Workflow Elsa ParallelForEach blocking activity - elsa-workflows

I have a blocking activity after a parallel foreach which is waiting for an input to be restarted, on the other hand the column [WorkflowInstances].[Data] there is only the last activity blocked and not all the activities blocked after the Paralleforeach, also DispatchWorkflowsAsync return only the last activity. any idea ?

There is a known limitation with Elsa 2 that prevents the ParallelForEach activity from being able to handle blocking activities.
The ParallelForEach activity iterates over each item immediately, thereby scheduling multiple Iterate outcomes, which schedules each subsequent activity for execution.
When a blocking activity is encountered, its ID and type is stored in the blocking activities collection in the workflow instance object.
And therein lies the problem: the blocking activities collection is a hash set - which means that every time the blocking activity gets registered here, it overwrites the one from the previous iteration.
To solve for this, the internal structure of the workflow instance needs to be changed such that it can store multiple scopes as described in this issue.


Camunda: Receive multiple, different messages at once

I am currently developing a kinda complex workflow with camunda. The goal of this workflow is to orchestrate the execution of different external business processes. Which includes start, overwatch and synchronize these workflows. Everything besides the synchronization works as expected.
My example has one main workflow which starts multiple sub workflows. The main workflow has to be aware when all sub workflows are finished. Every sub workflow is triggered by a message and sends a message back to the main workflow at the end of execution. Therefore, all sub workflows should be synchronized in the main workflow.
Xml can be accessed on this site:
Unfortunately, this leads to numerous message correlation exceptions at the choke point in the main workflow (1st lane, after the first parallel gateway). I am using the following code to correlate the messages:
The whole workflow is executable and runs without errors, but only if one example_workflow at a time is executed. Starting multiple example_workflows quickly one after another results in this type of exception randomly for every message type:
ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cmd.CorrelateMessageCmd.execute( ~[camunda-engine-7.14.0.jar!/:7.14.0]
Currently, the correlation exceptions occur if a postgresql database is used. The same workflow runs much better, but not perfect, when we use a h2 file-based database. All receive tasks are not configured asynchronously, only send tasks are (async before + exclusive).
Is this already the best practice to synchronize multiple messages in one workflow?
What could be the reason for the correlation exceptions while using a postgresql database?
Used software:
spring boot application [Version:2.3.4]
camunda [Version:7.14.0]
h2 [Version:1.4.200]
postgresql [Version:42.2.22]
the process model seems to contain sequences where it can run into a deadlock (What if blue is followed directly by green? Or yellow?) or where you have race conditions. If the process has not reached a state where it is in a receiving state for the message, then the message delivery will fail (as indicated in the error message you shared)
(The reason you are observing the CorellationException more frequently on postgresql if the race condition. With this external database some operations take slightly more time, increasing the chance of the race condition occurring).
The process engine needs to be able to match a message to a unique receiver. If there are multiple potential receivers for the same message name, and no other correlation criteria creating a unique match is provided, then the delivery will also fail. You either need to use unique message names per instance or better use a businessKey or a process data which is unique per instance as additional correlation criteria. This is why it does not work when you run multiple process instances.
Modelling a workflow with this parallel message bottleneck leads to a race condition, as mentioned by #rob2universe's post.
To solve this problem, I had firstly to correlate the messages directly. I did this by adding a unique identifier to every message, which was not a big deal due to the fact that an item ID was defined within the payload of every message. Secondly, I had to remove all asynchronous and exclusive markers for every receive task and connected gateways. And thirdly, I had to reset the job executor properties to default values. Limiting the pool size and jobs per acquisition did not benefit the workflow execution.
After all these changes, my workflow now runs as expected with no errors. Unfortunately, due to the described bottleneck optimistic logging exceptions are common, but the workflow engine handles these exceptions without further errors.

API waiting for a specific record on DynamoDb without pooling

I am inheriting a workflow that has a reasonable amount of data stored in DynamoDb. The data is periodically refreshed by Lambdas calling third parties when needed. The lambdas are triggered by both SQS and DynamoDB streams and go through four or five steps before the data is updated.
I'm given the task to write an API that can forcibly update N items and return their status. The obvious way to do this without reinventing the wheel and honoring DRY is to trigger an event that spawns off a refresh for each item so that the lambdas can do their thing.
The trouble is that I'm not sure the best pub/sub approach to handle being notified that end state of each workflow is met. Do I read from an update/insert stream of dynamodb to see if the records are updated? Do I create some sort of pub/sub model like Reddis or SNS to listen for the end state of each lambda being triggered?
Since I'm writing a REST API, timeouts, if there are failures along the line, arefine. But at the same time I want to make sure I can handle the following.
Be guaranteed that I can be notified that an update occurred for my targets after my call (in the case of multiple forced updates being called at once I only care about the first one to arrive).
Not be bogged down by listening for updates for record updates that are not contextually relevant to the API call in question.
Have an amortized time complexity of 1
In other words, in terms of cap theory i care about C & A but not P (because a 502 isn't that big a deal). But getting the timing wrong or missing a subscription is a problem.
I know I can just listen to a dynamodb event stream but I'm concerned that when things get noisy there will be more irrelevant stuff slowing me down. And I'm not sure if having every single record getting it's own topic is scalable (or how messy that would be).
You can use DynamoDB streams in combination with Lambda Event Filtering so the Lambda function only executes for the relevant change you are interested in. More information is available here:

