Cannot create MicroStation .net project in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I am trying to create plugin for MicroStation, using .net framework following this tutorial :
I have those installed on my PC (windows 10 x64):
However when I try to create a new project in visual studio, there is no option relative to Bentley or Microstation.
Is there anything missing in my configuration ?
Thanks in advance

I found the answer myself :
In addition to what is listed in the tutorial, you need to install the extension "VS 2019 Tools for MicroStation CONNECT Edition", which can be found in the extension market inside VS.


How to add a service reference to Xamarin PCL on VisualStudio 2017

I'm working on a simple Xamarin cross-platform mobile application that needs to connect to a WEB Service. There are a few posts (see here, here and here) saying that Visual Studio doesn't support Service References for Windows Phone 8.1 and that I must remove such target from the project.
Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to do so under VS2017 Community (Release 15.1 26403.7): see image Visual Studio 2017 doesn't show any Windows 8.1 Target. "Windows Phone 8.1" is indeed in the targets but when I click on "Change" it doesn't appear... so I can't remove it.
I know I can add a reference to each platform-specific project (Android or iOS) but the whole point is to rely on a single common service reference and avoid time-consuming interfaces.
Thank you for your help!
All my apologies, I have found the answer - like, 45 seconds after posting - by putting together this post and this post:
Manually edit the portable .csproj
In the "TargetFrameworkProfile" enter "Profile78"
VS2017 will reload the project and you will now be able to add a Service Reference.

Running ARCHICAD project in VS C++ Express 2013

I am learning archicad and trying to open an existing example from API Development Kit in VS Express C++ 2013. I have installed SDK 7.1. in order to 64 development as VS Express doesn't run it by default. I am having trouble to run the example.
However, I installed all the necessary components and programs. This error window pops up all the time I try to run. I really have no clue how to make an archicad sample project run in VS C++ Express 2013.
The third line in Russian is translated as: "Impossible to find the designated folder".
I copied the API DevKit folder into the VS Express folder, doesn't help.
Please, help if someone faced such a problem or does all this stuff.
P.S. I need to run ArchiCAD in VS C++ Express.
This is the print screen:
As a former Archicad API developer, I would definitely recommend you to use Visual Studio 2005 Express.This specific version (assuming you are developing for AC12 and above), is compatible with the API (I developed for AC13 and AC15, it worked fine). That is also recommended by Graphisoft itself.
for further information:
You have to check the encoding of APIdefs_Automate.h. If it is ANSI, it will fail. The encoding must be UTF-8.
For older archicad projects you had to use vs2010. For the new 21 they upgraded to vs2015. To use vs2015 in older projects you have to have vs2010 installed to use it's v100 platform toolset. Then when you open an older project with the new visual studio, it asks for upgrading the project, here say no and you are good to go.

missing SQLite data provider in VS 2013

I'm using VS 2013 to develop Win 8.1 app. I chose to deal with SQLite but I coudn't find the data provider when I was trying to add a new connection to manage my database.
Any help is appreciated
Install this:
and reboot evertything
I have lost 3 hours with this problem
Updated with new version.
Updated with sanuel-jackson's comment info.
and download Setups for 32-bit Windows (.NET Framework 4.5.1) where
This is the only setup package that is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2013.

VS2005 and Windows SDK 7.1

Running the WindowsSdkVer.exe shipped with Platform SDK 7.1 does not work.
None of the .BAT files in VS 2005 get updated.
can anyone please tell me how to correct this?
Also, how do I verify that VS2005 is using Platform SDK 7.1?
There are several articles for this in MSDN but none of them for above configuration.
Also, none of them describe the concrete way / definate way of verifying this
You could try to manually set the include and lib paths of the VS environment under
Tools->Options->VC++ Directories
or something like that (it's been a while).
For verification, you can add the /showIncludes parameter to the additional compiler options of the project, and /verbose:lib to the additional linker options to double check that the correct headers/libraries are being used when compiling/linking the project.
IIRC there was some kind of incompatibility between one of the newer versions of the SDK (could have been version 7) and using VS2005, but I can't recall off hand what that was.
You can use below method for using Windows SDK 7.1 with Visual Studio 2005.
Configuring Visual Studio for Visual C++ Development with the Windows SDK
In the link , you can find the contents with
"To use the Windows SDK Configuration Tool in Visual Studio 2008".
Even though it has such title, you can use the same procedure also for VS2005.
Start the Windows SDK Configuration Tool by clicking Start, then All Programs, then Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1, and then Visual Studio Registration.
Right-click Windows SDK Configuration Tool and then click Run as
In the Windows SDK Configuration Tool, in the list, select v7.1.
Click Make Current.

