From where to download very big images for leaflet js - image

Apologized for this post.
i want to download very big images for leaflet js. i search google but i found no very big which need lots of vertical and horizontal scroll to see full image. so if anyone know any url of big image photo which need lots of vertical and horizontal scroll to see full image then please share with me.
basically i am looking for big image to create small small tile from there as a result i could start my R&D code with leftlet js. basically i want to load my huge tile images using leaflet js api.
i found some big image url but those are not that much big. here are few which i found after searching google.

OK, as far as I understand, you mean a big image in the terms of x/y number of pixels. Isn't the easiest way simply to make a photo and upload it somewhere you need? Contemporary cameras make really big images. 12mpix cameras make 5000 something by 3000 something, which should be enough for your purposes. Shouldn't it?


Display many thousand images in three.js

I have up to 200'000 individual images in a scene (done with sprites, so far). I want to look at these sprites, and when I fly around they should always face the camera (as sprites do).
My question is: How can I achieve the best performance WebGL-wise? Are Sprites with useScreenCoordinates:false rendered as with GL_POINT?
At the moment the fps drops with very low image counts already. I'm using mipmapping and sprites so far. And since they need to turn around to face me I didn't want to use BufferGeometry..
I'd highly appreciate some ideas and inputs :) Thanks!
PS: Point of it all is that you can "fly" through 200'000 images and stop/select the ones you figure to be interesting
My team needed to accomplish this too, and sadly Doidel's notes trail off before the project is completed. We developed PixPlot, a three.js visualization layer for images:
I put together a blog post outlining the details here:
In short, if others face this problem, you'll want to create one geometry (ideally) with one large image atlas (a single jpg of size 2048px by 2048px containing lots of smaller images) serving as the texture for the geometry. Add vertices, faces, and vertexUV's for each of the little images to display, and pull each image from the atlas texture.
Used tons of techniques and stuff, I'll be writing about it on once I got it all working

Blurry images in Plone Kupu

I use the Kupu editor in Plone3 to insert images in the website, automatic scaling images, and make a smaller thumb with a link to the original image.
This is a tutorial of how we do that:
Kupu creates a new scaled image (not only scaling with css, but scaling it for real), and the result is that images become a little blurry. I don't know if this issue is related to this document.
The question comes to my mind. Is there anybody who find this issue too? Is there any way to fix it?
I think the only way to achieve a great quality images is scaling them manually with photoshop or some graphic editor. But seems that Kupu doesn't allow to do that. You must swallow with its manners and upload its self-generated images.
Well, a bit too localized, but we find main error. I want to respond in case that any user will be in the same situation...
Kupu scale images to a certain width and height. And later, the css rescaled again a little bigger, making blurry images.
That is the main problem, we reduced an image, then enlarged it browser-side again. We didn't notice until now that there was css behind the kupu implementation and "overriding" (so to speak) our configuration.

Is there a pattern or ratio for jpg image filesize in relation to image size?

I'm trying to optimize a page which loads a lot of images from S3 and which needs to run on mobile devices, too.
Images are available in S,M,L,XL resolutions, so on a smartphone I'm usually pulling Size M for the grid thumbnail images. These pictures measure: 194x230px and usually "weigh" around 20k, which I think is far too much.
If I use Irfan and the RIOT plugin, I can easily shave off 10k from the filesize with the image still looking ok. I'm wondering if there are any guidelines regarding optimal image filesize in relation to image dimensions or is this purely a trial and error process? As a side question, is there any server-side tool, which also uses the RIOT plugin?

image alignment in matlab

I'm trying to align several images in matlab and I'm having trouble getting matlab to align them properly. I want to align them so that I can overlay them to make a larger image by stitching/averaging them together. I posted several of the images here. While it is not difficult to align 5 images manually I want to make a script to do it so that I do not need to align hundreds of similar images manually as well.
Over the past few days I've tried several ways of getting this to work. My thought was that if I could filter the images enough then I could make a mask for the letters and then it would be easy to align them--but I haven't been able to make it work.
I've tried using local adaptive thresholding to compensate for a nonuniform brightness level across the picture but it hasn't allowed me to align them properly. For the actual image alignment I've been using imregister() and normxcorr2() but both do not properly align the images.
I don't think that this should be that difficult to do but I haven't been able to do it. Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: uploaded images after performing various operations here
I would do some feature detection, followed by the RANSAC algorithm to find the transformation between any pair of images.
see this demo on the Mathworks web-site:

Where can I find a variety of "while you wait" spinning gear cog gif images

I am looking for an image generator for images that:
Look like cogs, wheels, progress bars, etc.
Are small, less than 20-30 pixels. 16 might be good, i.e. 'icon size'
Are simple, just 2D no need for 3d image.
All the examples I found are large 3d ones. I want one of those little ones that I can use with things like ajax while loading up a bit of the page, transferring a file, sending a large message, etc.
The android spinning gear cog is one example.
Then I can show/hide the image as I need.
I figure a lot of people will have tackled this / know good solutions.
You can generate simple animated "loading" icons on
For fancier ones, try or
Fontawesome (version 3) includes a few spinning icons.
