How do I create a writer function for the tunnel program below? The code below is a sample program to create windows tunnel interface. I want to write a function that writes (or sends) packets to another server IP address. Github link for full code and its dependencies given below.
use log::*;
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
static RUNNING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
fn main() {
let wintun = unsafe { wintun::load_from_path("examples/wintun/bin/amd64/wintun.dll") }
.expect("Failed to load wintun dll");
let version = wintun::get_running_driver_version(&wintun);
info!("Using wintun version: {:?}", version);
let adapter = match wintun::Adapter::open(&wintun, "Demo") {
Ok(a) => a,
Err(_) => wintun::Adapter::create(&wintun, "Example", "Demo", None)
.expect("Failed to create wintun adapter!"),
let version = wintun::get_running_driver_version(&wintun).unwrap();
info!("Using wintun version: {:?}", version);
let session = Arc::new(adapter.start_session(wintun::MAX_RING_CAPACITY).unwrap());
let reader_session = session.clone();
let reader = std::thread::spawn(move || {
while RUNNING.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
match reader_session.receive_blocking() {
Ok(packet) => {
let bytes = packet.bytes();
"Read packet size {} bytes. Header data: {:?}",
Err(_) => println!("Got error while reading packet"),
println!("Press enter to stop session");
let mut line = String::new();
let _ = std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line);
println!("Shutting down session");, Ordering::Relaxed);
let _ = reader.join();
println!("Shutdown complete");
I'm trying to iterate through NEAR's RocksDB,
I've downloaded the small backup from s3 and using the code below to iterate through col33 (transactions)
But it doesn't print anything as RocksDB would be empty (but it is not obviously),
could you please point me out what I'm doing wrong?
use std::env;
use rocksdb::{ColumnFamilyDescriptor, DB, IteratorMode, Options};
fn col_name(col: i32) -> String {
format!("col{}", col)
fn main() {
println!("Hello, RocksDB!");
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let path = if args.len() > 1 {
} else {
println!("data dir={}", &path);
let opts = Options::default();
let mut cfs:Vec<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> = Vec::new();
for col in 33..34 {
let db = DB::open_cf_descriptors_read_only(
&opts,&path, cfs, false,
let iter = db.iterator(IteratorMode::Start);
for (key, value) in iter {
println!("Saw {:?} {:?}", key, value);
let k = String::from_utf8(key.to_vec()).unwrap();
let v = String::from_utf8(value.to_vec()).unwrap();
println!("Saw {:?} {:?}", k, v);
let _ = DB::destroy(&Options::default(), &path);
I've found what was wrong,
as Asad Awadia mentioned, I'm using iterator over default column family here.
I've used iterator_cf instead and got some data:
let cf_handle = db.cf_handle("col33").unwrap();
let iter = db.iterator_cf(cf_handle, IteratorMode::Start);
I'm currently trying to parse a .txt com zone file. It is structured like so xx xx
Currently my code is structured like so
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
use rusqlite::{params, Connection, Result};
struct Domain {
id: i32,
domain: String,
use std::io::stdin;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut reader = my_reader::BufReader::open("data/com_practice.txt")?;
let mut buffer = String::new();
let conn: Connection = Connection::open("/Users/alex/Projects/domain_randomizer/data/domains.db").unwrap();
while let Some(line) = reader.read_line(&mut buffer) {
let regexed_i_think = rexeginton_the_domain_only(line?.trim());
println!("{:?}", regexed_i_think);
sqliting(regexed_i_think, &conn).unwrap();
let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, domain FROM domains").unwrap();
let domain_iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| {
Ok(Domain {
id: row.get(0)?,
domain: row.get(1)?,
for domain in domain_iter {
println!("Found person {:?}", domain.unwrap());
pub fn sqliting(domain_name: &str, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
let yeah = Domain {
id: 0,
domain: domain_name.to_string()
"INSERT INTO domains (domain) VALUES (?1)",
mod my_reader {
use std::{
io::{self, prelude::*},
pub struct BufReader {
reader: io::BufReader<File>,
impl BufReader {
pub fn open(path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>) -> io::Result<Self> {
let file = File::open(path)?;
let reader = io::BufReader::new(file);
Ok(Self { reader })
pub fn read_line<'buf>(
&mut self,
buffer: &'buf mut String,
) -> Option<io::Result<&'buf mut String>> {
.map(|u| if u == 0 { None } else { Some(buffer) })
pub fn rexeginton_the_domain_only(full_line: &str) -> &str {
let regex_str = Regex::new(r"(?m).*?.com").unwrap();
let final_str = regex_str.captures(full_line).unwrap().get(0).unwrap().as_str();
return final_str;
So I am Parsing a single domain at a time, each time making an Insert. As I've gathered, Inserting would be far more efficient if I was making thousands of Inserts in a single transaction. However, I'm not quite sure what an efficient approach is to refactoring my parsing around this.
