Spring Boot EventListener always on main thread - spring

I have been trying to create an async listener that would execute after my request has been terminated which mean my transaction has been committed. Unfortunately i was not able to make it happen it is always part of the main thread. Which mean my request would never END before the async methods is finishing. It is basically for creating a webhook service that would send an http request when the request going through my system end and the transaction is committed. Does anyone had a similar issue ?
public class EventListenerAsync {
public void postPersist(final Event event) {
new TransactionSynchronization() {
public void afterCompletion(final int status) {
if (status == TransactionSynchronization.STATUS_COMMITTED) {
// call #async public method from another class
#TransactionalEventListener(phase = TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMMIT)
public void processEventAsynce(final Event event) {
// call #async public method from another class
Thanks a lot for you help.


Calling #Transactional methods asynchronously in quarkus

I have an application scoped bean as follows
public class Worker {
public void process(Long id) {
final Runnable runnable = () -> {
public void doATransaction(Long id) {
User user = User.findById(id);
I am getting a javax.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException. I also tried adding the doATransaction() to another Bean, which was injected in this Worker, as suggested here. Still had the same problem.
Does anyone have an idea of what I could do next?
The Exception I am getting is
Exception in thread "pool-13-thread-3" javax.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.ClientProxies.getDelegate(ClientProxies.java:40)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.RequestScopedSessionHolder_ClientProxy.arc$delegate(RequestScopedSessionHolder_ClientProxy.zig:42)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.RequestScopedSessionHolder_ClientProxy.getOrCreateSession(RequestScopedSessionHolder_ClientProxy.zig:160)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.TransactionScopedSession.acquireSession(TransactionScopedSession.java:103)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.TransactionScopedSession.find(TransactionScopedSession.java:168)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.runtime.session.ForwardingSession.find(ForwardingSession.java:68)
at io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.panache.common.runtime.AbstractJpaOperations.findById(AbstractJpaOperations.java:173)
at com.example.User.findById(User.java)

DeferredResult in spring mvc

I have one class that extends DeferredResults and extends Runnable as shown below
public class EventDeferredObject<T> extends DeferredResult<Boolean> implements Runnable {
private Long customerId;
private String email;
public void run() {
RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate();
EmailMessageDTO emailMessageDTO=new EmailMessageDTO("dineshshe#gmail.com", "Hi There");
Boolean result=restTemplate.postForObject("http://localhost:9080/asycn/sendEmail", emailMessageDTO, Boolean.class);
//Constructor and getter and setters
Now I have controller that return the object of the above class,whenever new request comes to controller we check if that request is present in HashMap(That stores unprocessed request at that instance).If not present then we are creating object of EventDeferredObject class can store that in HashMap and call start() method on it.If this type request is already present then we will return that from HashMap.On completion on request we will delete that request from HashMap.
public class SendVerificationDetailsController {
private ConcurrentMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>> requestMap=new ConcurrentHashMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>>();
public EventDeferredObject<Boolean> sendEmail(#RequestBody EmailDTO emailDTO)
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> eventDeferredObject = null;
eventDeferredObject=new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail());
requestMap.put(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject);
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
eventDeferredObject.onCompletion(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return eventDeferredObject;
Now this code works fine if there no identical request comes to that stored in HashMap. If we give number of different request at same time code works fine.
Well, I do not know if I understood correctly, but I think you might have race conditions in the code, for example here:
eventDeferredObject=new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail());
requestMap.put(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject);
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
think of a scenario in which you have two requests with the same key emailDTO.getEmail().
Request 1 checks if there is a key in the map, does not find it and puts it inside.
Request 2 comes some time later, checks if there is a key in the map, finds it, and
goes to fetch it; however just before that, the thread started by request 1 finishes and another thread, started by onComplete event, removes the key from the map. At this point,
will return null, and as a result you will have a NullPointerException.
Now, this does look like a rare scenario, so I do not know if this is the problem you see.
I would try to modify the code as follows (I did not run it myself, so I might have errors):
public class EventDeferredObject<T> extends DeferredResult<Boolean> implements Runnable {
private Long customerId;
private String email;
private ConcurrentMap ourConcurrentMap;
public void run() {
//Constructor and getter and setters
so the DeferredResult implementation has the responsibility to remove itself from the concurrent map. Moreover I do not use the onComplete to set a callback thread, as it seems to me an unnecessary complication. To avoid the race conditions I talked about before, one needs to combine somehow the verification of the presence of an entry with its fetching into one atomic operation; this is done by the putIfAbsent method of ConcurrentMap. Therefore I change the controller into
public class SendVerificationDetailsController {
private ConcurrentMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>> requestMap=new ConcurrentHashMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>>();
public EventDeferredObject<Boolean> sendEmail(#RequestBody EmailDTO emailDTO)
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> eventDeferredObject = new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail(), requestMap);
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> oldEventDeferredObject = requestMap.putIfAbsent(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject );
if(oldEventDeferredObject == null)
//if no value was present before
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
return eventDeferredObject;
return oldEventDeferredObject;
if this does not solve the problem you have, I hope that at least it might give some idea.

