Syntax highlighting of javascript for ColdFusion Builder - coldfusionbuilder

How can we edit or install JavaScript syntax highlighting for ColdFusion Builder Version: 3.2.1?
Let, const and the compact arrow function aren't highlighted.
function foo(){
const x = "no highlighting";
let x = "no highlighting";
const materials = [
console.log( => material.length));


Transform data after it received from graphql server using vue-composition api

this is my first try of front end developing, so I mostly copy-pasting example is the net.
import {useQuery, useResult} from "#vue/apollo-composable";
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Components',
setup() {
const {result: modulesResult} = useQuery(getModules)
const result = useResult(modulesResult)
return (result)
I've written the following code and while I can use result in templates (v-for or v-if), I can't find the way how to transform my data.
I want to take the value of result and apply transformation function and pass transformed value to templates. result is vue ref and value is not available if I write ref(result).value right after useResult
const test = ref(result).value
console.log(test) <- undefined
useQuery contains onResult return value, it triggers on data updates, for example
const {onResult} = useQuery(getDerivativeInstruments)
onResult((resultData) => {
instruments.instruments = resultData!!.data.getDerivativeInstruments
instruments.filteredInstruments = resultData!!.data.getDerivativeInstruments

programmatically detect rendering mode in p5js?

for the p5js rendering engine, if in setup() function I use WEBGL vs P2D, how can I know later in my code what rendering mode I am in? I have wrote generic functions that work across 2D and 3D modes and I want the code to execute in different ways based on the rendering mode.
There probably are more straightforward and elegant ways of doing it but, in a pinch, you can read the drawingContext of the renderer used and see if it's either an instance of WebGLRenderingContext or CanvasRenderingContext2D
const webglSketch = p => {
p.setup = () => {
p.createCanvas(100, 100, p.WEBGL)
console.log('WEBGL?', p._renderer.drawingContext instanceof WebGLRenderingContext)
console.log('2D?', p._renderer.drawingContext instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D)
const twoDSketch = p => {
p.setup = () => {
p.createCanvas(100, 100)
console.log('WEBGL?', p._renderer.drawingContext instanceof WebGLRenderingContext)
console.log('2D?', p._renderer.drawingContext instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D)
new p5(webglSketch)
new p5(twoDSketch)
<script src=""></script>
If you're not using the instance mode, just check the _renderer global object.

Problems with defining modules using AMD in Mocha

While writing tests I got bug TypeError: $.extend is not a function on toastr plugin that we are using. It seems that jQuery is not picked up properly, even tho is working normally in browser.
In our main mock file we imported jQuery and bind it to global windows object and it's accessible across whole application (but toastr plugin), even while testing in mocha:
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import $ from 'jquery';
import chai from 'chai';
import chaiImmutable from 'chai-immutable';
import React from 'react';
const doc = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
const win = doc.defaultView;
global.document = doc;
global.window = win;
global.expect = chai.expect;
global.$ = $(win);
global.jquery = $(win);
global.jQuery = $(win);
Object.keys(window).forEach((key) => {
if (!(key in global)) {
global[key] = window[key];
So while taking closer look at toastr I noticed this:
; (function (define) {
define(['jquery'], function ($) {
// this function is called on inizialization
function getOptions() {
return $.extend({}, getDefaults(), toastr.options);
It takes jquery from node_modules directly and then defines object $ in function scope, that means that it's ignoring window.$ (which is working normally even in here).
Therefore logging $ will return function, and logging $.anyMethodFromjQuery ($.extend) will return undefined.
In the end I tried logging $.prototype, in the browser it will return me jQuery object while in mocha it returns empty object {}
So in the end it define didn't created prototype in mocha environment and I cannot add one line of code $ = window.$; in plugin, since no one should edit a plugin + we are using npm.
Is there any solution for this?
You're running into trouble because you are loading code that should be loaded by JSDom outside of it. While it is possible in some cases to load code in Node and then pass it to the window that JSDom creates, that's a brittle approach, as you've discovered. Whenever I use JSDom for things other than write-and-toss cases, I load every script that would normally be loaded by a browser through JSDom. This avoids running into the issue you ran into. Here's a proof-of-concept based on the code you've shown in the question. You'll see that toastr.getContainer() runs fine, because Toastr has been loaded by JSDom. If you try to use the same code with an import toastr from "toastr" you'll get the same problem you ran into.
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import $ from 'jquery';
import path from "path";
const doc = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>', {
features: {
FetchExternalResources: ["script"],
ProcessExternalResources: ["script"]
const win = doc.defaultView;
global.document = doc;
global.window = win;
global.$ = $(win);
global.jquery = $(win);
global.jQuery = $(win);
window.addEventListener("error", function () {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = path.join(__dirname, "./node_modules/toastr/toastr.js");
// The load will necessarily be asynchronous, so we have to wait for it.
script.addEventListener("load", function () {
// We do this here so that `toastr` is also picked up.
Object.keys(window).forEach((key) => {
if (!(key in global)) {
global[key] = window[key];
Note that the code hung when I tried calling I took a look at the code of Toastr but it is not clear to me what causes the problem. There are features of browsers that JSDom is unable to emulate. It is possible that Toastr is dependent on such features. In the past, I've sometimes had to switch test suites away from JSDom due to its limitations.

