we use .PHONY in makefile as follow:
cc hello.c -o hello
and then invoke 'make hello', it will ignore any file present in the pwd 'test' and execute the command every time.
Now suppose, that 'hello' target has no dependencies declared:
cc hello.c -o hello
and 'hello' file is already present in the pwd 'test', then 'make hello' will always show as:
make: `hello' is up to date.
.PHONY: install
means the word "install" doesn't represent a file name in this
means the Makefile has nothing to do with a file called "install"
in the same directory.
It is a build target that is not a filename.
The special target .PHONY: allows to declare phony targets, so that make will not check them as actual file names: it will work all the time even if such files still exist.
You can put several .PHONY: in your Makefile :
.PHONY: all
all : prog1 prog2
.PHONY: clean distclean
clean :
distclean :
There is another way to declare phony targets : simply put :: without prerequisites :
all :: prog1 prog2
clean ::
distclean ::
The :: has other special meanings, see here, but without prerequisites it always execute the recipes, even if the target already exists, thus acting as a phony target.
The best explanation is the GNU make manual itself: 4.6 Phony Targets section.
.PHONY is one of make's Special Built-in Target Names. There are other targets that you may be interested in, so it's worth skimming through these references.
When it is time to consider a .PHONY target, make will run its recipe
unconditionally, regardless of whether a file with that name exists or
what its last-modification time is.
You may also be interested in make's Standard Targets such as all and clean.
There's also one important tricky treat of ".PHONY" - when a physical target depends on phony target that depends on another physical target:
You'd simply expect that if you updated TARGET2, then TARGET1 should be considered stale against TARGET1, so TARGET1 should be rebuild. And it really works this way.
The tricky part is when TARGET2 isn't stale against TARGET1 - in which case you should expect that TARGET1 shouldn't be rebuild.
This surprisingly doesn't work because: the phony target was run anyway (as phony targets normally do), which means that the phony target was considered updated. And because of that TARGET1 is considered stale against the phony target.
all: fileall
fileall: file2 filefwd
echo file2 file1 >fileall
file2: file2.src
echo file2.src >file2
file1: file1.src
echo file1.src >file1
echo file1.src >>file1
.PHONY: filefwd
.PHONY: filefwd2
filefwd: filefwd2
filefwd2: file1
#echo "Produced target file1"
echo "Some text 1" >> file1.src
echo "Some text 2" >> file2.src
You can play around with this:
first do 'make prepare' to prepare the "source files"
play around with that by touching particular files to see them updated
You can see that fileall depends on file1 indirectly through a phony target - but it always gets rebuilt due to this dependency. If you change the dependency in fileall from filefwd to file, now fileall does not get rebuilt every time, but only when any of dependent targets is stale against it as a file.
I often use them to tell the default target not to fire.
superclean: clean andsomethingelse
blah: superclean
#echo clean
#echo catcher $#
.PHONY: superclean
Without PHONY, make superclean would fire clean, andsomethingelse, and catcher superclean; but with PHONY, make superclean won't fire the catcher superclean.
We don't have to worry about telling make the clean target is PHONY, because it isn't completely phony. Though it never produces the clean file, it has commands to fire so make will think it's a final target.
However, the superclean target really is phony, so make will try to stack it up with anything else that provides deps for the superclean target — this includes other superclean targets and the % target.
Note that we don't say anything at all about andsomethingelse or blah, so they clearly go to the catcher.
The output looks something like this:
$ make clean
$ make superclean
catcher andsomethingelse
$ make blah
catcher andsomethingelse
catcher blah
