Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse Interface English language error - spring

Why does the interface language is different? Example: It shows
"Recenci g Gzr.." for Package Explorer

This English language error occurs because of the missing font. I just installed Segoe UI regular font then it solved. [https://www.download-free-fonts.com/details/90201/segoe-ui][1]
PS: I figured it out by following these steps in Spring Tool Suite 4.
(Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > View and Editor Folders > double clicking 'Part title fonts')


Increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2

I have a problem with increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2. I tried to use screenshot form editor .but Im not able to find Fonts & Colors option in tools or menu.
I also tried to press down Alt+z and scroll up or down (mouse wheel) and also use command + but nothing happens.
With third one --fontsize (I have no idea where I should put it...). Could you help me with making fonts a bit bigger?:)
I just solved problem:) On Mac settings are in a different place:preferences in Netbeans
fonts a color changing. Netbeans
You have to go to the left up corner, near to the apple mark, there you have NetBeans preferences. After clicking on Netbeans preferences just search for 'font' and here is font size changing option.:)
edit: And if you didnt start a project, you need to create a new project on Netbeans then Fonts&Colors section will be available in options menu.
I think you are a mac user.
You need to look at this for config file location.
And I also found this. Try this one too.
1.Use Command + , to open the options
2.Select Fonts & Colors tab
3.Click the button in the Font section (button is next to the Font textbox)
4.Change the Font, style and size as needed
In Mac
simply click on the netbeans (upper left corner)
then-> preferences...
a new window will be open and select the font&color Tab
then on right side there will be a font option then click on the "..." option
and then change according to your wish

VS2012 How to turn off editor tab colouring?

I strain to read the tabs in the source code editor of Visual Studio 2012.
I don't even understand what the different colors mean? They seem totally random. Black on brown or black on blue.... who choose that?
So I would like to turn off the colouring for the tabs and revert to black on white, or a light grey.
I've looked in:
Options>> Environment (General / Font and Colors)
but I cant see anything relevant. So how can I do this please?
Looks like you might have Productivity Power Tools installed? If so turn off Custom Document Well or look in the Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced, there is an option to set colour to Visual Studio.
Or you could set: (In VS2015)
Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced
Then under Colors and Gradients panel, in the Selected Tab drop down choose VS Colors ,
This allows you to keep colored tabs by project yet highlights the selected tab clearly, win win...
My selected Tab is now bright Blue all the time.
The colors of each tab comes from productivity power tools. For each project power tools assign a colors, so developer can easily detect a file(if contain same name) belongs to which project.
For VS 2013 & 2015 you can easily remove those color by unchecked Colors tab by project following below steps
go to Tools > Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > General

Hide visual studio function toolbar

How can I hide this toolbar? Tried to search, but I don't even know how to name it correctly.
It's well hidden! :)
You can hide it under Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages (Or a specific language) > General > Navigation Bar