How should I reorient my parsing process around my Insertion process? Also how can I actively gauge the speed and efficiency of the process in the first place so I can compare and contrast in an articulate manner?
I am trying out the yet-unstable async-await syntax in nightly Rust 1.38 with futures-preview = "0.3.0-alpha.16" and runtime = "0.3.0-alpha.6". It feels really cool, but the docs are (yet) scarce and I got stuck.
To go a bit beyond the basic examples I would like to create an app that:
Accepts TCP connections on a given port;
Broadcasts all the data received from any connection to all active connections.
Existing docs and examples got me this far:
use futures::{
io::{ReadHalf, WriteHalf, Read},
use runtime::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::io;
async fn read_stream(mut reader: ReadHalf<TcpStream>) -> (ReadHalf<TcpStream>, io::Result<Box<[u8]>>) {
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 1024];
match buffer).await {
Ok(len) => {
(reader, Ok(buffer.into_boxed_slice()))
Err(err) => (reader, Err(err)),
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
println!("Listening on {}", listener.local_addr()?);
let mut incoming = listener.incoming().fuse();
let mut writers: Vec<WriteHalf<TcpStream>> = vec![];
let mut reads = vec![];
loop {
select! {
maybe_stream = incoming.select_next_some() => {
let (mut reader, writer) = maybe_stream?.split();
maybe_read = select_all(reads.iter()) => {
match maybe_read {
(reader, Ok(data)) => {
for writer in writers {
writer.write_all(data).await.ok(); // Ignore errors here
(reader, Err(err)) => {
let reader_addr = reader.peer_addr().unwrap();
writers.retain(|writer| writer.peer_addr().unwrap() != reader_addr);
This fails with:
error: recursion limit reached while expanding the macro `$crate::dispatch`
--> src/
36 | / select! {
37 | | maybe_stream = incoming.select_next_some() => {
38 | | let (mut reader, writer) = maybe_stream?.split();
39 | | writers.push(writer);
... |
55 | | }
56 | | }
| |_________^
= help: consider adding a `#![recursion_limit="128"]` attribute to your crate
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)
This is very confusing. Maybe I am using select_all() in a wrong way? Any help in making it work is appreciated!
For completeness, my Cargo.toml:
name = "async-test"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["xxx"]
edition = "2018"
runtime = "0.3.0-alpha.6"
futures-preview = { version = "=0.3.0-alpha.16", features = ["async-await", "nightly"] }
In case someone is following, I hacked it together finally. This code works:
use futures::{
mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedSender},
use runtime::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::{
async fn read_stream(
addr: SocketAddr,
drop: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
mut reader: ReadHalf<TcpStream>,
sender: UnboundedSender<(SocketAddr, io::Result<Box<[u8]>>)>
) {
let mut drop = drop.fuse();
loop {
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = vec![0; 1024];
select! {
result = buffer).fuse() => {
match result {
Ok(len) => {
sender.unbounded_send((addr, Ok(buffer.into_boxed_slice())))
.expect("Channel error");
if len == 0 {
Err(err) => {
sender.unbounded_send((addr, Err(err))).expect("Channel error");
_ = drop => {
enum Event {
Message(SocketAddr, io::Result<Box<[u8]>>),
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
eprintln!("Listening on {}", listener.local_addr()?);
let mut writers = HashMap::new();
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();
let connections = listener.incoming().map(|maybe_stream| Event::Connection(maybe_stream));
let messages =|(addr, maybe_message)| Event::Message(addr, maybe_message));
let mut events = stream::select(connections, messages);
loop {
match {
Some(Event::Connection(Ok(stream))) => {
let addr = stream.peer_addr().unwrap();
eprintln!("New connection from {}", addr);
let (reader, writer) = stream.split();
let (drop_sender, drop_receiver) = oneshot::channel();
writers.insert(addr, (writer, drop_sender));
runtime::spawn(read_stream(addr, drop_receiver, reader, sender.clone()));
Some(Event::Message(addr, Ok(message))) => {
if message.len() == 0 {
eprintln!("Connection closed by client: {}", addr);
eprintln!("Received {} bytes from {}", message.len(), addr);
if &*message == b"quit\n" {
eprintln!("Dropping client {}", addr);
for (&other_addr, (writer, _)) in &mut writers {
if addr != other_addr {
writer.write_all(&message).await.ok(); // Ignore errors
Some(Event::Message(addr, Err(err))) => {
eprintln!("Error reading from {}: {}", addr, err);
_ => panic!("Event error"),
I use a channel and spawn a reading task for each client. Special care had to be taken to ensure that readers get dropped with writers: this is why oneshot future is used. When oneshot::Sender is dropped, the oneshot::Receiver future resolves to canceled state, which is a notification mechanism for a reading task to know it is time to halt. To demonstrate that it works, we drop a client as soon as we get "quit" message.
