LevelDB: Put data slow after database is large (1GB+) - leveldb

Actually, I'm using the goleveldb implementation.
I am performing a task of inserting data continuously, and in the first few seconds, the insertion is fast, but when the amount of data reaches about 1 GB, the insert operation hangs.
The key written is a number, and the insertion order is random. The value is a file of a few KB. My storage directory is under the HDD disk and is always 100% occupied.
Maybe I should use an SSD, or maybe this is not a leveldb scenario? Or do I have the wrong configuration? I am using exactly the default configuration.
I found someone encountered the same issue: https://github.com/google/leveldb/issues/828, but there is no solution.


How can I improve ClickHouse server's startup time?

I am evaluating ClickHouse's performance for potential use in a project. The write performance has been encouraging up to this point but as I was running my tests and had to restart the server a few times, I noticed an issue which has the potential of being a hard showstopper: the server startup time is fluctuating and most of the times extremely high.
My evaluation server contains 26 databases holding about 54 billion records and taking up 697.32 GB on disk.
With this amount of data I have been getting startup times from as low as 7m35s to almost 3h.
Is this normal? Can it be solved with some fancier configuration? Am I doing something really wrong? Because, as it stands, such a long startup time is a showstopper.
The main cause of slow startup time is due to the gigantic amount of metadata needed to be loaded, which has a positive correlation with the number of data files. In order to boost startup time, you need to either shrink the file count or get more memory in order to preserve all dentry and inode caches.
My evaluation server contains 26 databases holding about 54 billion records and taking up 697.32 GB on disk.
I'd suggest the following:
Try adjustint current data partition schemes in a coarser manner
Use OPTIMIZE TABLE <table> FINAL to compact all data files
Upgrade data disk to SSD or efficient RAID, or use file systems like btrfs to store meta data separately on fast storage.

Cassandra client code with high read throughput with row_cache optimization

Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over? I believe row_cache_size_in_mb is supposed to cache frequently used records in memory, but setting it to say 10MB seems to make no difference.
I tried cassandra-stress of course, but the highest read throughput it achieves with 1KB records (-col size=UNIFORM\(1000..1000\)) is ~15K/s.
With low numbers like above, I can easily write an in-memory hashmap based cache that will give me at least a million reads per second for a small working set size. How do I make cassandra do this automatically for me? Or is it not supposed to achieve performance close to an in-memory map even for a tiny working set size?
Can someone point me to cassandra client code that can achieve a read throughput of at least hundreds of thousands of reads/s if I keep reading the same record (or even a small number of records) over and over?
There are some solution for this scenario
One idea is to use row cache but be careful, any update/delete to a single column will invalidate the whole partition from the cache so you loose all the benefit. Row cache best usage is for small dataset and are frequently read but almost never modified.
Are you sure that your cassandra-stress scenario never update or write to the same partition over and over again ?
Here are my findings: when I enable row_cache, counter_cache, and key_cache all to sizable values, I am able to verify using "top" that cassandra does no disk I/O at all; all three seem necessary to ensure no disk activity. Yet, despite zero disk I/O, the throughput is <20K/s even for reading a single record over and over. This likely confirms (as also alluded to in my comment) that cassandra incurs the cost of serialization and deserialization even if its operations are completely in-memory, i.e., it is not designed to compete with native hashmap performance. So, if you want get native hashmap speeds for a small-working-set workload but expand to disk if the map grows big, you would need to write your own cache on top of cassandra (or any of the other key-value stores like mongo, redis, etc. for that matter).
For those interested, I also verified that redis is the fastest among cassandra, mongo, and redis for a simple get/put small-working-set workload, but even redis gets at best ~35K/s read throughput (largely independent, by design, of the request size), which hardly comes anywhere close to native hashmap performance that simply returns pointers and can do so comfortably at over 2 million/s.

