What does "Installed from: Google Play" mean in Google Play Console? - google-play-console

In Google Play Console there's a filter called "Installed from: Google Play". What does that mean? I can't find any documentation about it.

It means an app installed from the Play Store, so not installed from another store or sideloaded.


Google Play Signing

I have apps published before August 2021 but I am not getting Google Play Signing option in my Google Play Console. Nowhere do I find the option to upload PEPK file.
How to enable sign in?
Google Play Console

After providing the link to the internal testers, they cannot use the app from Google Play

I have provided my internal testers the link which is shown in the following image:
Once clicking that link I am transferred to this page:
After clicking the install link it directs me to Google play store. But on the Google play store it provides only the install and uninstall button. I cannot open the app.
Is there any way to resolve this? It has been more than a week I am having this issue.

Which name allow us to serach App from playstore Xamarin Android?

My Application PackageName is com.mypackage.android
and my solution name is MyApplication
so when I search on "mypackage" from playstore then my app showing.
but how to change the Searchable name from Google Play Console?
If you want to give some alternate keywords to your app to boost up searching, you all need to do it from Google play console.
You can add keyword to your app Title.
You can add keywords to app description as well.
In setting of Google play console, in Developer name you can give keyword. It helps for searching app(not recommended)
To search app easily in play store use some unique or tough characters. Even good rating and more downloads can increase SEO.
To change app name- Select app in google play console-->Setting-->Title.
Hope it helps.

google console account not showing in play store

Yesterday i have uploaded my App on google play console. Today in the console it showing that my app is published. When i click on "show" in Google Play it shows my app. But:
there is no another app showing in suggestion
as well as when i click on my account in google play it shows that the account not found on google play
The issue is that in google console it also not showing statistics of my app.
This is a link to my App but when click on account NightmareSolution it not found on server
As #Muhammad Babar suggested, you need to wait since it may take some days until you see the app in Google Play Store properly. Please check this link for the list of duplicate questions. When you first publish your application, you need to be patient and wait for Google Play to update and process your application.

Delete unlisted google play app

What is the practical method to remove an obsolete app in Google Play so no user accidentally install it?
Years ago I unlisted a few Google Play apps because they were obsolete and are no longer working with the current version of our service.
Still screenshots of these apps appear in Google search results, especially in the image search results.
These results come from third party sites that most likely profit from ads by cloning content from google play store. Example of these sites are apkpure, mobogenie, downloadapk, apkzip, apkgk.
These sites link back to the unlisted app in Google Play making it appear legit.
Google is very clear that you can't delete an app.
Is there a practical method to "delete" the app?
I've considered replacing all images in the Google Play listing with text such as "DO NOT INSTALL".
If you unpublish it, new users can't install it, even if they find it through search results.
