How to rehydrate state stored aggregates in Axon Framework - spring-boot

I have state stored aggregates in a PostgreSQL database. I'm testing replay by deleting the state stored tables and the token_entry table and restarting the application. All events will be replayed and aggregates are restored in-memory. However, my state stored tables stay empty. I was thinking that they would also be restored?
I'm using SpringBoot and latest Axon. The code, at this moment, is as simple as it can get.

Whenever you're using Axon's State-Stored Aggregates, they'll only be stored as-is. Hence, throwing away the stored instances and starting the application will not trigger a replay.
When removing TrackingTokens, or initiating a replay by invoking StreamingEventProcessor#resetTokens (this is the recommended approach, by the way), you're effectively telling the Event Processors of your application to start event streaming from scratch.
This part of Axon Framework supports the so-called Query Side of CQRS. The Aggregate support in Axon Framework is specifically for the Command Side of an application.
Long story short, State-Stored Aggregates don't have replay support. If you want your Aggregates (Command Models) to be replayed, you will have to use Event Sourcing Aggregates instead.
I hope the above clarifies a little about the misconception between Token and Aggregates from your question. And by the way, if you feel Axon's Reference Guide should be adjusted to clarify your situation, you're always free to file an issue.


How to migrate to Event-Sourcing?

we are migrating from a legacy monolith application to a microservice architecture. we use CQRS and event sourcing pattern and message broker (rabbitmq) for communication mechanism. now We are facing a challenge about how can convert the old database to new architecture and how can use event sourcing for these? Assuming the old database did not have events, can we do the data conversion without creating events? what is the start point of our old database data in the event sourcing pattern?
One important thing to remember is that many databases internally event source: every write goes to a log and that log is used to update tables, replicate etc., after which the log is truncated. It's equivalent to event sourcing with a lot of snapshots and very little retention of events and old snapshots.
In these databases (which include the likes of Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Cassandra, CosmosDB, to name ones I know from experience do this), there's a technique called Change Data Capture which essentially taps into the log and exposes a stream of changes to the database which can be treated as events from the database (or by extension as commands: "one service's events are another service's commands"). Debezium can be used to write CDC records to Kafka; for RabbitMQ you may need to roll something yourself, in which case you'll want to get acquainted with how CDC is exposed in your database.
Even if the database doesn't support CDC, if the data isn't that large, you can often turn it into an ersatz event stream by periodically dumping its data (if the records are timestamped, this can even work if the data is particularly slow moving) and implementing a service to track what changed: this won't tell you about changes that netted out, but it's often better than nothing. This sort of dump is also likely to be required if you need a "genesis" event to ensure that your initial state is current to when you moved to event-sourcing or CDC.
This whole broad family of techniques has limitations compared to full event sourcing: reifying what changed is not as valuable as reifying what changed and why it changed. But it can be a useful middle ground in migrating to event-sourcing.
By referring #alexey-zimarev's answer at this post, it's essential to have the starting event in your event sourced database. You can not configure an event-sourced aggregate without replaying its events. Therefore, you need to map the legacy snapshot to an individual domain event of your relevant aggregate.
Either the way, considering event souring definition by Martin Fowler:
The fundamental idea of Event Sourcing is that of ensuring every
change to the state of an application is captured in an event object,
and that these event objects are themselves stored in the sequence
they were applied for the same lifetime as the application state
So that, it's not an appropriate solution to migrate legacy snapshots into the newer one without extracting and storing domain events. It will turn your event-sourced project into a semi-event-sourced project which is not considered as a paradigm to design and develop.
You have an event store that is a database for events. you can create event data that you need for the old database and insert into the event store. After that, do event replaying for creating read models.