Visual Studio Formatting -- Change Method Color

The default appearance of a method for example, ".ToString()" is by default the color black. I want to make it a different color to stand out but I do not see any options that reference this option specifically.
I remember one of former collegues showing me his VS IDE years ago and he had it setup this way but I cannot recall what he did.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
In VS 2019 go to Tools - Options - Text Editor - C# - Advanced - Editor Color Scheme and change it to Visual Studio 2019. Method names are now colored and everything has little bit better colors.
You can do this with an extension: SemanticColorizer is what I use.
Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online -> Search for SemanticColorizer
It allows you to modify the colors of methods, static functions, constants, member variables, and just about anything else you can think of.
For Visual Studio 2010
Tools > Options
Environment > Fonts and Colors
Change "User Types"
To change the color of the Method Calls go to
Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > User Members - Methods > Item foreground Color > Select desired color.
This will also work in Visual Studio 2019.
Go to Visual Studio "Tools>Options>Environment>Fonts and Colors" the menu shows a "Display Items" list, select "Identifiers"(out of which 'methods' is a member). Use the format controls to personalize the displaying of your chosen item. Unfortunately, variables, instances and namespaces are members of "Identifiers" so they will affected too.
If you are using Resharper then a more specific list of items is displayed.
For myself, I wrote a simple, lightweight "editor classifier extension" for Visual Studio based on the async Roslyn APIs to Syntax Highlighting user tags in C# and Visual Basic code.
It has syntax highlighting for:
"Fields (Constant)"
"Fields (Inside Enums)"
"Local Variables"
"Methods (Extension)"
"Methods (Static)"
In the future, perhaps coming on the "syntax highlighting" for something else.
You can install this extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace by following the link below:
Download: "Enhanced Syntax Highlighting".
You can change the syntax highlighting settings by going to "Tools" > "Options" > "Environment" > "Fonts and Colors" > "Text Editor" and scrolling to properties starting with the prefix "User Tags - ...".
The syntax highlighting options for "Classes", "Delegates", "Enums", "Interfaces", "Modules", "Structures" and "Type Parameters" are just below, they have the prefix "User Types - ..." and are built-in default.
Good luck.
The built-in syntax highlighters use lexical analysis. A lexer can classify identifiers, comments, literals, numbers, keywords. The parts you find back in the Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors dialog.
Recognizing that an identifier is a method, property, field requires parsing. Parsing generally only works well when you've got a well-formed program, you rarely have one while you are typing code. So wasn't favored by Microsoft. You can find alternatives in the Visual Studio gallery.
Thanks to "#Ian" said User Types. For me "User Members - Methods" worked.
Fonts and Colors
In Display items: "User Members - Methods"
Change Item foreground
Semantic Colorizer didn't work for me (VS 2019 Preview).
Enhanced Syntax Highlighting did exactly what I needed.
Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors has an extensive list of things you can change both font face, font size, color, style, etc.
Also, Jeff Atwood had a great post a few years ago about IDE font and colour schemes that you might find interesting.
In a previous version of visual studio (I think 2010) there was a plugin that allowed you to color code methods. I don't remember the name of it now as we have continued to progress forward in versions. The author did not keep up with the version updates of VS.
Update: VS10x allows you to color code methods in Visual Studio all the way through VS2015. A link to the authors Visual Studio Galleries page can be found here: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/1c54d1bd-d898-4705-903f-fa4a319b50f2?SRC=VSIDE
I am currently using this in VS2013 successfully.

Visual Studio Black Background?

I watch a lot of tutorials on the web, expesially ASP.NET tutorials - And constantly notice that everyone seems to have VS set with a black background and yellow/white text?
Why is this? and how can I set up my version to look like it?
It is Rob Conery's TextMate theme that you want.
After Download in Studio ... Tools > Import & export settings and follow the wizard.
Share and enjoy!
Edit: Link updated
For VS2012 :
if you want to simply change the default black and white background then ;
Go to Tools ->Options -> Environment -> General.
Right side pan, you you will see Color theme drop down;select Dark or light in order to get basic black and white background.
if you want to change default color,Font or Font size then you select ;
Tools ->Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
Now, Visual Studio 2012 supports black theme.
To change to black theme :
Tools -> Options -> Visual Experience -> Color theme
Check out shanselmans blog article about this, he lists quite a few of them, so pick one you like. Personally, I've got the Monaco font installed, and I love it!
In Visual Studio 2017 you can do the following:
Tools -> Options.. -> Environment -> General -> Color theme -> Dark -> OK
you can do this by taking visual studio tools - > options - > font and colors and set what ever you want in font and text.
If you want some background image means : try this tool
I personally find it easier to read, and the colors can have more subtle hues and convey more meaning for me.
I used this scheme to start with: https://web.archive.org/web/20080116232122/http://www.agileprogrammer.com/dotnetguy/archive/2006/09/07/19030.aspx
Go to VS -> Tools -> Options.
It has list of settings you can change.
For changing color; look left side pane and select Fonts and color.
You also can change default Item foreground and item background color as your wish from right side pane.
In VS 2015, go to tools>>options>>environment>>general>>dark
That's the theme I see most people use, and it feels much better on the eyes.
Select : Tools > Options > General > Color Theme > Dark
You can also change the font by selecting :
Select : Tools > Options > General > Fonts and Colors > ...
For me:
Tools > Options > Environment > Color theme(from dropdown select): > Blue
