What's the extern for this function - extern

I just don't get to understand the google closure compiler in advanced mode and the respective extern.
Concrete: can anybody tell me how to keep CC in advanced mode from renaming this function since I need to call it from my HTML (<a href="javascript:searchAddress();">)?
function searchAddress() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var useraddress = $('#where').val();
if (geocoder && useraddress) {
geocoder.geocode( {'address': useraddress, 'region': region}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
myPosition = results[0].geometry.location;
myAccuracy = 150;
I thought I understood I need to write an extern file since the function is being called from external code, passing something like
window['searchAddress'] = searchAddress
function searchAddress() {}
but none of these and several other tries work. CC compiles without error, but the browser complains
Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: searchAddress
searchAddress() has been deleted by CC and is not a function name in my min.js anymore. Thanks for any hint. Explanations appreciated, thanks.

You don't need to create an extern, you want to export the function:
Add this to the code (not an extern file):
window['searchAddress'] = searchAddress


Jasmine Unit testing define library that was imported as a global variable

I have a project that uses pdfMake to generate a PDF. To use it I include the file in my index.html
<script src='js/pdfmake.js'></script>
<script src='js/vfs_fonts.js'></script>
Inside pdfmake.js it declares global["pdfMake"] which then allows me to use the library in my service.
Everything works great but when I tried to test ths method in my service I get an error that the test can't find the variable pdfMake. That makes sense considering it's loaded by index.html.
How can I replace this library with a mock in my test?
I've tried using a spy but since makePdf isn't a function that doesn't work. spyOn(service, 'makePdf').
I tried just setting it as a variable but that also didn't work and I get: Strict mode forbids implicit creation of global property 'pdfMake'
pdfMake = {
createPdf: jasmine.createSpy('createPdf').and.returnValue({
download: jasmine.createSpy('download')
I got the same problem and solved inserting the pdfMake mock on global variable window inside the unit test. So, in your case will be something like this:
window.pdfMake = {
createPdf: jasmine.createSpy('createPdf')
download: jasmine.createSpy('download')
I just fixed this issue by making below changes-
Declare pdfMake variable globally in your .ts file like-
declare var pdfMake;
And then mock the pdfMake function in your .spec file like this-
window['pdfMake'] = {
createPdf: function (param) {
return {
open: function () {
return true;
download: function () {
return true;

v8: can't get calling function name in a functioncallback

I want to make a log of every function called when i run a js script.
So i want to make a callback for all the functions in javascript like this:
global->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "print"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, LogName));
global->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "eval"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, LogName));
global->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "unescape"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, LogName));
I define my function like this:
void LogName(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
v8::String::Utf8Value str_caller(args.Callee());
printf("%s", str_caller);
This is printed when unescape is called: function unescape() { [native code] }
But if do:
object = v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast(context->Global()->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "String")));
object->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "fromCharCode"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, LogName)->GetFunction());
This is printed when String.fromCharCode is called: function () { [native code] }
Why in the second example i don't have the functions name, like for example "fromCharCode" ?
I'm still pretty new to V8 but have run into this exact same problem. I've found only one solution so far. I'm not sure if it is ideal, but there are no other solutions so here goes...
Notice the functions where getting the name works are where you are adding a FunctionTemplate value to an ObjectTemplate (that is presumably then used as the global template parameter when you create the Context). Also notice in the ones that don't work you are trying to add a Function to the global Object for that existing Context, and this is when getting the Callee name fails (returns a blank string).
The only solution I've found so far is to keep a persistent handle to the ObjectTemplate you create for global scope, add the FunctionTemplate to that when you go to register your new function, and then create a new Context that uses that modified ObjectTemplate. After this then calls to the function will return the Callee name as desired.
To try to illustrate this with some code:
Isolate *gIsolate;
Persistent<ObjectTemplate> gTemplate;
Persistent<Context> gContext;
// Adds a new function to the global object template
void AddFunction(const char *name, FunctionCallback func)
// Get global template
Local<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New(gIsolate, gTemplate);
// Add new function to it
global->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(gIsolate, name), FunctionTemplate::New(gIsolate, func));
void FirstTimeInit()
gIsolate = Isolate::New();
HandleScope handle_scope(gIsolate);
Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New(gIsolate);
// Store global template in persistent handle
gTemplate.Reset(gIsolate, global);
// Register starting functions
AddFunction( "print", LogName );
AddFunction( "eval", LogName );
AddFunction( "unescape", LogName );
// Create context
Handle<Context> context = Context::New(gIsolate, NULL, global);
gContext.Reset(gIsolate, context);
void AddOtherFunction()
AddFunction( "fromCharCode", LogName );
Local<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New(gIsolate, gTemplate);
// Create a new context from the modified global template
Local<Context> newContext = Context::New(gIsolate, nil, global);
// Update persistent context handle to reference the new one
gContext.Reset(gIsolate, newContext);

