difference between using a locale as a subpath, subdomain and not - internationalization

I've seen many websites use subpath or subdomain for the locale.
eg. Apple, Samsung, etc...
At the same time, I've seen many websites without locale.
They don't use any subpath or subdomain for a locale.
eg. Twitch, Twitter and Instagram
I wonder why someone uses a subpath for the locale, and someone doesn't use it.


Multi-country and multi-language website in Drupal 8

I’m trying to create a Drupal 8 website with multi-country selection and more languages available for each Country.
For example, the visitor can select Belgium as his Country, then he should be able to select one of the languages related to Belgium: French and German, plus English (which should be available for all Countries).
I’ve installed two modules: Domain Access and Country Path.
Domain Access allow me to define different domains and sub-domains like fr.domain.com, it.domain.com, etc.
Using Country Path I should be able to create different path for the same domain based on Country selection, like domain.com/france, domain.com/italy etc. But unfortunately it’s not working properly…
Using sub-domains is not possible for my project and, even configuring Country Path, if I go to domain.com/france I always get a page not found error.
What I need in the end is this path/url structure: domain/country/language, like for example domain.com/belgium/fr or domain.com/belgium/en.
Do you had any experience with this situation? Any idea or suggestion about modules to try or core configurations that can solve this?
You should definitely try Internationalization module.
It will provide you with content translation,different path for the same domain based on Country selection and language switcher block.
default looking language switcher

Refinerycms multiple languages dependent on TLD

I want to create a website with the refinerycms and now I have a question.
I have 4 domains for my website.
In the beginning there only will be a german translation.
Now my question:
Option 1:
I do a redirect to mydomain.com and "map" the domains to:
dependent on the country where the website is called.
Option 2:
I do not make a redirect an just show the content in the TLD. I just do a redirect dependent on the country, where the website is called.
For example website gets called in Germany over mydomain.at => I will redirect to mydomain.de
Now my question: How could I implement one of these options within the scope of the refinerycms?
I know the refinerycms-i18n gem and I also know the frontend locales and the normal "stuff". But I did not find anything about "multiple-same-languages" like "de-at", "de-de" and "de-ch". Because in the end all these translations are only one german translation, but the customer wants to specify the "sub-language" to make it more personal..
Anybody an idea?

Should Magento base url include www?

In the Magento installation wizard, should the base url include www or not?
Ex: www.site.com or site.com
If you plan on using a cdn to distribute your images, etc. yes, it would be a really, really good idea to have your web server use a www. host name instead of using only the bare domain name.
It's not cool when your customers start having blecherous cookie problems due to not using proper host names to sort out the different cname entries in your DNS.
Changing after the fact results in humorous non-SEO friendly reindexing by Google, Bing, et. al.

joomla site with regional differences

I have a Joomla site which is based in one country (US). We've been tasked to create a UK/GB version of the site which has it's own domain, but shares the same common pages/posts/backend. About 75% of the pages are the same on both versions but there will be a few sections (like About and Contact) where they are different to account for regional differences.
US site (www.example.com) has
Home About Services Contact UK Site (www.example.co.uk) has 3 pages
(2 different, 1 the same)
Home (The same as US, but the URL should be www.example.co.uk) About
(Different content, the URL should be www.example.co.uk/about)
Services (The same as US, but URL should be
www.example.co.uk/services) Contact (Different content, the URL
should be www.example.co.uk/contact)
How do I go about setting up the UK/GB version of the site which use the same backend and most of the same content from the base site, but has a few page differences and different domain?
I think you should somehow rely on the multilingual feature of Joomla! (http://multilingual-joomla-demo.cloudaccess.net/multi-lingual-steps-by-steps.html)
Define for example languages for US / UK. Pages that are identical for both, just leave the language setting to "All".
For the rest specify the language.
Hope this helps.

Codeigniter, multiple domains

I am building a multi-language site with english and french. The site is made so that my default controller is /en and the french site entry controller will be at /fr.
The problem is that the french site will have a different domain, will that be a problem to point the french domain to the /fr controller ?
No, it shouldn't be. If you have 2 domains then it's best if you "hide" the /fr and /en part from the URI (using .htaccess), otherwise you'll end up with domain.com/en and domain.fr/fr.
Here's an interesting article on this topic: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.nl/2010/03/working-with-multi-regional-websites.html