Should we store Events in a database? (Event Driven Design)

We have several services that publishes and subscribes to Domain Events. What we usually do is log events whenever we publish and log events whenever we process events. We basically use this to apply choreography pattern.
We are not doing Event Sourcing in these systems, and there's no programmatic use for them after publishing/processing. That's the main driver we opted not to store these in a durable container, like a database or event store.
Question is, are we missing some fundamental thing by doing this?
Is storing Events a must?
I consider queued messages as system messages, even if they represent some domain event in an event-driven architecture (pub/sub messaging).
There is absolutely no hard-and-fast rule about their storage. If you would like to keep them around you could have your messaging mechanism forward them to some auditing endpoint for storage and then remove them after some time (if necessary).
You are not missing anything fundamental by not storing them.
You're definitely not missing out on anything (but there is a catch) especially if that's not a need by the business. An Event-Sourced System would definitely store all the events generated by the system into a database (or any other event-store)
The main use of an event store is to be able to restore the state of the system to the current state in case of a failure by replaying messages. To make this process of recovery faster we have snapshots.
In your case since these events are just are only relevant until the process is completed, it would not make sense to store them until you have a failure. (this is the catch) especially in a Distributed Transaction case scenario.
What I would suggest?
Don't store the event themselves but log the relevant details about these events and maybe use an ELK stack or Grafana to store these logs.
Use either the Saga Pattern or the Routing Slip pattern in case of a Distributed Transaction and log them as well.
In case a failure occurs while processing an event, put that event into an exception queue and handle it. If it's a part of a distributed transaction make sure either they all have the same TransactionId or they have a CorrelationId so you can lookup for logs and save your system.
For reliably performing your business transactions in a distributed archicture you somehow need to make sure that your events are published at least once.
So a service that publishes events needs to persist such an event within the same transaction that causes it to get created.
Considering you are publishing an event via infrastructure services (e.g. a messaging service) you can not rely on it being available all the time.
Also, your own service instance could go down after persisting your newly created or changed aggregate but before it had the chance to publish the event via, for instance, a messaging service.
Question is, are we missing some fundamental thing by doing this? Is storing Events a must?
It doesn't matter that you are not doing event sourcing. Unless it is okay from the business perspective to sometimes lose an event forever you need to temporarily persist your event with your local transaction until it got published.
You can look into the Transactional Outbox Pattern to achieve reliable event publishing.
Note: Logging/tracking your events somehow for monitoring or later analyzing/reporting purpose is a different thing and has another motivation.

Subscription queries in a multi-node environment

Our axon backed service runs on several nodes. Our event processors are tracking (1 segment, thus active on one node). If I subscribe to a query on node A and the event that should trigger the update is handled on node B, node A will miss this.
Is this by design or should this work and am I misconfiguring the application?
In case of the former, what could we do to implement a likewise functionality in the most axon idiomatic manner?
(currently we poll the data source / projection directly for x seconds)
The QueryBus you are using is a SimpleQueryBus which stays within a single JVM, always.
If you need a distributed version of the QueryBus, you should turn towards using Axon Server as the centralized means to route queries between your nodes.
Note that although you could create this yourself, people have tried to do so (as shown in this Pull Request on the framework) and decided against it in favor of the optimizations made in Axon Server.
So, in short, I am assuming you are currently excluding the Axon Server connector.
Thus the framework gives you the SimpleQueryBus, which is indeed designed to not span several nodes.
And lastly, the quickest way to achieve distributed routing of queries is to use Axon Server.

