VS2012 How to turn off editor tab colouring? - visual-studio

I strain to read the tabs in the source code editor of Visual Studio 2012.
I don't even understand what the different colors mean? They seem totally random. Black on brown or black on blue.... who choose that?
So I would like to turn off the colouring for the tabs and revert to black on white, or a light grey.
I've looked in:
Options>> Environment (General / Font and Colors)
but I cant see anything relevant. So how can I do this please?

Looks like you might have Productivity Power Tools installed? If so turn off Custom Document Well or look in the Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced, there is an option to set colour to Visual Studio.

Or you could set: (In VS2015)
Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced
Then under Colors and Gradients panel, in the Selected Tab drop down choose VS Colors ,
This allows you to keep colored tabs by project yet highlights the selected tab clearly, win win...
My selected Tab is now bright Blue all the time.

The colors of each tab comes from productivity power tools. For each project power tools assign a colors, so developer can easily detect a file(if contain same name) belongs to which project.
For VS 2013 & 2015 you can easily remove those color by unchecked Colors tab by project following below steps
go to Tools > Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > General


Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 colors

Is it possible to change the color of a tab in Visual Studio 2013/2015 so it is a different color if it's not part of your active solution? If so, how? I looked through the color settings and didn't see anything that jumped out at me, so I'm guessing it's not an option but I figured I'd cast a net to the community and see if anybody's actually done it or knows about it.
You can install Productivity Power Tools 2013\2015 and use Tab Behavior & Tab UI features to control the color's of a tab.
The Tab Behavior feature allows to sort tabs by project
Tabs will be sorted by the project they belong to, thus keeping them always together in the document tab well.
In addition, the Tab UI feature, colors tabs according to their project or according to regular expressions.
This option permits tabs to be colored according to the project they belong to. This is particularly useful when sorting tabs by project, as it allows you to immediately identify different groups of project documents.
You can also configure regular expressions and assign a color to each one. If the name of a tab matches the configured regular expression, it will be colored with the assigned color.
Download link:
Productivity Power Tools 2013
Productivity Power Tools 2015
I hope it supports your questions.
This is what you are looking for: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/dbcb8670-889e-4a54-a226-a48a15e4cace

Where is the color setting for the Active Symbol Highlighting Feature in Visual Studio 2013

Anytime my cursor is on a symbol or keyword VS2013 (or some plugin i have) highlights all matches of those instances:
I don't mind the highlighting; however, this exact color is annoying with the sons-of-obsidian theme (or any dark background).
I would love to know which setting under Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors controls this so that i can fix it... (As far as I can tell, none of the options adjust it, which makes me think it could be one of the plugins i have...
Resharper 8.2 (does adjust colors, but none of the settings I've changed worked)
Nuget Package Manager (shouldn't adjust colors)
MVC 5 Scaffolding (shouldn't adjust colors)
Nancy.Templates (shouldn't adjust colors)
Puppet Plugin (shouldn't adjust colors)
Visual F# (shouldn't adjust colors)
This is built in functionality provided by Visual Studio. To turn it off click on Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced and turn off Highlight references to symbol under cursor
If you only want to change the colors you can do this by Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and in the Display Items list search for Highlighted Reference.
I was wrong, it was not the stupid VS2013 Update 2 RC, it seems to have been the "Puppet" plugin I had installed, I must've disabled it and not restarted visual studio until removing the update 2 RC, This is the setting that took me forever to find.... I glossed over it because i'm in a C# file and not a puppet file.
I would guess this is a resharper setting. Unfortunately, there's so many different settings for various types of highlighting, I can't figure out which is which. Have you tried this modified version of Sons of Obsidian?
I had the exact same problem in 2023. To turn off the highlihgting alltogether, go to ReSharper settings > code inspection > settings > uncheck 'highlight usages of the element under the cursor'.
Alternatively, the highlight color can be changed by going to the VS Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and finding the entry in the list called: 'ReSharper Usage of element under cursor'.

How to disable font smoothing in Visual Studio editor?

