How to get high-resolution images for PointClouds - point-clouds

In many papers about pointclouds, the pictures are with high-resolution like svg files.
enter image description here
I'd like to know what software or what tools can achieve this. Thank you very much.


Exporting Matlab image for paper

I am writing a paper for a scientific journal and I want to include images that I made with Matlab. The way I usually do this is by plotting the image in Matlab and interactively go to the plotting window in 'File->Save as..' and save the image as an eps. When I include the image in my paper (which I write with LaTeX) the image looks correct overall (there are no artifacts) but it does not look as sharp as on my screen. Is there a better way to save the images with better quality so that they do not look blurry when I insert them in LaTeX?
Thank you.

Converting Image in png format to vector format using Sketch (Mac)

I am new to sketch and I am facing some issues in generating Vectors for some of the icons which I have in .png format.
Could any one please refer some tutorial or tell me some simple way to get through this.
Feel free to guide me if I am wrong somewhere.
Sketch is very useful but it is also limited on its vector capabilities. The function you are looking for is called Live Tracing, you can find it on Illustrator and it is very acurate if your icon is in high contrast or transparent background. You could trace it manually but that can take a long time for complex shapes, and not as accurate.
Inkscape might be a good free option for this. Should be good enough if the pngs are not too detailed.
I also faced same issues but I think there is no such easy way to get out of this using Sketch.
but still, you can review this basic Youtube tutorial for the same.
Hope this helps you out buddy.
Happy designing.

How to upscale my low res image to high res image using any software?

I have a low-res image in the attachments section, would anybody explain me technique to make it high-res image ? It would be really helpful if you could show me how can I improve resolution, quality and bring out the elements from the image clearly.
As far as I know there is no way to change the resolution upwards simply because your image lacks the data to do so. There is no program that would 'calculate' the pixels to more then there are. Ether find the source of the image and take a larger picture or have a higher resolution rendered. You could -trace- the image in illustrator and abandon the exact composition of the artwork.
I know "Vector Magic" Paid software. Give it a try.
I also suggest tracing the image in illustrator and that way you will create a new image with higher pixel counts. It is not possible to "add" any pixels in your current image as it originally does not have additional pixels.
Also, please specify if you want to improve resolution while enlarging the picture or you wish to use it as the same size? This will help in getting a to the point answer.

From where to download very big images for leaflet js

Apologized for this post.
i want to download very big images for leaflet js. i search google but i found no very big which need lots of vertical and horizontal scroll to see full image. so if anyone know any url of big image photo which need lots of vertical and horizontal scroll to see full image then please share with me.
basically i am looking for big image to create small small tile from there as a result i could start my R&D code with leftlet js. basically i want to load my huge tile images using leaflet js api.
i found some big image url but those are not that much big. here are few which i found after searching google.
OK, as far as I understand, you mean a big image in the terms of x/y number of pixels. Isn't the easiest way simply to make a photo and upload it somewhere you need? Contemporary cameras make really big images. 12mpix cameras make 5000 something by 3000 something, which should be enough for your purposes. Shouldn't it?

Can anyone suggest me site for PGM images for stereo vision?

I need some sample images for my project in stereo vision, please suggest some links where i can find .pgm gray scale images of good quality of both left and right vision (above 500KB size). Actually i googled it for many times but couldn't find any thats why asking....
You should have a look at CVLAB EPFL Datasets, and more precisely Stereo face database and Multi view stereo.
That being said, Computer Vision Online and the Visual Geometry Group are good places to find vision datasets.