How to handle side effects based on multiple events in a message driven microservice system?

we are currently working in a message driven Microservice environment and some of our messages/events are event sourced (using Apache Kafka). Now we are struggling with implementing more complex business requirements, were we have to take multiple events into account to create new events and side effects.
In the current situation we are working with devices that can produce errors and we already process them and have a single topic which contains ERROR_OCCURRED and ERROR_RESOLVED events (so they are in order). We also make sure, that all messages regarding a specific device always go onto the same partition. And both messages share an ID that identifies that specific error incident. We already have a projection that consumes those events and provides an API for our customers, s.t. they can see all occurred errors and their current state.
Now we have to deal with the following requirement:
Reporting Errors
We need a push system that reports errors of devices to our external partners, but only after 15 minutes and if they have not been resolved in that timeframe. Our first approach was to consume all ERROR_RESOLVED events, store the IDs and have another consumer that is handling the ERROR_OCCURRED events in a delayed fashion (e.g. by only consuming the next ERROR_OCCURRED event on the topic if its timestamp is at least 15 minutes old). We would then be able to know if that particular error has already been resolved and does not need to be reported (since they share a common ID with the corresponding ERROR_RESOLVED event). Otherwise we send an HTTP request to our external partner and create an ERROR_REPORTED event on a new topic. Is there any better approach for delayed and conditional message processing?
We also have to take the following special use cases into account:
Service restarts: currently we are planning to keep the list of resolved errors in memory, so if a service restarts, that list has to be created from scratch. We could just replay the ERROR_RESOLVED messages, but that may take some time and in that time no ERROR_OCCURRED events should be processed because that may result in reporting errors that have been resolved in less then 15 minutes, but we are just not aware of it. Are there any good practices regarding replay vs. "normal" processing?
Scaling: we may increase or decrease the number of instances of our service at any time, so the partition assignment may change during runtime. That should not be a problem if we create a consumer group for each service instance when consuming the ERROR_RESOLVED events, s.t. every instance knows all resolved errors while still only handling the ERROR_OCCURRED events of its assigned partitions (in another consumer group which is shared by all instances). Is there a better approach for handling partition reassignment and internal state?
Thanks in advance!
For side effects, I would record all "side" actions in the event store. In your particular example, when it is time to send a notification, I would call SEND_NOTIFICATION command that emit NOTIFICATION_SENT event. These events would be processed by some worker process that does actual HTTP request.
Actually I would elaborate this even furter, since notifications could fail, so I would have, say, two events NOTIFICATION_REQUIRED, and NORIFICATION_SENT, so we can retry failed notifications.
And finally your logic would be "if error was not resolved in 15 minutes and notification was not sent - send a notification (or just discard if it missed its timeframe)"

CQRS + Microservices Handling event rollback

We are using microservices, cqrs, event store using nodejs cqrs-domain, everything works like a charm and the typical flow goes like:
REST->2. Service->3. Command validation->4. Command->5. aggregate->6. event->7. eventstore(transactional Data)->8. returns aggregate with aggregate ID-> 9. store in microservice local DB(essentially the read DB)-> 10. Publish Event to the Queue
The problem with the flow above is that since the transactional data save i.e. persistence to the event store and storage to the microservice's read data happen in a different transaction context if there is any failure at step 9 how should i handle the event which has already been propagated to the event store and the aggregate which has already been updated?
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
The problem with the flow above is that since the transactional data save i.e. persistence to the event store and storage to the microservice's read data happen in a different transaction context if there is any failure at step 9 how should i handle the event which has already been propagated to the event store and the aggregate which has already been updated?
You retry it later.
The "book of record" is the event store. The downstream views (the "published events", the read models) are derived from the book of record. They are typically behind the book of record in time (eventual consistency) and are not typically synchronized with each other.
So you might have, at some point in time, 105 events written to the book of record, but only 100 published to the queue, and a representation in your service database constructed from only 98.
Updating a view is typically done in one of two ways. You can, of course, start with a brand new representation and replay all of the events into it as part of each update. Alternatively, you track in the metadata of the view how far along in the event history you have already gotten, and use that information to determine where the next read of the event history begins.
Inside your event store, you could track whether read-side replication was successful.
As soon as step 9 suceeds, you can flag the event as 'replicated'.
That way, you could introduce a component watching for unreplicated events and trigger step 9. You could also track whether the replication failed multiple times.
Updating the read-side (step 9) and flagigng an event as replicated should happen consistently. You could use a saga pattern here.
I think i have now understood it to a better extent.
The Aggregate would still be created, answer is that all the validations for any type of consistency should happen before my aggregate is constructed, it is in case of a failure beyond the purview of the code that a failure exists while updating the read side DB of the microservice which needs to be handled.
So in an ideal case aggregate would be created however the event associated would remain as undispatched unless all the read dependencies are updated, if not it remains as undispatched and that can be handled seperately.
The Event Store will still have all the event and the eventual consistency this way is maintained as is.

data structures for scheduling workflow?