Unit Testing Spring ApplicationEvents - Events are getting published but the listeners aren't firing?

I'm trying to unit test the custom events that I've created in Spring and am running into an interesting problem. If I create a StaticApplicationContext and manually register and wire the beans I can trigger events and see the program flow through the publisher (implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware) through to the listener (implements ApplicationListener<?>).
Yet when I try to create a JUnit test to create the context using the SpringJunit4ClassRunner and #ContextConfiguration everything works well except that the ApplicationEvents are not showing up in the listener (I have confirmed that they are getting published).
Is there some other way to create the context so that ApplicationEvents will work correctly? I haven't found much on the web about unit testing the Spring events framework.
The events will not fire because your test classes are not registered and resolved from the spring application context, which is the event publisher.
I've implemented a workaround for this where the event is handled in another class that is registered with Spring as a bean and resolved as part of the test. It isn't pretty, but after wasting the best part of a day trying to find a better solution I am happy with this for now.
My use case was firing an event when a message is received within a RabbitMQ consumer. It is made up of the following:
The wrapper class
Note the Init() function that is called from the test to pass in the callback function after resolving from the container within the test
public class TestEventListenerWrapper {
CountDownLatch countDownLatch;
TestEventWrapperCallbackFunction testEventWrapperCallbackFunction;
public TestEventListenerWrapper(){
public void Init(CountDownLatch countDownLatch, TestEventWrapperCallbackFunction testEventWrapperCallbackFunction){
this.countDownLatch = countDownLatch;
this.testEventWrapperCallbackFunction = testEventWrapperCallbackFunction;
public void onApplicationEvent(MyEventType1 event) {
public void onApplicationEvent(MyEventType2 event) {
public void onApplicationEvent(OnQueueMessageReceived event) {
The callback interface
public interface TestEventWrapperCallbackFunction {
void CallbackOnEventFired(ApplicationEvent event);
A test configuration class to define the bean which is referenced in the unit test. Before this is useful, it will need to be resolved from the applicationContext and initialsed (see next step)
public class TestContextConfiguration {
public TestEventListenerWrapper testEventListenerWrapper(){
return new TestEventListenerWrapper();
Finally, the unit test itself that resolves the bean from the applicationContext and calls the Init() function to pass assertion criteria (this assumes you have registered the bean as a singleton - the default for the Spring applicationContext). The callback function is defined here and also passed to Init().
#ContextConfiguration(classes= {TestContextConfiguration.class,
//..., - other config classes
//..., - other config classes
public class QueueListenerUnitTests
extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
private MessageProcessorManager mockedMessageProcessorManager;
private ChannelAwareMessageListener queueListener;
private OnQueueMessageReceived currentEvent;
public void Startup() throws Exception {
queueListener = new QueueListenerImpl(mockedMessageProcessorManager);
((QueueListenerImpl) queueListener).setApplicationEventPublisher(this.applicationContext);
currentEvent = null;
public void HandleMessageReceived_QueueMessageReceivedEventFires_WhenValidMessageIsReceived() throws Exception {
//Other arrange logic
Channel mockedRabbitmqChannel = CreateMockRabbitmqChannel();
CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
TestEventWrapperCallbackFunction testEventWrapperCallbackFunction = (ev) -> CallbackOnEventFired(ev);
TestEventListenerWrapper testEventListenerWrapper = (TestEventListenerWrapper)applicationContext.getBean("testEventWrapperOnQueueMessageReceived");
testEventListenerWrapper.Init(countDownLatch, testEventWrapperCallbackFunction);
queueListener.onMessage(message, mockedRabbitmqChannel);
long awaitTimeoutInMs = 1000;
countDownLatch.await(awaitTimeoutInMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
//Assert - assertion goes here
//The callback function that passes the event back here so it can be made available to the tests for assertion
private void CallbackOnEventFired(ApplicationEvent event){
currentEvent = (OnQueueMessageReceived)event;
EDIT 1: The sample code has been updated with CountDownLatch
EDIT 2: Assertions didn't fail tests so the above was updated with a different approach**
I just run my app as SpringBootTest, application events working fine:
public class EventTestListener {
public void handle(MyCustomEvent event) {
// nothing to do, just spy the method...
public class MyEventTest {
private EventTestListener testEventListener;
public void testMyEventFires() {
// do something that fires the event..
use the #Captor / ArgumentCaptor to verify the content of your event.
You can create a context manually.
For example: I had needed to check if my ApplicationListener<ContextClosedEvent> closed Cassandra connections:
public void testSpringShutdownHookForCassandra(){
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(CassandraConfig.class);
CassandraConnectionManager connectionManager = ctx.getBean(CassandraConnectionManager.class);
Session session = connectionManager.openSession(testKeySpaceName);
Assert.assertFalse( session.isClosed() );
Assert.assertTrue( session.isClosed() );