MongoDB insert performance with 2nd index

I'm trying to insert about 250 million documents that are each roughly 400 bytes into MongoDB 3.0 with WiredTiger. I need to search on only one short string key, _user_lower. Although I'm using WiredTiger now, which is much better than MMAPv1, I did use MMAPv1 first and had similar issues.
My server (a very cheap VPS) has:
250 GB magnetic disk
2 GB Swap
2.1 GHz single-core CPU
I know that this machine is really slow, and I'm asking it to do something a bit unrealistic. But I'm confused about how it started so fast with one index, and the second just ruined the performance:
I inserted all the data that I had at the time (about 250M rows) without any index except on _id. This performed very well, considering my awful hardware:
Approximately 5000 inserts per second (totally acceptable)
This rate was nearly constant for the 14 hours hours it took to complete
The index size on _id once complete was nearly 2.5GB. Note that this is more than double my physical RAM.
The RES of the process didn't exceed 450 MB according to mongostat.
No swapping
top seemed to indicate that CPU time wasn't all being spent waiting for the disk (so a significant amount was spent in userspace, presumably with WiredTiger in the snappy code)
Then I built a (non-unique) index on the only field I need to query by, _user_lower. This took 7.7 hours, which is fine since that's a one-time deal. The index ended up being 1.6 GB, which seems really low to me when compared to the _id index. The RES went up to about 750 MB.
Then, I downloaded a new data set to load. It was only 102 MB (238 K documents). I loaded it in the same way, using mongoimport, but this time:
Only 80 inserts per second (slower at times)
RES stayed at around 750 MB
top says almost 100% of the CPU was spent waiting for IO
Of course, load went through the roof.
I could understand a sizable performance hit, since that index has to be updated. But I didn't expect this much. I've read all over the place that my indexes should fit in RAM, but the performance was great during the initial insert, where the index quickly outgrew my memory.
Can I optimize the _user_index index at all? I don't know what this would even mean, but maybe only index the first few characters? I'm definitely willing to halve the query performance in exchange for tripling the insert performance.
What accounts for the massive performance hit? How do I fix it without new hardware? I'm not really attached to MongoDB, so alternatives that don't have these performance characteristics are fine. I have an idea that just uses flat files which would probably work but I don't want to write all that code.
When adding new items to a collection, the database will have to keep the index up-to-date. Since the index in MongoDB is a B-Tree by default, that means it will have to insert an item in the tree. While that isn't a particularly expensive operation in the best case, it comes with two potential performance problems:
performance jitter: from time to time, the B-Tree bucket might be full, requiring a bucket split and hence a lot more operations than the 'simple' insert
the insert destination must be readily available
In this case, the latter is likely to cause trouble: because the insertion of a name hits a random node in the tree (i.e, the name insertion doesn't follow a pattern) and your RAM is smaller than the index, chances are high that the destination must be fetched from disk. Unfortunately, the performance of disk seeks is orders of magnitude lower than main memory references. If you're unlucky, the first ref location requires another disk seek such that for a single insert multiple disk reads are required before MongoDB can even begin writing. That can take hundreds of milliseconds, with spinning disks or some contention on typical IaaS infrastructure even seconds.
Because ObjectIds are generated monotonically (the timestamp is the most significant part), the insertion always happens at the end and it is possible to keep the destination largely in RAM. Performance jitter, i.e. problem 1 might still be an issue since a bucket split might require a disk seek, but it happens so rarely compared to the first case that it doesn't wreck average performance, which should explain the observed behavior.
Also, when the bucket is filled by a monotonically increasing value, MongoDB will split the bucket when it is 90% filled; with random insertion, splits will happen a lot earlier, at 50%, so the tree is a little more 'dense' in that case.

Is there a way to change keys in leveldb?

Is there some how to change only the value of the keys in a leveldb database?
I already have a database with 18 milion rows, and I would like to change keys to add a prefix.
I am using leveldb with node.js. But any solution must fit.
I have already tried to rebuilt this database, but it costs too much time.
The way LevelDB works, every "Put" is a write that creates new state.
If you do a "Put" that overwrites an existing value, you'll have two
copies until compaction eliminates the older value.
Practically, this means that rebuilding will be the only option.
To make it faster you can try:
Scan the existing database, and rebuild by doing a linear scan
through the keyspace. Your new data will be inserted in sorted
order, which may help speed things up.
Insert in batches. Many variants of LevelDB will slow down writes to
accommodate compaction. In the stock LevelDB, your writer will sleep
1ms whenever it needs to sleep and this is independent of the number of writes in the batch.
Increase the write buffer size. I've found 16MB-32MB to be a good "sweet spot".
Consider using HyperLevelDB. We were running into some
performance issues with LevelDB with writes, and made some changes
that improve performance. You'll see your insertion speed go up,
which could help you rebuild faster -- sometimes significantly

