How can I remove an unwanted import alias in Go? - go

I found that very useful Go library in the web that tries to port Python sets to Go.
Thanks to Visual Studio Code I eventually got it to work by importing the library import "" and calling a function in my code:
mySet := mapset.NewSet()
VS Code automatically recognizes the alias and replaces the import directive:
import mapset ""
However, being someone who finds those aliases confusing, I was trying to remove it but doing so, VSCode removes it from both the import statements and my code. VS Code then tells me:
undeclared name: NewSet compiler(UndeclaredName)
The package name from NewSet(...) is also package mapset. So I thought I could simply remove it. But it does not work.
I also tried to work analogously to other 3rd party packages and call the functions by the repository's name:
mySet := golang-set.NewSet()
This also leads to an error. Is the removing of the alias not possible here due to the hyphen maybe or am I overseeing something else?

Several things here:
mapset is the package name. You can see this by looking at the package source code.
While the import alias, in this case, is not strictly needed from a language standpoint, it's added for clarity, since the package name (mapset) does not match the import path (golang-set). Without the alias in the import statement, there's no way to tell how the package is referenced. This is why it's important for it to be there.
You cannot use golang-set as your import name, becuase the - character is not permitted in an import alias. However, if you really want to, you could use golang_set or similar, by explicitly providing this as your alias:
import golang_set ""
Note that this goes against naming conventions, in that packages should not have _ characters in the name. But it should still be valid.
Best practice would be just to use mapset as the alias. It's the least confusing of all the available options (which is why it's automatically selected).


Selecting right import based on string in Go

Consider the following
import ( "library_a"
I want to be able to select the right library based on the letter.
So if I have z as input it will pick library_z.
What is a way to do this without requiring a massive switch statement?
If you want to use different libraries then you would have to import all of them and actually use them in your code.
From the docs:
It is illegal for a package to import itself, directly or indirectly, or to directly import a package without referring to any of its exported identifiers.
You will have to use a switch if you want to use different package implementations!

Can I develop a go package in multiple source directories?

I am developing a go package, which is a little bit complex and thus I want to organize the source code into multiple directories.
However, I don't want the users of the package to have to use too long imports. Anyways, the internal structure of the package isn't their concern.
Thus, my package structure looks so:
...and so on. All of them have their exported calls.
I would like to avoid that my users have to import
import (
...and so on.
I only want, if they want to use an exported function from my package, they should have access all of them by simply importing mypackage.
I tried that I declare package mypackage in all of the .go files. Thus, I had source files in different directories, but with the same package declaration.
In this case, the problem what I've confronted was that I simply couldn't import multiple directories from the same package. It said:
./src1.go:6:15: error: redefinition of ‘mypackage’
./src1.go:4:10: note: previous definition of ‘mypackage’ was here
./src1.go:5:15: error: redefinition of ‘mypackage’
./src1.go:4:10: note: previous definition of ‘mypackage’ was here
Is it somehow possible?
You should not do this in any case, as the language spec allows a compiler implementation to reject such constructs. Quoting from Spec: Package clause:
A set of files sharing the same PackageName form the implementation of a package. An implementation may require that all source files for a package inhabit the same directory.
Instead "structure" your file names to mimic the folder structure; e.g. instead of files of
You could simply use:
Also if your package is so big that you would need multiple folders to even "host" the files of the package implementation, you should really consider not implementing it as a single package, but break it into multiple packages.
Also note that Go 1.5 introduced internal packages. If you create a special internal subfolder inside your package folder, you may create any number of subpackages inside that (even using multiple levels). Your package will be able to import and use them (or to be more precise all packages rooted at your package folder), but no one else outside will be able to do so, it would be a compile time error.
E.g. you may create a foo package, have a foo/foo.go file, and foo/internal/bar package. foo will be able to import foo/internal/bar, but e.g. boo won't. Also foo/baz will also be able to import and use foo/internal/bar because it's rooted at foo/.
So you may use internal packages to break down your big package into smaller ones, effectively grouping your source files into multiple folders. Only thing you have to pay attention to is to put everything your package wants to export into the package and not into the internal packages (as those are not importable / visible from the "outside").
Inside your package source code, you have to differentiate your source directories by renamed imports. You can declare the same package mypackage in all of your source files (even if they are in different directories).
However, while you import them, you should give an induvidual names to the directories. In your source src1.go, import the other directories on this way:
import (
submodule1 "mypackage/mySubDir"
And you will be able to reach the API defined in "mypackage" as mypackage.AnyThing(), and the API defined in mySubDir as submodule1.AnyThing().
The external world (i.e. the users of your package) will see all exported entities in myPackage.AnyThing().
Avoid namespace collisions. And use better understable, intuitive naming as in the example.
Yes, this is doable without any problems, just invoke the Go compiler by hand, that is not via the go tool.
But the best advice is: Don't do that. It's ugly and unnecessarily complicated. Just design your package properly.
Addendum (because the real intention of this answer seems to get lost sometimes, maybe because irony is too subtle): Don't do that!! This is an incredible stupid idea! Stop fighting the tools! Everybody will rightfully hate you if you do that! Nobody will understand your code or be able to compile it! Just because something is doable in theory doesn't mean this is a sensible idea in any way. Not even for "learning purpose"! You probably even don't know how to invoke the Go compiler by hand and if you figure it out it will be a major pita.