Is transactional #observes working for fired events on JBoss AS 7?

In order to use events only listened if a transaction succeeds or fails, I'm following the given doc about transactional observers :
... but cannot manage to make my code work on JBoss AS7.
Here's my EJB:
public class MyController
private transient Event<MyEvent> myEventLauncher;
public void save()
myEventLauncher.fire(new MyEvent());
protected void afterSave(boolean isCommitted)
// do stuff
And here my basic listener:
public class MyHandler
protected void listenMyEvent(#Observes(during=TransactionPhase.AFTER_SUCCESS) MyEvent event)
// do stuff
protected void listenMyEvent2(#Observes(during=TransactionPhase.AFTER_FAILURE) MyEvent event)
// do stuff
I can say I'm in a transaction when the event is fired, because the afterSave method of the EJB is called. Alas, the methods listenMyEvent and listenMyEvent2 are always called both, like if I was not in a transactional context.
I tried the same code on GlassFish 3 and it perfectly works, so I guess there is a problem with JBoss AS 7, but I cannot find any bug report about it.
Well, as my current tests made me think that transactional observers are not working in JBoss AS 7, I managed to do a workaround I gave here for people who are interested.
First, we need qualifier annotations: Immediate, AfterFailure and AfterSuccess.
#Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public #interface AfterFailure
#Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public #interface AfterSuccess
#Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public #interface Immediate
Also, three basic AnnotationLiteral to create in runtime instances of this three annotations.
Then, we need a encapsulator for our true events, that I named SpecialEvent.
public class SpecialEvent
private Object event; // the real event you want
public SpecialEvent(Object event)
this.event = event;
public Object getEvent()
return event;
And at last, an observer for this special event and an interceptor for classes where you want to fire this kind of events (full explanation below).
public class SpecialEventObserver
private Event<Object> anyEventFirer; // firer for real events
private List<Object> events; // queued events
public SpecialEventObserver()
events = new ArrayList<Object>();
// remove all queued events
public void reset()
public void fireAfterFailureEvents() throws Exception
this.fireAllEventsOnce(new AfterFailureLiteral());
public void fireAfterSuccessEvents() throws Exception
this.fireAllEventsOnce(new AfterSuccessLiteral());
protected void listenSpecialEvent(#Observes SpecialEvent specialEvent)
Object event = specialEvent.getEvent();
this.fireEvent(event, new ImmediateLiteral());
protected void fireAllEventsOnce(Annotation qualifier) throws Exception
for (Object event : this.events)
this.fireEvent(event, qualifier);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
protected void fireEvent(Object event, Annotation qualifier)
Event eventFirer = anyEventFirer.select(event.getClass(), qualifier);
public class MyInterceptor implements Serializable
private SpecialEventObserver specialEventObserver;
public Object intercept(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception
// call the real method
Object proceedResult = ic.proceed();
// real method succeeded, fire successful events
return proceedResult;
catch (Exception e)
// real method failed, fire failed events
throw e;
The mechanism is quite simple:
When you want to fire an event, fire a SpecialEvent that hold the true event.
The SpecialEventObserver will catch any SpecialEvent and will immediately fire your own event with an Immediate qualifier. It will also queue the events for the after completion part.
At the end of your own method call (ic.proceed in the interceptor), MyInterceptor will ask the SpecialEventObserver either to fire again all events with a AfterFailure qualifier or a AfterSuccess qualifier, depending of the success of your method.
In place of #Observes(during=...), your own observers have to observe events with the right qualifier, like #Observes #Immediate, #Observes #AfterFailure or #Observes #AfterSuccess.
The behavior is not exactly the one that provides the native #Observes(during=...). The after completion part is not based on the transaction state, but on your own method call success:
In JaveEE6, transactional observers on after success or after failure phases must be immediately called if you're not in a transaction, like a IN_PROGRESS would do.
In this workaround, observers on after success or after failure phases will always be called at the end of the method, and only if it succeeded or failed.
This works with version 7.1.0.Final which is supposedly (-> with Jboss you never know) fully Java EE compliant. Also your bean is not thread-safe as it uses list instead of a concurrent queue.
Your observer methods need REQUIRES_NEW, as stated here :