Sadly, there is a (seemingly useless) warning regarding an unused JoinHandle from the runtime::spawn call, and I don't really know how to eliminate it.
App upload through the interface to the server, the server and then upload the picture to the storage space.I know my method is not the best If there are good ways to thank share
code look like this:
with main.swift
let config = try Config()
try config.addProvider(PostgreSQLProvider.Provider.self)
let drop = try Droplet(config)
let fleCrl = FileController();
fleCrl.addRoutest(drop: drop);
drop.resource("files", fleCrl);
with FileController.swift
final class FileController: ResourceRepresentable{
var drop:Droplet?;
public func addRoutest(drop: Droplet) -> Void {
self.drop = drop;
let d = drop.grouped("file");"updateFile", handler: updateFile)
func updateFile(req:Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
let picName =["name"]?.string ?? String();
let bytes:[UInt8] = (["data"]?.bytes)!;
let request = Request(,uri:"");
let t = "image/\(picName)";
let token =["token"]?.bytes;
request.formData = [
"token":Field(name:"token",filename:nil,part:Part(headers:[:], body: token!)),
"file":Field(name:"file",filename:t,part:Part(headers:["Content-Type": ""],body:bytes)),
let resp = try self.drop?.client.respond(to: request);
return resp?.data["info"]?.string;
with client
let data = try Data.init(contentsOf: URL.init(string: "video.m3u8")!);
Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in
multipartFormData.append(data!, withName: "data", fileName: "video", mimeType:"application/x-mpegURL")
multipartFormData.append("videoName".data(using: .utf8)!, withName: "name")
}, to: "") { (encodingResult) in
switch encodingResult {
case .success(let upload, _, _):
upload.responseJSON { response in
case .failure(let encodingError):
The server console is reported as follows
[Stream Error: The stream is closed] [Identifier: Transport.StreamError.closed]
Chat server which fails to compile:
use std::io::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::io::{Acceptor, Listener};
enum StreamOrSlice {
Slc(uint, [u8, ..1024])
fn main() {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("", 5555);
// bind the listener to the specified address
let mut acceptor = listener.listen();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
let mut streams: Vec<TcpStream> = Vec::new();
loop {
let rxd: StreamOrSlice = rx.recv();
match rxd {
Strm(stream) => {
Slc(len, buf) => {
for stream in streams.iter_mut() {
let _ = stream.write(buf.slice(0, len));
// accept connections and process them, spawning a new tasks for each one
for stream in acceptor.incoming() {
match stream {
Err(e) => { /* connection failed */ }
Ok(mut stream) => {
// connection succeeded
let tx2 = tx.clone();
spawn(proc() {
let mut buf: [u8, ..1024] = [0, ..1024];
loop {
let len =;
tx2.send(Slc(len.unwrap(), buf));
The error is:
Compiling chat v0.1.0 (file:///home/chris/rust/chat)
task 'rustc' has overflowed its stack
Could not compile `chat`.
Is this fixable in code, or is it a compiler bug?
Note: #Levans thanks for your help this evening.
The compiler has crashed. You are not even writing your own macros. This is 100% a compiler bug. Report it.