Should Magento base url include www? - magento

In the Magento installation wizard, should the base url include www or not?
Ex: or

If you plan on using a cdn to distribute your images, etc. yes, it would be a really, really good idea to have your web server use a www. host name instead of using only the bare domain name.
It's not cool when your customers start having blecherous cookie problems due to not using proper host names to sort out the different cname entries in your DNS.
Changing after the fact results in humorous non-SEO friendly reindexing by Google, Bing, et. al.


Wordpress Issues Regarding IP and Domain Name - Host Gator

I am hoping somebody can help me because I am on the verge of frustration tears.
The company I work for has a site hosted on godaddy and has to remain up until I complete the rebuild on hostgator, using the Wordpress theme, Grand Restaurant
To get around the domain name issue since I cannot change nameservers yet, I had to use the Google Chrome plugin, Virtual Hosts, which has me input the IP and domain, to force access to the site.
Everything was working fine until I needed to use the "content builder." If you look at the Grand Restaurant theme, you can click on Menu. I need to use the "Menu Grid" option in the content builder but it does not work. Whenever I try to add the menu grid, it appears that it is trying to load (showing the gif loading image) yet in never actually loads. I have spent several days and hours going back and forth with host gator and the theme developer.
The theme developer says that the content builder does not work because:
"The WordPress URL and Site URL are set to the domain name. When you are logged in, you are being redirected to the IP, so the browser sees 2 different sites and some functionality ex. AJAX call doesn't allow you to get data from different URLs.
Your WordPress URL and Site URL settings are different from your actual site. You have to change your Domain Name URL and Site URL settings to the IP number."
I did what he said earlier today and it completely broke the site. Spent nearly 2 hours with host gator's tech support to get it back up. All tech support will tell me in regards to the content builder not working is that I need to change the AJAX file to allow the site URL and wordpress URL to be different. I have no idea how to do that!
Any wisdom you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. I have 1700 bakery items that I need upload by the end of July and I do not know what I am going to do if I cannot get the content builder working.
In order for this to work properly you should be using a method of back up and restore. By migrating from one hosting provider to another you could simply deploy the new Wordpress on host gator as a new site and import the Wordpress backup to the host gator with the many different plugins available through Wordpress. The way your trying to complete this is impossible and usually will only work with images and back ups being managed on virtual machines, and VPS. It won't hurt anything on the original up and running site. You mentioned that host gator was able to get the site back up? You shouldn't have to rebuild this if you use a back up and restore method. Everything should fall right into place, you can also test these methods through virtual box, and VMware virtualization products which offer trial versions. Try using a migration method and see if the conflicts still persist with the content builder.
Heres is what I would do if you cannot change the domain over but still use the domain for the dev environment.
Modify your hosts file and use hostgators IP and the company domain as the entry.
Install wordpress to the current company domain by simply entering the domain (Should go to hostgators server since you've added that entry in your hosts file)
With the hosts file modification, you should be able to view the wordpress site thats hosted with hostgator using the live domain name.
This way, when you're launching, theres no need to do any modification on wordpress. Simply change the DNS over, revert your hosts file and the site will swap over seamlessly.

IIS 7.5 URL Rewrite Different Domains pointed to a single site

I have a single site at It's a PHP site being hosted on a Windows 2008/IIS 7.5 box. I need to set up so that users are redirected to To the user, they still see in the address bar but are looking at the
Any help on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!
You need to use IIS Application Request Routing and Url Rewrite modules. This walkthrough describes almost exactly what you are trying to achieve.

Heroku Naked Domains and Google Indexing?

I have a domain ( set up and followed Heroku's recommendation not to use a naked domain. I've noticed the site seems to be taking an unusually long time to be indexed by google.....i'm not talking keywords, just searching the site name or domain. I previously had a holding page up for 3-4 months and this was indexed, however, I noticed that when I moved the app to Heroku this was clicking through to the URL without the www, so returning site not found. This isn't even in the index any more, google clearly dropped it due to 'site not found' but i'm concerned this is having an effect on the proper site being indexed. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I would suggest that you use rack-rewrite (assuming Ruby app) to redirect your naked domain to the www (with a true 301 redirect) - but publish/advertise the www entry. You would need to add the naked domain to your application domains and the IP addresses - this is acceptable for simply redirection.
This should transfer the link juice from the none www to the www. If you use Google webmaster tools you can go into the settings and update them of the address change.

Troubles after installing Two stores with same php docroot

I am trying to setup multiple stores within same hosting account and I studied many interesting guides out there on the matter.
Seems to me I figured out simplest solution for me - map both my dot com sites onto the same directory on host, and modify .htaccess to launch different website depending on URL, like so:
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_CODE="anatscraftonia";
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE="website";
My first store works fine, but when I go to , all I get always is a Magento 404 page.
I checked all settings, multiple stores are defined and code above is copy/paste from Admin console under Website I added. I have Home page enabled for All Stores and Base URL redefined for both Secure/Unsecure. I also tried changing website to store, with no improvements.
What else am I missing? How do I even know what page is it trying to go to, or whether it even gets “no-route” or just totally whacked…
I threw together some quick and dirty code a few years ago to log the controller dispatch process in Magento Community 1.3x.
I don't think you'll be able to drop those files into a current installation, but it should give you an idea where to stick some logging functions to see why Magento is routing to a 404.
I am not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve but why not use a single instance of magento to handle both stores and magentos own multi store capability..
full details here post contains links to cpanel instructions as well.
the instructions are for multiple domains but will work with sub folders

Pushing/Migrating your local Drupal site to a live-site

I have installed drupal on my localmachine(ubuntu, Xampp), at localhost.
Path and Pathauto modules are active (a module to produce friendly URLs).
Migrating/Pushing my local install to the
Exported SQL from phpMyadmin(localhost).
Made a new DB at live site (I think a different name from the localhost-DB does not create any problem).
Imported SQL into phpMyadmin, (mysite).
Changed the username-password-DBname in the sites/default/settings.php in drupal folder.
Now, uploaded the drupal folder and all its content into the /www of the "".
Visited the URL, site looks same as on my localhost, good.
But --
I made a tryPage on my
localhost/drupal, for which
pathauto(cleanURL) recommended the
URL "content/trypage" which i
explicitly changed to "trypage", so
that absolute link to the page is
"localhost/drupal/trypage" and not
Now When i click the trypage link on the mysite,
it open's it in-reference to my
localhost, my local-pages are
opened. That is, when I click
newpage on the, the URL
requested is
"localhost/drupal/newpage" and not
Do you think it is coz of the SEO
friendly URL generation issue, the
Pathauto module.
Anyways how do i solve this
If I make my "localhost/drupal" to open from same URL (, i dont know how
to do that exactly, i think by configuring
vhosts. But if i do that, then the URL where will it take
me, local or online.
Now If i add new modules, new content, new pages, and new books on my localhost site, and wish to update, do i have to redo SQL export/import everytime, and use a software like rsync/sitecopy(), to upload the folders on the live site. How do i solve this.
This is an old question, but here are some thoughts.
Links generated by Drupal (e.g. menu links, links within the admin area, breadcrumbs, etc.) should always use the domain of the currently requested site. URLs within Drupal are handled by the "router", which stores all paths within the database in a relative format.
That said, unless you're specifying the site URL in settings.php (the $base_url variable) or are linking to pages using fully qualified URLs, this shouldn't be a problem. Linking to different nodes from other nodes can be handled with a variety of modules. Pathologic is a good choice, or Path Filter.
Moving Drupal sites from development to staging to production is still a common problem for which there is no definitive solution. This question was asked previously here.