dotnet Framework 4 missing from visual studio 2010

I just installed visual studio 2010 but when i create a new project Framework 4 does not appear in the options for target framework. I know framework 4 installed correctly because the new app pools set to v4 were created in IIS. For some reason it's just not showing up in visual studio. I tried repairing dotnet 4 and reinstalling visual studio but still no luck. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
First of all you shoul use the .NET Framework Setup Verification Tool to check the .NET 4 have been properly installed.
I also recommend you to check the both products language, sometimes it could be the problem.
If everything is ok, i guess you have registry problem, so you would have to check the installation keys or use .NET uninstall tools.
More info:
Detection keys for .NET Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010
Uninstall .NET Framework Tool
Visual Studio does not detect .NET Framework 4
Hope helps!
I had the same problem and it turned out to be that I needed the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack. No other combination of actions would fix this.
I tried all the ways but no success,
According to this link,you can solve this problem by copy frameworklist.xml file from another computer and paste it in your system.
I had the same problem and I resolved it. I found out that there were no file FrameworkList.xml in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\RedistList.
But I noticed this file in machine where .Net Framework 4 is accessible from VS
2010. Then I copied this file to my computer and restarted VS 2010. And .Net Framework 4
appeared from drop down list.
I attached frameworklist.xml file from my system :Download frameworklist.xml
Changes which lead to missing .Net4 problem:
I changed some registry settings in
CommonFilesDir (x86)
ProgramFilesDir (x86)
All those were moved from C: drive to another drive (E: in my case)
I changed the location of some user folders:
Those were moved (via Properties->Path->"Move" button) from C: drive to F: drive.
After reverting 1. back to drive C:
and creating symbolic links in C:\Users\<name>\AppData to the new locations,
it worked again (note: I uninstalled VS before reverting the changes, and installed again afterwards)
(Create link with: mklink /d C:\Users\<name>\AppData\LocalLow E:\Data\LocalLow)
I can not say if both changes are really needed, because I changed both at once.
But finally it works again ;)
I'm seeing the same problem. We were using my build box to test installs of a WinForms app on a machine without 4.0. We bundled 4.0 in the manifest and the app works, Framework 4 Client Profile and Framework 4 Extended show up in add/remove programs, but there is still no 4.0 Framework in the VS2010 options.
BTW, reloading SP1 was no help.
I finally got this working by running the VS2010 setup in repair mode. I now see Framework 4.0 options in VS2010.
That was a long and tedious process and now I have to patch to SP1 again. MSFT should fix this behavior in a SP soon.
Had the same problem. Numerous uninstalls and reinstalls of visual studio 2010 and the .NET 4.X frameworks didn't fix it.
Manually uninstalling the "Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools" item and then doing a repair install of VS2010 seems to have done the trick.
I had the same problem this week and it got resolved by installing Visual Studio 2012 RC.
Removing and reinstalling .NET Framework 4 didn't help and I couldn't reinstall Visual Studio 2010. After installing the 2012 RC the Framework 4
I had installed .NET 4.5, which ended up breaking something, so decided to uninstall. VS 2010 could not longer see .NET 4.0. I tried using the .NET cleanup tool and reinstalling, but no go.
Eventually what worked was what is posted at I installed Windows Phone Developer Tools ( up until the multi-targeting package, at which point I canceled installation.
You can reinstall the targeting pack using this command, this solved my issue:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting PAck
COMMAND--> NetFx_DTP.msi EXTUI=1 /log "%TEMP%\dd_netfx_dtp.txt"
I think it's because you installed higher version of .net framework, such as .net framework 4.6, Which caused the mistake of missing .net framework 4.0.
For me using Arash's fix worked "there were no file FrameworkList.xml in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\RedistList".
I noticed I had other .NET versions and just copied the FrameworkList.xml from one of those to 4.0 RedistList folder and it worked.
VS2010 ->Right Click on Project -> Property Pages - > Build->Target Framework
is showing up to .NET 3.5 only. I have installed up to .NET 4.5 framework.
I tried many solutions and decided to take a drastic step to format. The following way I got the solution without formating o/s.
Removed all .NET installations
Installed one by one from 1.0 to 4.6 with sps available.
VS2010 setup with repair option selected.
Opened vs2010 project and .NET framework up to 4.0.3 found in the list.
