Check if time is past a predefined time - power-automate

I have a flow where a user can fill in a datetime, i wish to check if the input date is not in the past and if the submission date time is less than today at 10:40 AM.
So i have to get the date from the inputfield en and the time from the submissiondate and check if they are less than today at 10:40am.
Which is the best way to achive this?

This isn't a complete solution but it gives you the kind of pattern you should consider.
I've broken it out for ease. This is the flow with the expressions at each step ...
I've converted the date and time to my own regional location, you should ultimately do the same.
Step 1 - Initialize Current DateTime (String)
formatDateTime(convertFromUtc(utcNow(), 'AUS Eastern Standard Time'), 'dd/MM/yyyy h:mm tt')
Step 2 - Initialize Today 10:40 AM (String)
concat(formatDateTime(convertFromUtc(utcNow(), 'AUS Eastern Standard Time'), 'dd/MM/yyyy'), ' 10:40 AM')
Step 3 - Initialize Date Comparison (Boolean)
less(parseDateTime(variables('Current DateTime')), parseDateTime(variables('Today 10:40 AM')))
The last step will produce the boolean comparison result that you can use in subsequent actions.


Pentaho kettle value conversion

I wanted to convert microseconds to data:
60000000 -> 1997-2-12 (something like this).
This means the new field contains year-month-day-hour-minute-seconds-microseconds
microseconds (or any time span) can't be directly converted to a date, because you need a starting date and then add your timespan to that date, to end up with a calculated date. Quite often, timespans expressing dates are using the unix epoch start date of January 1st, 1970, 0:00 UTC as their base date.
To calculate your target date, you could use the Calculator step from Kettle. First reverse the sign of your microseconds timespan (multiply with -1), then use the calculation Date A - Date B (milliseconds) to calculate your new date.
as your new field is a Date field, you can format the output to your own specification.

Dealing with timezones in vbscript

I'm trying to change some old .asp files with vbs. Our database is going to be converted to store dates in UTC, but on webpages it should show dates and time in "Europe/Helsinki" timezone(
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("FLE Standard Time")
in c#). How can I cast the UTC date I get from db query( the query is run in the .asp file as well and the result put into table) to correct date time using vbscript?
Just offset the UTC dates using DateAdd().
Const EETOffset = -2 'EET offset from UTC is -2 hours
Dim dbDateValue 'Assumed value from DB
Dim newDate
'... DB process to populate dbDateValue
newDate = DateAdd("h", EETOffset, dbDateValue)
Note: One problem with this approach is you will also have to compensate for EET and EEST (Eastern European Summer Time) manually based on the time of year. Which is also more difficult when you take into consideration some places don't use it and use EET all year round instead.
See EET – Eastern European Time (Standard Time).
Depending on the RDMS you are using you should even be able to manipulate the dates before they get to the page as part of the initial query.
Useful Links
Format current date and time
How to format a datetime with minimal separators and timezone in VBScript?

Complex Date Range

I'm working on the following query and cant figure out the final piece of it. I need my query to give me a result set between the previous business and the previous business day minus (-) 28 days. (e.g. date range between 10/28/2015 and 10/28/2015 -28) The query that I wrote so far is only giving me the -28th day (09/30/2015) and NOT a range in between the previous business day and the previous business day -28. My research shows a couple of different ways of doing it and so far none have worked for me.
First off, date ranges are easy using BETWEEN, so you do the quick solution:
Then you realize your dates have time components, so to include all of yesterday and all of day-28 you need to:
Then I look at your rule "previous BUSINESS day" and ask - what are your business days? On a Monday to go up to the previous Friday? Or Saturday? Or are you a 7-day-a-week business? How about statutory holidays? And is it 28 CALENDAR days back? Or 28 BUSINESS days?
Ahh business rules. The devil is always in those details....

combining date and time and changing it to GMT

I have read many answers for combining date and time and nothing worked so far. I am working in Oracle SQL developer version 3.1.06 and I am trying to combine date and time stamps together. Date is in format dd-mmm-yy. And time is in the following 3 formats-
1. 0348A-- meaning 3:48 am
2. 03:48:00
3. 228 -- meaning minutes from midnight, calculated as (3*60)+48.
And for all these timestamps, I want a query that gets me to this format --
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss .
I can change the dates and times to string and attach them, but then when I work in powerpivot I am not able to change them to the required format. So, I want to do it in the query itself.
I have already tried something like this-
1. CAST(deptdt as DATETIME)+CAST(time as DATETIME)
2. CAST(depdt AS TIMESTAMP(0)) + (depdt - TIME '00:00:00' HOUR TO SECOND) AS DATETIME
Please help!!

Convert Unix Timestamp - Spotfire Analyst

I'm importing SQL data into Spotfire Analyst. All of the date and time fields are in the form of a Unix timestamp. What's the best way to convert this into an actual date format that I can manipulate in Spotfire?
Utilizing a calculated column you can calculate the datetime based on the UNIX epoch.
We simply add our seconds to the DateTime of the UNIX epoch (JAN 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC) to get the result. Below is an example of the UNIX time when I started writing this post.
The below is what should work for you:
Keep in mind these dates produced will be in the UTC timezone as per the JAN 1 1970 epoch. If you need them in your local time zone you may have to adjust accordingly with further DateAdd functions adding/subtracting time as per current conversions. Also, if you observe daylight savings time you may need to add some extra case logic to handle that as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.
In 7.0 and later you can use
