Export functions from internal package in Go - go

I'm testing the idea of putting most of my code in an internal package and then picking exactly which of the methods / types from there I'm exposing to the outside world. Code would look like:
package catapult
func Load(boulder Boulder) {
// ...
func Trigger() *Launch {
// ...
// ...
Maybe Load is being called by other internal packages (/mypackage/internal/randomevents/boredsoldier and /mypackage/internal/actualattackstrategy) but shouldn't be allowed by users outside of internal. All those are allowed to do is Trigger the catapult once it's loaded.
So now I'd like to have a package above internal (/mypackage/general) where Trigger is exposed but not Load. I was hoping to do something like:
package general
const TriggerCatapult = catapult.Trigger
// ^ does not work because a function cannot be a const
var TriggerCatapult = catapult.Trigger
// ^ technically works but now the value of TriggerCatapult can be overwritten by any package user
func TriggerCatapult() *catapult.Launch {
return catapult.Trigger()
// ^ works. It's just "painful" to have to reproduce the entire function's signature every time
Is there a better way to do this?

No, there is no better way to do this that the way you provide:
func TriggerCatapult() *catapult.Launch {
return catapult.Trigger()
You shouldn't return unexported types though, and most linters would catch this for you.
If a user is going to interact directly with things in catapult, then that package should not be internal.


How to Mock inner methods in GoLang

type test struct { // few fields}
func (t *test) createresource(res1 string,res2 string)error {
//doing some task
func (t *test)createsubresource(res1 string)error{
//perform some task
I want to write test function for createresource , how can I mock t.createsubresource(res1) call. This is legacy code and I don't have permission to modify any above function.
Your mock can be done using interfaces, as for example:
package main
type TestInterface interface {
CreateResource(res1 string, res2 string) error
CreateSubresource (res1 string) error
func main() {
func DoSomething(t TestInterface) {
package main
import "testing"
type TestMock struct {}
func (tm *TestMock) CreateResource(res1 string, res2 string) error {
return nil
func (tm *TestMock) CreateSubresource(res1 string) error {
return nil
func TestDoSomething(t *testing.T) {
err := DoSomething(new(TestMock))
//... do your assertions
Why does it works like that?
Calling a function that depends on a specific structure does not allow you to inject alternatives to it, that's why a solution using interface needs to be created. By having an interface, just implement a new structure that matches that interface and pass it as a dependency injection to the procedure that will be tested.
Also, check this out:
There is no easy way, by default, to just point your original structure and tell Go to make a mock from it. Maybe some 3rd party lib can do it (but I didn't saw that yet).
In go, public and private declarations are defined by the first letter as uppercase. By the lower cases declarations in your sample I've noticed that everything is private.
Usually it is not a good practice to test private methods. There are a lot of discussions about this topic, you can take a look in this one here
There are also some support libs to make assertions and mocks like for example stretchr/testify, please make a research first.
I hope that it helps you.

how to use function of unexported struct [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is there a way to create a function using unexported type as parameter in Golang?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 months ago.
I have a package where I have unexported struct and exported New function to create it and exported function that runs on this struct (as advised for example here: Return an unexported type from a function).
If I run the function in the same place the New is called I can run the package function but I am unable to send this entity to another function.
what is the best way to achieve this behavior without the need to have all my code in one function
this for example works:
client := package.New()
but this cannot work:
client := package.New()
func hello(client interface{}) {
What your hello function essentially needs is something that has a Foo function. That's why go has interfaces. There's nothing wrong with returning an unexported type (in fact, it's common and often the right thing to do). What I'd do is this:
package foobar
// whatever thing that has a Foo function
type FClient interface {
func Hello(client FClient) {
client.Foo() // will work
The reason why you'd do it like this is to be able to unit-test this code:
package foobar_test
import (
type testFC struct {
callCount uint64
// implement interface
func (t testFC) Foo() {
func TestHello(t *testing.T) {
client := testFC{}
if client.callCount != 1 {
t.Fail("dependency not called")
Of course, for more complex dependencies you'd use tools like mockgen or stuff like that, but you get the idea. By definition, a UNIT test focuses on a single UNIT of code. The last thing you'd need to do to test a package unit is to instantiate a type from another package. You should be able to mock everything your code depends on. The best way to do so is interfaces.