Creating a typescript function that can be a no-op

I want to create a TRAP function where in debug mode it is the "debugger;" call and in release mode it does nothing, preferably not even a call/return.
I have come up with:
// declare it
var trap = function () { debugger; }
// ...
// use it
And then for release mode it's:
var trap = function () { }
So, question #1 is, is this the best way to do this?
And question #2 is, is there a way to do an "#if DEBUG , #else, #endif" type of pragmas around it, or do we need to change it by hand when we build for production?
I'm not sure how you define "debug" mode exactly, but if debug mode is more than just what scripts are compiled then I'd generally just conditionalize the function as you've done (I've worked on a number of JavaScript apps for example where we have had a "debug" mode even when the minified scripts were released to help with customer issues in production ... it was activated either through a cookie or a query string):
// this would be set for example to true when
// in debug mode
export var isDebugModeActive: boolean = false;
export var trap = () => {
if (isDebugModeActive) {
// since you may not want to conditionalize
// through a #PRAGMA like system every call to
// trap, this just no-ops the function
trap = () => {};
// or
trap = () => {
// checking a boolean is going to be
// really fast ... :)
if (isDebugModeActive) {
Having a "debug" mode works well when you want to infrequently, but sometimes output additional information to the browser console log for example.
I found this page by search. In case others do too. This is what I was looking for.
type Noop = () => void;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty
const noop: Noop = () => {};
Example use:
const onPress = (buttons && buttons[0].onPress) || noop;
The simplest way of accomplishing this would be to have two versions of your file - a trap.debug.ts and a trap.prod.ts file.
trap.prod.ts would include the function definition, and then do nothing.
You should be able to use MVC Bundles or SquishIt on the server side with a #if DEBUG attribute to include the debug or prod version of your script.
Hope this helps.

C++11 Lambda function compilation error

i am new using c++11 features and also tryng to use SDL_Widget-2 lib for build a simple Gui for my project. But i am getting stuck in the problem :
#include "sdl-widgets.h"
class Builder
top_win=new TopWin("Hello",Rect(100,100,120,100),0,0,false,
[]() {
draw_title_ttf->draw_string(top_win->render,"Hello world!",Point(20,40));
but=new Button(top_win,0,Rect(5,10,60,0),"catch me",
[](Button *b) {
static int dy=60;
dy= dy==60 ? -60 : 60;
TopWin * top_win;
Button *but;
int main(int,char**) {
Builder aViewBuilder;
return 0;
with the error in the compilation stage:
In lambda function:
error: 'this' was not captured for this lambda function
error: 'this' was not captured for this lambda function
this error is printed out twice int the console.
I have try :
with different compile error but a cannot go more further.
Can any see a fix?
You do need to capture with [this] or [&]. I suspect that the TopWin and Button constructors take raw function pointers, and need to take std::functions instead.
A plain vanilla function pointer is not compatible with capturing lambdas. std::function is able to work like a function pointer that also allows safe storage of captured data. (i.e. the captured objects will need to be properly copied or destroyed when the function object is itself copied or destroyed)

Fallback callback when calling unavailable function

Is it possible to set a fallback callback which is called when the user wants to call a function which does not exists? E.g.
my_object.ThisFunctionDoesNotExists(2, 4);
Now I want that a function is getting called where the first parameter is the name and a stack (or something like that) with the arguments passed. To clarify, the fallback callback should be a C++ function.
Assuming your question is about embedded V8 engine which is inferred from tags, you can use harmony Proxies feature:
var A = Proxy.create({
get: function (proxy, name) {
return function (param) {
console.log(name, param);
A.hello('world'); // hello world
Use --harmony_proxies param to enable this feature. From C++ code:
static const char v8_flags[] = "--harmony_proxies";
v8::V8::SetFlagsFromString(v8_flags, sizeof(v8_flags) - 1);
Other way:
There is a method on v8::ObjectTemplate called SetNamedPropertyHandler so you can intercept property access. For example:
void GetterCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
// This will be called on property read
// You can return function here to call it