Cassandra running out of memory (heap space)

We are experimenting a bit with Cassandra lately (version 1.0.7) and we seem to have some problems with memory. We use EC2 as our test environment and we have three nodes with 3.7G of memory and 1 core # 2.4G, all running Ubuntu server 11.10.
The problem is that the node we hit from our thrift interface dies regularly (approximately after we store 2-2.5G of data). Error message: OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space and according to the log it in fact used all of the allocated memory.
The nodes are under relatively constant load and store about 2000-4000 row keys a minute, which are batched through the Trift interface in 10-30 row keys at once (with about 50 columns each). The number of reads is very low with around 1000-2000 a day and only requesting the data of a single row key. The is currently only one used column family.
The initial thought was that something was wrong in the cassandra-env.sh file. So, we specified the variables 'system_memory_in_mb' (3760) and the 'system_cpu_cores' (1) according to our nodes' specification. We also changed the 'MAX_HEAP_SIZE' to 2G and the 'HEAP_NEWSIZE' to 200M (we think the second is related to the Garbage Collection). Unfortunately, that did not solve the issue and the node we hit via thrift keeps on dying regularly.
In case you find this useful, swap is off and unevictable memory seems to be very high on all 3 servers (2.3GB, we usually observe the amount of unevictable memory on other Linux servers of around 0-16KB) (We are not quite sure how the unevictable memory ties into Cassandra, its just something we observed while looking into the problem). The CPU is pretty much idle the entire time. The heap memory is clearly being reduced once in a while according to nodetool, but obviously grows over the limit as time goes by.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
cassandra-env.sh defaults are perfect for almost all workloads, so until you know why this is happening best to put them back to their defaults or you may be making things worse without realizing.
I see concurrent reads and writes of 2k/sec/node on our cluster, so 2k-4k writes per minute is very little, although the fact that it's only the node accepting your connections that is dying is a little strange.
If you connect your app to the thrift endpoint on one of the other nodes is it then that one that dies?
Client connections use memory so might be worth double checking you're not connecting too many at a time. "netstat -A inet | grep 9160" on the dying cassandra node should tell you how many client connections you have. Depending heavily on your application you'd expect 10s or 100s rather than 1000s.
What do the writes look like?
Are you writing the same row keys repeatedly and if so are you appending new column names or overwriting the same ones?
How big is each write? Anything else you can tell me?
If you're overwriting the same column names in the same row keys constantly compaction may be struggling.
If you're appending new column names to the same row keys constantly you might be growing your rows too large to fit into memory.
the output of "nodetool -h localhost tpstats" on the dying node might also give some clues as to where you're falling down. Anything constantly pending is probably bad news, especially at such a low write rate.
If you're going to use cassandra in production you should get graphing of the internals to better understand what's going on. jmxtrans and graphite should be your new best friends.
There are some things you can try tweaking. First make sure you dont have row caching on your column family. Also worth while checking the log for errors and tpstats incase something died due to an error and something is getting backed up in a queue. The stack trace of the exception could be meaningful too since there are actually different types of OOMs that could just mean kernel tweaks.
If your just using too much memory per node then you want for the size of your data set try checking the cfstats, you can identify roughly how much space is spent on bloom filters. As you have more rows in a CF this can get linearly larger and is part of the base minimum memory your nodes are going to require.
nodetool cfstats | grep Bloom.*Used | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print SUM " bytes" }'
Since you dont read very often you can probably increase the false positive rate on them. Each SSTable has a bloom filter it uses to check if a row exists in it or not. You can change with cqlsh
ALTER TABLE MyColumnFamily WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.1;
After that call an upgrade on that CF (this will be slow) per node
nodetool upgradesstables MyKeyspace MyColumnFamily
There are consequences to this where reads may take longer since there is a 10%-ish (the .1) chance it will check SSTables for rows that dont exist in it, resulting in extra disk seeks.
Another major memory sink if you have column families with large amount of rows is the sampling rate of the index. This can be modified per node level in the cassandra.yaml
If you have it set up to take heap dumps on OOM (-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError on by default I believe) there should be some heap dumps available in the /var/lib/cassandra/data directory. You can open these up in visualvm or whatever tool you like to identify what part of the heaps is where.