Microservice - persisting to RDBMS & queue within a transaction

I have a REST service - all its requests are persisted to its own relational database. So far, good. But, there is also a small business functionality (email notification, sms alert) that should be run on the newly received/updated data. For this process to work on data in background, it requires some way to know about the persisted data - a message queue would fix the problem. Three common ways I see designing this,
The REST service inserts into the database, also, publish to the queue, too.
The problem here is, distributed transaction - combining different types within one transaction - relational database & the queue. Some tools may support, some may not.
As usual REST service persists only to its database. Additionally it also inserts the data into another table to which a scheduled job queries, publishes them to queue (from which the background job should start its work).
The problem I see is the scheduler - not reactive, batchprocessing, limited by the time slot, not realtime, slow and others.
The REST endpoint publishes the data directly to a topic. A consumer persists it to the database, whereas another process it in the background.
Something like eventsourcing. TMU, it is bit complex to implement as the number of services grow. Also, if the db is down, the persistent service would fail to save the data, however the background service (say, the emailer) would send email which is functionaly wrong. This may lead to inconsistency among the services, also functional.
I have also thought of reading database transaction-logs, but it seems more complex, requires tools to configurations to make it work, also, it seems right for data processing systems than for our use case.
What's your thought on this - did I miss anything? How do you manage such scenarios? What should be looked for? Thinking reactive, say Vertx?
Apologies if this looks very naive, but I have to ask.
I think best approach is 2 with a CDC(change data capture) system like debezium.
See [][1]
I usually recommend option 3 if you don't need immediate read after write consistency. Background job should retry if the database record is still not updated by the message it processes.
Your post exemplifies why queues shouldn't be used for these types of scenarios. They are good for delivering analytical data or logs, but for task orchestration developers have to reinvent the wheel every time.
The much better approach is to use a task orchestration system like Cadence Workflow that eliminates issues you described and makes multi-service orchestration much simpler.
See this presentation that explains the Cadence programming model.

Micro-services architecture, need advise

We are working on a system that is supposed to 'run' jobs on distributed systems.
When jobs are accepted they need to go through a pipeline before they can be executed on the end system.
We've decided to go with a micro-services architecture but there one thing that bothers me and i'm not sure what would be the best practice.
When a job is accepted it will first be persisted into a database, then - each micro-service in the pipeline will do some additional work to prepare the job for execution.
I want the persisted data to be updated on each such station in the pipeline to reflect the actual state of the job, or the its status in the pipeline.
In addition, while a job is being executed on the end system - its status should also get updated.
What would be the best practice in sense of updating the database (job's status) in each station:
Each such station (micro-service) in the pipeline accesses the database directly and updates the job's status
There is another micro-service that exposes the data (REST) and serves as DAL, each micro-service in the pipeline updates the job's status through this service
Help/advise would be highly appreciated.
Thanx a lot!!
To add to what was said by #Anunay and #Mohamed Abdul Jawad
I'd consider writing the state from the units of work in your pipeline to a view (table/cache(insert only)), you can use messaging or simply insert a row into that view and have the readers of the state pick up the correct state based on some logic (date or state or a composite key). as this view is not really owned by any domain service it can be available to any readers (read-only) to consume...
Consider also SAGA Pattern
A Saga is a sequence of local transactions where each transaction updates data within a single service. The first transaction is initiated by an external request corresponding to the system operation, and then each subsequent step is triggered by the completion of the previous one.
If you would like to code the workflow:
Micorservice A which accepts the Job and command for update the job
Micorservice B which provide read model for the Job
Based on JobCreatedEvents use some messaging queue and process and update the job through queue pipelines and keep updating JobStatus through every node in pipeline.
I am assuming you know things about queues and consumers.
Myself new to Camunda(workflow engine), that might be used not completely sure
accessing some shared database between microservices is highly not recommended as this will violate the basic rule of microservices architecture.
microservice must be autonomous and keep it own logic and data
also to achive a good microservice design you should losely couple your microservices
Multiple microservices accessing the database is not recommended. Here you have the case where each of the service needs to be triggered, then they update the data and then some how call the next service.
You really need a mechanism to orchestrate the services. A workflow engine might fit the bill.
I would however suggest an event driven system. I might be going beyond with a limited knowledge of the data that you have. Have one service that gives you basic crud on data and other services that have logic to change the data (I would at this point would like to ask why you want different services to change the state, if its a biz req, its fine) Once you get the data written just create an event to which services can subscribe and react to it.
This will allow you to easily add more states to your pipeline in future.
You will need a service to manage the event queue.
As far as logging the state of the event was concerned it can be done easily by logging the events.
If you opt for workflow route you may use Amazon SWF or Camunda or really there quite a few options out there.
If going for the event route you need to look into event driven system in mciroservies.