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) EventBus event firing/handling

Background Story:
I am developing a GWT application, using the standard MVP design pattern, and also using RPC to get data from my custom data handling servlet (does a lot behind the scenes). Anyway, my goal is to create a very simple custom caching mechanism, that stores the data returned from the RPC callback in a static cache POJO. (The callback also sends a custom event using the SimpleEventBus to all registered handlers.) Then when I request the data again, I'll check the cache before doing the RPC server call again. (And also send a custom event using the EventBus).
The Problem:
When I send the event from the RPC callback, everything works fine. The problem is when I send the event outside the RPC callback when I just send the cached object. For some reason this event doesn't make it to my registered handler. Here is some code:
public void callServer(final Object source)
if(cachedResponse != null)
System.err.println("Getting Response from Cache for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
//Does this actually fire the event?
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
System.err.println("Getting Response from Server for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
Now I have two Activities, HelloActivity and GoodbyeActivity (taken from: GWT MVP code)
They also print out messages when the handler is called. Anyway, this is the output I get from the logs: (Not correct)
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Response in GoodbyeActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
Response in HelloActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
What I expect to get is this:
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Response in HelloActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.HelloActivity
Getting Response from Cache for: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
Response in GoodbyeActivity from: com.hellomvp.client.activity.GoodbyeActivity
And I will get this expected output if I change the above code to the following: (This is the entire file this time...)
package com.hellomvp.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventBus;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
import com.hellomvp.events.ResponseEvent;
public class RequestManager {
private EventBus eventBus;
private String cachedResponse;
private HelloServiceAsync service = GWT.create(HelloService.class);
public RequestManager(EventBus eventBus)
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public void callServer(final Object source)
if(cachedResponse != null)
System.err.println("Getting Response from Cache for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.doNothing(new AsyncCallback<Void>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(Void result) {
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
System.err.println("Getting Response from Server for: "+ source.getClass().getName());
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
System.err.println("RPC Call Failed.");
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
eventBus.fireEventFromSource(new ResponseEvent(cachedResponse),source);
So the point it out, the only change is that I created a new RPC call that does nothing, and send the event in its callback, with the cached data instead, and it causes the application to work as expected.
So the Question:
What am I doing wrong? I don't understand why 'eventBus.fireEvent(...)' Needs to be in an RPC Callback to work properly. I'm thinking this is a threading issue, but I have searched Google in vain for anything that would help.
I have an entire Eclipse project that showcases this issue that I'm having, it can be found at: Eclipse Problem Project Example
Edit: Please note that using eventBus.fireEventFromSource(...) is only being used for debugging purposes, since in my actual GWT Application I have more than one registered Handler for the events. So how do you use EventBus properly?
If I understand your problem correctly you are expecting calls to SimpleEventBus#fireEventFromSource to be routed only to the source object. This is not the case - the event bus will always fire events to all registered handlers. In general the goal of using an EventBus is to decouple the sources of events from their handlers - basing functionality on the source of an event runs counter to this goal.
To get the behavior you want pass an AsyncCallback to your caching RPC client instead of trying to use the EventBus concept in a way other than intended. This has the added benefit of alerting the Activity in question when the RPC call fails:
public class RequestManager {
private String cachedResponse = null;
private HelloServiceAsync service = GWT.create(HelloService.class);
public void callServer(final AsyncCallback<String> callback) {
if (cachedResponse != null) {
} else {
service.callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
cachedResponse = result;
And in the Activity:
clientFactory.getRequestManager().callServer(new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Handle failure.
public void onSuccess(String result) {