C#, ANTLR, ECMAScript grammar troubles

I'm trying to parse JavaScript (ECMASCript) with C#.
I found the following instruction on how to create new project:
So I've downloaded ANTLRWorks, ANTLR v3, unpacked ANTLR, created a VS2010 project (.NET4), added references, checked and generated the grammar.
Then I recieved a lot of compilation error:
The type or namespace name 'AstParserRuleReturnScope' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The type or namespace name 'GrammarRule' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Stackoverlowed for them and got a solution: antlr c# errors when integrating into VS2008
So I've downloaded new runtime, overwrite the old one and recompiled the project and got
The name 'HIDDEN' does not exist in the current context d:\Workspace.1\ScriptParser\ScriptParser\TestLexer.cs
Ok, I've changed HIDDEN to Hidden as recommended at in the following conversation: [antlr-interest] How viable is the Csharp3 target? (more specific questions)
Now I'm trying to parse the input. I found a few examples and wrote the following code:
using Antlr.Runtime;
namespace ScriptParser
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var stream = new ANTLRStringStream("1+2");
var lexer = new TestLexer(stream);
var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new TestParser(tokenStream);
// what exactly should be here???
My goal is to parser JavaScript file with ANTLR but it seems that it will be the not as easy as I thought...
As suggested in Why are antlr3 c# parser methods private? I've modified the Test.g grammar by adding the "public" modified before the expr rule:
public expr : mexpr (PLUS^ mexpr)* SEMI!
and then regenerated the code, replaced HIDDEN to Hidden (again) and modified the code as follows:
var stream = new ANTLRStringStream("1+2");
var lexer = new TestLexer(stream);
var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new TestParser(tokenStream);
var result = parser.expr();
var tree = (CommonTree)result.Tree;
And not it is crashing on the line
root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil();
in the following generated code
try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "expr");
DebugLocation(7, 0);
// d:\\Workspace.1\\ScriptParser\\ScriptParser\\Test.g:7:13: ( mexpr ( PLUS ^ mexpr )* SEMI !)
// d:\\Workspace.1\\ScriptParser\\ScriptParser\\Test.g:7:15: mexpr ( PLUS ^ mexpr )* SEMI !
root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil();
DebugLocation(7, 15);
with the NullReferenceException message because the adapter is null.
I've resolved it by adding
parser.TreeAdaptor = new CommonTreeAdaptor();
Update 2:
So, finally I've started with my primary task: parse JavaScript.
ANTLR highlights the ECMAScript grammar by Chris Lambrou.
So I've generated lexer/parser and run it with the very simple JavaScript code:
var f = function () { };
and the parsing fails with the following output from tree.ToStringTree():
<error: var q = function () { };>
Your grammar rule says that there should be a semicolon at the end of the expression, but in you main function:
var stream = new ANTLRStringStream("1+2");
is missing a semicolon. Shouldn't it be "1+2;"?

What's the extern for this function

I just don't get to understand the google closure compiler in advanced mode and the respective extern.
Concrete: can anybody tell me how to keep CC in advanced mode from renaming this function since I need to call it from my HTML (<a href="javascript:searchAddress();">)?
function searchAddress() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var useraddress = $('#where').val();
if (geocoder && useraddress) {
geocoder.geocode( {'address': useraddress, 'region': region}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
myPosition = results[0].geometry.location;
myAccuracy = 150;
I thought I understood I need to write an extern file since the function is being called from external code, passing something like
window['searchAddress'] = searchAddress
function searchAddress() {}
but none of these and several other tries work. CC compiles without error, but the browser complains
Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: searchAddress
searchAddress() has been deleted by CC and is not a function name in my min.js anymore. Thanks for any hint. Explanations appreciated, thanks.
You don't need to create an extern, you want to export the function:
Add this to the code (not an extern file):
window['searchAddress'] = searchAddress
