JS file is not executing on form load Dynamic CRM - dynamics-crm

Js function is not calling on the 'form' as well as for the 'field'
The task is- when the user opens the account then in the popup, the account name should be displayed.
Also when I publish the JS code the file is not appearing in the console source folder.
[enter image description here][1]
I am using the below JS code.
**//Javascript source code
function alertAccountName(executionContext)
//Read object for ORM context
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
//Read account value
var accountName = formContext.getAttribute(“name”).getValue();
//Display account name in popup
alert("Welcome "+ accountName);
//Set fax number to XYZ


How I can get the image, which already uploaded?

Problem is in getting image file, EXAMPLE: create user's profile with name and photo. But after that I want to change name and my EDIT form has two field NAME and PHOTO, but I want to change ONLY NAME, but input file always empty and default value null. So if will not to choose a picture and click submit, then in my db the path to image will change to null. So how I can get image? I read about hash but did not understand how is it to use
You can use this code:
$image = '';
if ($image != null) {
"Use query upload image" ;
} else {
"Use query update" ;

Laravel 5: Sending email with attached .pdf file generated from dynamic page

I have a job website. Job seeker users can register and build their profile (online resume), and it is used for one click application.
When job seekers logged in and click "Apply Now" button to any job, I want Laravel to send an email attached with .PDF resume (generated from their online resume building page) to employer's inbox.
Note: I do not want to send their uploaded resume (.pdf/.doc) to employer's inbox because I want to promote my website's branding / resume template.
Please tell me how to achieve this. If any source code provided, I would appreciated.
thank you.
You can use a html to pdf converter (something like http://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-dompdf). This will create the users profile in PDF format.
After the user clicked the button there will be an email sended to the employer with the attached pdf from the user.
It will look something like this:
Mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject('Your Reminder!');
And with custom mail per email:
Mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->from('hello#app.com', 'Your Application');
$m->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject('Your Reminder!');
This will create the PDF, save it to the storage directory. You can use the views for the design:
public function createCollageCron($load_id) {
$load = Loads::findOrFail($load_id);
$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.collage', compact('load'));
if ($pdf->save(storage_path('app/loadings/'.$load->id.'/collage.pdf'))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Hope this works!

Node.js, Express and Jade - Forms

I'm using Node.js, Express and Jade and I'm trying to figure out how to post, validate & process form data.
In my jade file I create a contact form:
label(for='name') Name:
label(for='email') Email:
I'm then utilising the module 'express-validator' to validate the form as follows:
var express = require('express')
,routes = require('./routes')
,http = require('http')
,path = require('path')
,expressValidator = require('express-validator')
var app = express.createServer();
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jade'); //not needed if we provide explicit file extension on template references e.g. res.render('index.jade');
//display the page for the first time
app.get('/mypage', function(req,res){
res.render('mypage', {
title: 'My Page'
//handle form submission
app.post('/mypage', function(req,res){
req.assert('name', 'Please enter a name').notEmpty();
req.assert('email', 'Please enter a valid email').len(6,64).isEmail();
var errors = req.validationErrors();
if( !errors){
res.render('mypage', {
title: 'My Page',
success: true
else {
res.render('mypage', {
title: 'My Page',
errors: errors
So there are three scenarios where my pages is rendered, and each one has access to different local variables:
When the page is loaded for the first time (errors=undefined,success=undefined)
When the form is submitted and there are errors (errors=array,success=undefined)
When the form is submitted and there are no errors (errors=undefined,success=true)
So my main problems are that:
When my Jade page is loaded, it seems to throw an error when I attempt to access a variable that doesn't exist. For example, I want to see if the variable 'success' is set, and if it is I want to hide the form and display a "thanks" message. Is there an easy way to handle a variable in Jade that will either be undefined or a value?
When the form has been submitted and there are validation errors, I want to show an error message (this isn't a problem) but also populate the form with the variables that were previously submitted (e.g. if the user provided a name but no email, the error should reference the blank email but the form should retain their name). At the moment the error message is displayed but my form is reset. Is there an easy way to set the input values of the fields to the values in the post data?
You can fix that by using locals.variable instead of just variable. Also you can use javascript in jade.
-locals.form_model = locals.form_data || {};
I used two ways to solve this problem. The first one is to re-render the view and you pass the req.body as a local. I have a convention that my forms use form_model.value for their field values. This method is works well for simple forms but it starts to breakdown a little when you form is relying on data.
The second method is to pass your req.body to session then redirect to a route that renders the form. Have that route looking for a certain session variable and use those values in your form.
Inside your jade file add error msg and then run your code.
Simply update your jade code with below code:
if errors
each error, i in errors
li.alert.alert-danger #{error.msg}
label(for='name') Name:
label(for='email') Email:

MVC CSV File Download + Project Awesome

I'm currently using project awesome to pop a form which asks for an account number.
I take the number and generate a csv file and send it to the browser:
string billcsv = "account_ref,line1,line2,line3"
var VIRFile = File(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(billcsv), "text/csv", "billfor" + accnumber+ ".csv")
return Json(VIRFile);
I would like the end user to prompted to save the csv file but cannot figure out who to.
Should I create the CSV file on disk first then pass the url to the file to the success function and use window.open(url) or is it possible to use javascript to recreate the file from the json result?
Json Result:
First of all don't use AJAX for downloading files. Use a normal form submission or an anchor pointing to the controller action which will serve the file. And then in the controller:
public ActionResult Download(string accnumber)
string billcsv = "account_ref,line1,line2,line3";
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(billcsv);
string filename = "billfor" + accnumber + ".csv";
return File(data, "text/csv", filename);
Now in order to invoke this action and have the user be prompted for download simply create a link:
#Html.ActionLink("Download csv", "Download", new { accnumber = "123" })
or if you are using a form:
#Html.BeginForm("Download", "SomeController")
<input type="submit" value="Download CSV" />
Submitting the form using AJAX has disadvantages. You shouldn't be doing this. I would rather use #Html.BeginForm() helper to generate the form and submit the data using button event.
Hope this helps

Salesforce - Is it possible to display image file from ContentVersion to custom visualforce page?

I wrote one simple Visualforce page that let user upload an image file then
save the file to ContentVersion object.
Now I want to display the saved image in my custom visualforce page. Is it even possible?
Looks like <apex:image> cannot be used. Also <img href="{!cv.contentVersion}"...> had no luck.
The real problem is I did upload the image file successfully but what is the URL to it?
I tested with random URL outside on google and I can display the image (like /../..some.jpg"). But I can't figure out what is the absolute URL for the image file that has been uploaded to contentversion.
NOTE: This is not static resource as my users may upload image to change their user image often.
public with sharing class ImageUploadTestController {
public blob file { get; set; }
public String imageFilePath { get; set; }
public ContentVersion cv { get; set; }
public ImageUploadTestController() {
cv = [select id, versionData, title, pathOnClient FROM ContentVersion limit 1];
//fill out the inputFile field and press go. This will upload file to the server
public PageReference go() {
ContentVersion v = new ContentVersion();
v.versionData = file;
v.title = 'some title';
v.pathOnClient ='/foo.jpeg';
insert v;
return new PageReference('/' + v.id);
//v.id sample
}//end class
Visualforce page
<apex:page controller="ImageUploadTestController">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputFile value="{!file}" />
<apex:commandbutton action="{!go}" value="go"/>
<!-- none of below works!! :( -->
{!cv.title} {!cv.pathOnClient}
<apex:image value="/069A00000009Ux3" width="220" height="55"/>
I don't believe its possible to serve it from content currently The format provided by ScottW works for Documents.
The other option I've done is upload a zip file containing my images to the Static Resources which can then be referenced.
This should work:
public PageReference getContent(){
String html = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('html');
PageReference redirection = null;
redirection = new PageReference('/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/' + contentVersion.Id);
return redirection;
Based on my experience, "thegogz"is correct - it is not currently possible to render images directly from Content. As others have indicated, rendering from Documents and/or Static Resources does work, and IMHO using Documents is preferable because you can access the URL, binary data, etc. programmatically in Apex.
The image is shown using "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=" in tag by using URL attribute.
Example : <apex:image URL="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!recordId}"/>
for more information,
visit Displaying Images in a Visual Force Page
Try <apex:image URL="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!recordId}"/>
