I am using JMeter and below is the response body. I am trying to extract ONLY numbers from below response -
<option value="1111">Division One</option>
<option value="2222">Division Two</option>
<option value="3333">Division Three</option>
So, my output should be 1111,2222,3333
You can use Regular expression extractor
And use the regex like the below
option value="[^ ]+"
Or you can use boundary based extractor as well
I want to get the value of
input type = "hidden" name = "CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN"
below is the response that I am getting for my first request. I want to read the value from the first request and use it in my subsequent request. I tried using a regular expression extractor,
CSS selector extractor and XPath extractor none of them workedenter image description hereenter image description here
input type="hidden" name="CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN" value="4edwUQQn9gYbf5zYjz4fuRIfyu3lzoXi3_27IU7Jj54RLskSWvVvnKadSTdGYpVofQmqn79hT9dHLYeBsZf0h6-M9HErsMb6eXiHWTXHXt4="
XPath: //input[#type='hidden' and #name='CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN']/#value
However it's better to go for XPath2 (the same syntax can be used)
CSS: input[type=hidden][name=CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN]
You can use the XPath Extractor, XPath2 Extractor and CSS Extractor as in the other answer. They all work well if your response is a valid HTML.
Here is another option with a Regular Expression Extractor.
Regular expression
name="CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN" value="(.*?)"
Note: You can validate the syntax of regular expressions, CSS, XPath, etc in the View Result Tree.
From the HTML code I have to fetch value based on variable passed and option selected. for an example please refer below code:
I have Test F as a variable, using regex extractor I have to fetch value 6666666. Also can we check using regex while fetching value whether variable option is selected or not?
I am beginner and learning regex. Please help with regular expression needed.
<option value="11111111">TestA</option>
<option value="22222222">TestB</option>
<option value="33333333">TestC</option>
<option value="44444444">TestD</option>
<option value="55555555">Test E</option>
<option selected="selected" value="6666666">Test F</option>
<option value="77777777">Test G</option>
Using regular expressions for parsing HTML is not the best way to proceed, I would recommend going for XPath Extractor instead
To check whether Test F option is selected or not:
//option[text()='Test F']/#selected
To fetch selection value:
//option[text()='Test F']/#value
You can replace Test F with the JMeter Variable reference:
You can combine 2 or more expressions using | operator
More information:
XPath Tutorial
Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter
How can add regular expression extractor for digest value for following post method.
<form method="post"
Remember that you need to escape ? sign in your regular expression so it would be something like:
<form method="post" action="ModuleQuickMenu.aspx\?mid=65&digest=(.+?)" id="form1">
JMeter: Regular Expressions, pay attention to Meta Characters chapter
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
How to write email regular expression in Jmeter?
JMeter site has explanation on the syntax of regex, and JMeter has a RegEx tester. You can validate email in many ways. The most basic validation is this:
(it will check that # is present, the characters before and after # are limited to allowed characters, and domain extension is at least 2 characters long).
This expression catches most common emails, although it would fail for more advanced (but still valid) emails (e.g. emails with IPs, international domains, and so on)
I solved this problem by using the Regular expression extractor and beanshell post processor.
BeanShell sampler Code:-
emailAd = vars.get("email");
emailAddr = vars.get("EmailAddress");
//log.info(email); // if you want to log something to jmeter.log file
if(!emailAd.equals("0")) {
// Pass true if you want to append to existing file
// If you want to overwrite, then don't pass the second argument
f = new FileOutputStream("C:/Users/Errors.tsv", true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
print(emailAddr +"\t"+ emailAd );
Just use "(.+?)", it will work . Below is the example
<input type="email" value="madhu#gmail.com">
to extract email value just use regular expression as value="(.+?)"
html code
<span id="nameDomain">gmail.com</span>
How to take the field values in Regular Expression extractor of jmeter
What i have to give
Regular Expression:
Match No.(0 for Random):
You can check the below example to extract the value.
You need to use ${spanval} in the subsequent requests to access the value you have extracted.
Check this: JMeter - Regular Expression
In general using regular expressions to parse HTML isn't a very good idea as regular expressions are very sensitive to markup change and very fragile.
You can use XPath Extractor instead.
Add XPath Extractor as a child of the request which returns that "span" and configure it as follows:
Check Use Tidy box if response is not XHTML-compliant
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. nameDomain
XPath Query: //span[#id='nameDomain']/text()
Refer extracted value as ${nameDomain} where required.
See XPath Tutorial for language reference and Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter for some more details.
If you still want to use Regular Expressions, the relevant Regular Expression will be <span id="nameDomain">(\S+)</span> and Template $1$. Other fields (apart from the "Reference Name" may be left as they are.