Fixing import cycle in Go

So I have this import cycle which I'm trying to solve. I have this following pattern:
- view.go
- action.go
- register.go
And the general idea is that actions are performed on a view, and are executed by the view:
// view.go
type View struct {
Name string
// action.go
func ChangeName(v *view.View) {
v.Name = "new name"
// register.go
const Register = map[string]func(v *view.View) {
"ChangeName": ChangeName,
And then in view.go we invoke this:
func (v *View) doThings() {
if action, exists := action.Register["ChangeName"]; exists {
But this causes a cycle because View depends on the Action package, and vice versa. How can I solve
this cycle? Is there a different way to approach this?
An import cycle indicates a fundamentally faulty design. Broadly speaking, you're looking at one of the following:
You're mixing concerns. Perhaps view shouldn't be accessing action.Register at all, or perhaps action shouldn't be responsible for changing the names of views (or both). This seems the most likely.
You're relying on a concretion where you should be relying on an interface and injecting a concretion. For example, rather than the view accessing action.Register directly, it could call a method on an interface type defined within view, and injected into the View object when it is constructed.
You need one or more additional, separate packages to hold the logic used by both the view and action packages, but which calls out to neither.
Generally speaking, you want to architect an application so that you have three basic types of packages:
Wholly self-contained packages, which reference no other first-party packages (they can of course reference the standard library or other third-party packages).
Logic packages whose only internal dependencies are of type 1 above, i.e., wholly self-contained packages. These packages should not rely on each other or on those of type 3 below.
"Wiring" packages, which mostly interact with the logic packages, and handle instantiation, initialization, configuration, and injection of dependencies. These can depend on any other package except for other type 3 packages. You should need very, very few packages of this type - often just one, main, but occasionally two or three for more complex applications.
Basically, you are able to break dependencies by introducing interface and injecting the interface instead of a struct.
With your example it would look like:
// view.go
package view
import "import_cycles/action"
type View struct {
Name string
func (v *View) ModifyName(name string) {
v.Name = name
func (v *View) DoThings() {
if action, exists := action.Register["ChangeName"]; exists {
// action.go
package action
func ChangeName(v NameChanger) {
v.ModifyName("new name")
// register.go
package action
type NameChanger interface {
ModifyName(name string)
var Register = map[string]func(v NameChanger){
"ChangeName": ChangeName,
Please note that NameChanger interface is introduced. Here following things to be point:
this interface injected in function ChangeName instead of passing struct
struct View is implementing this interface
As a result package "action" no more need to import package "view" since the interface is placed in the same package "action"
In main.go we can test the result:
v := &view.View{
Name: "some name",
// &{new name}
In my own case, I created a simple import cycle in my unit tests. My normal app was fine.
To answer your question on fixing, first I isolated the function that caused the import cycle. In my case, the import cycle only happened when running tests.
Then I checked what type of import cycle. This helped to visualize the error. I found that Package B tests depended on Package A.
I moved the tests into Package A and no more import cycle [ and cleaner tests ].
Import cycles are the result of a design error. Structs which depend on each other in both directions must be in the same package, or else an import cycle will occur. By the way, Go is not the only programming language with this restriction. It also exist in C++ and Python, for example.

Function as argument, access inner parameter

The package valyala/fasthttp implements the following function type:
type RequestHandler func(ctx *RequestCtx)
It is used in buaazp/fasthttprouter like this:
func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handle fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
I am trying to wrap these like this (open for suggestions on implementation):
type Request struct {
type RequestHandler func(*Request)
func Handle(method string, path string, handler RequestHandler) {
//I need to access the fasthttp.RequestCtx stuff in here...
How can I achieve this? Or, if this is not the way to go at all, how can I achieve my goal as mentioned below for a router package?
Goal: My wish is to wrap tooling packages (sessions, database, routing, etc.) in order to make my app agnostic to the implementation of these packages. I wish to do this primarily for the purpose of being able to extend these with domain-specific functionality, and being able to switch one 3rd party lib for another, if I ever would need to do so. It also makes debugging and logging easier.
Method: I create native types and functions, which map to the functionality of the imported packages.
Problem: I am stuck on how to wrap a foreign (i.e. imported) function type properly.
At all your idea looks very good. Some things you could change:
// Using a composition is idiomatic go code
// this should work. It can't get better.
type Request struct {
// I would make the RequestHandler as a real Handler. In go it would be
// a interface
type RequestHandler interface{
// If you have a function, which needs to access parameters from `Request`
// you should take this as an input.
func Handle(method string, path string, req *Request) {
//Access Request via req.Request ...
Because if you pass a function or an interface into your function, which needs also Request as input the caller needs to create that before he calls your Handle function. Why not change that function just for the input you really need?

How to access flags outside of main package?

We parse flags in main.go which is in main package, of course. Then we have another package where we want to read some flag's value.
flags.Args() work fine, it will return all non-flag values.
But I cannot figure out to how read already parsed value for a flag in a package other than main.
Is it possible?
I had the same requirement recently and I wanted a solution that avoided calling flag.Parse repeatedly in init functions.
Perusing the flag package I found Lookup(name string) which returns a Flag which has a Value. Every built in Value implements the flag.Getter interface. The call chain looks like this:
If you mistype the flag name or use the wrong type you get a runtime error. I wrapped the lookup in a function that I call directly where needed since the lookup and get methods are fast and the function is not called often. So the main package declares the flag.
// main.go
package main
import "flag"
var httplog = flag.Bool("httplog", false, "Log every HTTP request and response.")
func main() {
// ...
And the utility package, which is decoupled from main except for the flag name, reads the flag value.
// httpdiag.go
package utility
import "flag"
func logging() bool {
return flag.Lookup("httplog").Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(bool)
You can define the var storing the flag in the separate package, as an exported variable, then call the flag parsing in the main package to use that variable, like this:
var (
MyExportedVar string
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&mypackage.MyExportedVar, "flagName", "defaultValue", "usage")
This way, everybody can access that flag, including that package itself.
this only works for exported variables.
You can define the flag in that package and call flag.Parse() in func init(), flag.Parse can be called multiple times.
However, if you want to access the flag's value from multiple packages you have to expose it or create an exposed function to check it.
for example:
// pkgA
var A = flag.Bool("a", false, "why a?")
func init() {
// main package
func main() {
if *pkgA.A {
// stuff
Also you can use FlagSet.Parse(os.Args) if you want to reparse the args.
When you parse your flags, parse them into global variables which start with an initial Capital so they are public, eg
package main
var Species = flag.String("species", "gopher", "the species we are studying")
func main() {
Then in your other package you can refer to them as
package other
import "/path/to/package/main"
func Whatever() {