I'm wondering what kind(s) of data structures / algorithms might help facilitate handling the following situation; I'm not sure if I need a single FIFO, or a priority queue, or multiple FIFOs.
I have N objects that must proceed through a predefined workflow. Each object must complete step 1, then step 2, then step 3, then step 4, etc. Each step is either done quickly or involves a "wait" that depends on something external to finish (like the completion of a file operation or whatever). Each object maintains its own state. If I had to define an interface for these objects, it would be something like this (written below in pseudo-Java, but this question is language-agnostic):
public interface TaskObject
public enum State { READY, WAITING, DONE };
// READY = ready to execute next step
// WAITING = awaiting some external condition
// DONE = finished all steps
public int getCurrentStep();
// returns # of current step
public int getEndStep();
// returns # of step which is the DONE case.
public State getState();
// checks state and returns it.
// multiple calls will always be identical,
// except WAITING which can transition to READY or DONE.
public State executeStep();
// if READY, executes next step and returns getState().
// otherwise, returns getState().
I need to write a single-threaded scheduler that calls executeStep() on the "next" object. My problem is, I'm not sure exactly what technique I should use to determine what the "next" object is. I want it to be fair (first-come, first-serve for objects not in the WAITING state).
My gut call is to have 3 FIFOs, READY, WAITING and DONE. In the beginning all objects are placed in the READY queue, and the scheduler repeats a loop where it takes the first object off the READY queue, calls executeStep(), and places it onto the queue that's appropriate the the result of executeStep(). Except that items in the WAITING queue need to be put into the READY or DONE queue when their state changes.... argh!
Any advice?
If this has to be single threaded you can use a single FIFO queue for the ready and waiting objects and use your thread to process each object as it comes out. If it's state changes to WAITING then simply stick it back into the queue and it will be reprocessed.
Something like (psuedocode):
var item = queue.getNextItem();
var state = item.executeStep ();
if (state == WAITING)
queue.AddItem (item);
else if (state == DONE)
// add to collection of done objects
Depending on the time executeStep takes to run you may need to introduce a delay (Sleep not for) to prevent a tight polling loop. Ideally you would have the objects publish state change events and do-away with the polling altogether.
This is the kind of timeslicing approach that was commonplace in hardware and comms software before multithreading was widespread.
You don't have any way for the task object to notify you when it changes from WAITING to READY except polling it, so the WAITING and READY queues could really just be one. You can just loop around it calling executeStep() on each one in turn. If as a return value from executeStep() you receive DONE, then you remove it from that queue and stick it on the DONE queue and forget about it.
If you wanted to give "more priority" towards READY objects and attempt to run through all possible READY objects before wasting any resources polling WAITING you can maintain 3 queues like you said and only process the WAITING queue when you have nothing in the READY queue.
I personally would spend some effort to eliminate the polling of the state, and instead define an interface that the object could use to notify your scheduler when a state changes.
You might want to study the design of an operating system scheduler. Check out the Linux and *BSD for example.
Some pointers for the Linux scheduler: Inside the Linux scheduler and Understanding the Linux Kernel
NOTE - this does not address your question of how to schedule, but I would use a separate state class that defines the states and transitions. The objects should not know what states they should go through. They can be informed of what "Step" they are at, etc.
there are some patterns for that as well.
You should read up a little on operating systems - specifically the scheduler. Your example is a scaled down set of that problem and if you copy the relevant parts it should work great for you.
You can then add priority, etc.
The simplest technique that satisfies the requirements in your question is to repeatedly iterate over all TaskObjects calling executeStep() on each one.
This requires only one construct to hold the TaskObjects, and it can be any iterable structure, e.g. an array.
Since a TaskObject can transition from WAITING to READY asynchronously, you have to poll every TaskObject that you don't know is DONE.
The performance gained from not polling the DONE TaskObjects may be negligible. It depends on the processing load of calling executeStep() on a DONE TaskObject, which should be small.
A simple round-robin polling assures that once a READY TaskObject has executed a step, it will not execute another step until all other TaskObjects have had a chance to execute.
One obvious additional requirement is detecting when all TaskObjects are in the DONE state so you can stop processing.
To avoid polling DONE TaskObjects you will need to either maintain a flag for each one, or chain the TaskObjects in two queues: READY/WAITING and DONE.
If you store the TaskObjects in an array, make it an array of records, with members DoneFlag and TaskObject.
If for some reason you are storing the TaskObjects in a queue, with available enqueue() and dequeue() methods, then the overhead of two queues instead of one may be small.
Take a look a this link.
Boost state machines vs uml
Boost has state machines. Why reinvent?