What is the point of using _ in import in go [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does an underscore in front of an import statement mean?
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have seen a strange syntax in go while importing packages: import _ fmt.
I am aware that import f fmt works like an alias for this package and also I know that _ is used as a variable that should not be cared about.
So no prize for guessing that here I am importing a package that I am not going to use. And in fact it looks like this is what happening here.
What I fail to understand is why this might be helpful. If I use for _, v := range(arr){} I use _ because I have no choice and I need to specify to the compiler that it should not worry about the variable that I will not be using.
But if I do not intend to use a package, I would just omit it (if it might be useful later, I would comment it). But no reason for it to be compiled and added to source code.
So is there any point of using this syntax, or is this just a useless artifact from combining aliasing and unused variables?
It means that you want to import it for the side effects. It's usually used with packages that include an init. Of course you could import it normally, too, but the _ makes it clear that you only wanted the side effects.
Search for "Import for side effect" in Effective Go for discussion.
A very common example is net/http/pprof, which attaches some new handlers to the default mux. Packages like use it in the same way to silently modify the default http client.

Reference a symbol in a Go package without knowing if you are in that package?

Assume there is a function F in package A that some code I'm creating needs to call. How do I call it?
If I'm Calling it from outside package A, then I uses A.F(...) and if I'm inside A I uses F(...). But what if Murphy prevents me from knowing which is true or requires a byte identical line work in both?
[note: I'm taking it as a given that such a case will occur because, in my experience and observations, that is generally a safe assumption. Even in the absence of technical reasons for it, PHBs and legislators are good sources of the ridiculous.]
There is no such syntax. Observe the following things:
Cyclical imports are forbidden. This especially means that a package cannot import itself. Thus, a package cannot refer to one of its symbols S with the pkg.S syntax because it will not be able to import itself.
Even if you solved that problem, observe that packages can be given an arbitrary name once imported. For instance, you could do:
import bar "foo"
Which imports S from package "foo" as bar.S as opposed to the expected foo.S.
The following things could be used to work around this:
In the package "foo", create an internal object foo whose members are the symbols foo exports. This allows you to use the foo.S syntax in foo itself, but is a horrible kludge.
Use an import declaration like
import . "foo"
which allows you to use symbol S from package "foo" as S, i. e. without prefix. Notice that this kind of import declaration, called dot imports, is considered bad style and might break things if the set of symbols you declare / the package you import declares changes.

How to disable Golang unused import error

By default, Go treats unused import as error, forcing you to delete the import.
I want to know if there exists some hope to change to this behavior, e.g. reducing it to warning.
I find this problem extremely annoying, preventing me from enjoying coding in Go.
For example, I was testing some code, disabling a segment/function. Some functions from a lib is no longer used (e.g. fmt, errors, whatever), but I will need to re-enable the function after a little testing. Now the program won't compile unless I remove those imports, and a few minutes later I need to re-import the lib.
I was doing this process again and again when developing a GAE program.
Adding an underscore (_) before a package name will ignore the unused import error.
Here is an example of how you could use it:
import (
_ ""
To import a package solely for its side-effects (initialization), use
the blank identifier as explicit package name.
View more at
The var _ = fmt.Printf trick is helpful here.
I have the same problem. I understand the reasoning for why they implemented the language to disallow unused imports and variables, but I personally find this feature annoying when writing my code. To get around this, I changed around my compiler to allow optional flags for allowing unused variables and imports in my code.
If you are interested, you can see this at
Now, I can simply run code with a command such as go run -gcflags '-unused_pkgs' test.go and it will not throw these "unused import" errors. If I leave out these flags, then it returns to the default of not allowing unused imports.
Doing this only required a few simple changes. Go purists will probably not be happy with these changes since there is good reason to not allow unused variables/imports, but I personally agree with you that this issue makes it much less enjoyable to code in Go which is why I made these changes to my compiler.
Use goimports. It's basically a fork of gofmt, written by Brad Fitzpatrick and now included in the go tools packages. You can configure your editor to run it whenever you save a file. You'll never have to worry about this problem again.
Use if false { ... } to comment out some code. The code inside the braces must be syntactically correct, but can be nonsense code otherwise.
If you are using the fmt package for general printing to console while you develop and test then you may find a better solution in the log package.
A lot of people have already commented with valid justification and I also acknowledge the original author's intention. However, Rob Pike mentioned in different forums that Go is the outcome of simplification of the processes that a few other mainstream programming languages either lack or not easy to achieve. It's Go's language semantics as well as to make the compilation faster, there are a lot of things that are adopted which initially seems inefficient.
To make it short, unused imports are considered as errors in Go as it blots the program and slows down the compilation. Using import for side effect (_) is a workaround, however, I find this confusing at times when there is a mix of valid imports with side effects along with side effects imported purely for the purpose of debugging/testing especially when the code base is large and there is a chance to forget and not delete unintentionally which may confuse other engineers/reviewers later. I used to comment out the unused ones, however, popular IDEs such as VS code and Goland can use goimports easily which does the insertion and deletion of the imports pretty well. Please refer to the link for more info,
put this on top of your document and forget about unused imports:
import (
var _, _, _, _ = fmt.Println, bufio.NewReader, os.Open, filepath.IsAbs