How can I disable the font smoothing in the text editor of Visual Studio? On some machines I use, this works, but, not in most of them.
The text in the editor on the left is not really sharp. But the font in Windows is.
There is an extension called Text Sharp that allows you to completely disable font smoothing (ClearType) for Visual Studio:
I'm using this combined with the Source Code Pro font for very readable code.
Well, the characters are at least readable. The code itself may be a different story. :)
In Visual Studio 2019 v16.5.4 (possibly lower), there is a new feature under the Text Editor -> Advanced settings called "Text rendering method". This appears to be defaulted to "ClearType" upon installation. On my machine, I've disabled ClearType at the OS level, yet after a fresh install/update, noticed that my fonts were being smoothed.
Simply switch this setting to "Aliased" to get pixel-perfect font rendering back.
Again, this assumes you have already disabled ClearType at the system level. I am unsure if VS settings would ignore/override the system-level ClearType settings or not.
In my case the problem was that I had the text size to 120%, I just change it to 100%.
Is an option located in Display Settings above the Resolution selector. It says:
"Change the size of the text, apps, and other items"
set the value to:
100% (Recommended)
This happened to me when I added a new LCD monitor to my setup.
According to blogs.msdn.com and this post on SuperUser, you may have to disable it in many places, but for VStudio two are enough:
Control Panel > Display > Adjust ClearType Text
Control Panel > System > Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Visual Effects > Smooth edges of screen fonts
Don't use Consolas as it always uses ClearType, as Alex K. noted in the comments.
Prefer Lucida Console which is a fixed font (they are bold in VStudio's font list in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors) and appears not to suffer from the effects of ClearType or smoothed edges.
For those willing to disable anti-aliasing/smooth edges/cleartype on VS Code as of today, there's no official option inside the VS Code program to do it. Instead, I have found this method that works for me, and it's thanks to this article: https://medium.com/kasun-kodagoda/fix-text-becomes-blurry-when-vs-code-application-loses-focus-issue-on-windows-d95697b2f927
Here are the steps:
<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/L2i9S.png" alt="..." />
Disable anti-aliasing VSCode Image:
Right click on VS Code program and go to Proprieties.
In the "target" section of the app, add the following lines: --disable-gpu --enable-use-zoom-for-dsf
Apply the changes and that's it.
I hope it's useful.
For me it helped to switch to "Consolas" font and then back to "Courier New" in Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors. Don't forget to press "OK" after switching to Consolas.

Keyword Selection Background?

I just installed MSVS2010 Ultimate & I've noticed something which is somewhat annoying & conflicting with my syntax highlighting, as can be seen:
alt text http://localhostr.com/files/19038c/capture.png
As can be seen, when a keyword/function/variable/etc is highlighted all other instances of the aforementioned are highlighted too. This is somewhat annoying.
Is there any way to disable this?
This is considered a new feature of Visual Studio 2010.
But a fast trick to disable is following these steps:
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Font and Colors
Choose the item Highlighted Reference
Set its color equal to the background you are using (i suppose a
really dark gray from your screenshot)
I like this feature but I tuned the color a bit to have it only little more lighter than the background :)
When using Visual Assist, find "VA X Find Reference" in Display Items
(Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Font and Colors)
Looks like it might be Visual Assist X. If you have that installed, disable "Automatically highlight references..." on the Advanced | Refactoring page of the VA Options dialog .
This is a new feature from VS IDE to show you other changes tothis object. but ifyoudo not like it you can easily changed it by pressing
CTRL + ALT + Spacebar
you can read detail in my blog
updtae : thismentioned in VS2010 official Website here
You also can try CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW or CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW. see the VS page

Visual Studio Black Background?

I watch a lot of tutorials on the web, expesially ASP.NET tutorials - And constantly notice that everyone seems to have VS set with a black background and yellow/white text?
Why is this? and how can I set up my version to look like it?
It is Rob Conery's TextMate theme that you want.
After Download in Studio ... Tools > Import & export settings and follow the wizard.
Share and enjoy!
Edit: Link updated
For VS2012 :
if you want to simply change the default black and white background then ;
Go to Tools ->Options -> Environment -> General.
Right side pan, you you will see Color theme drop down;select Dark or light in order to get basic black and white background.
if you want to change default color,Font or Font size then you select ;
Tools ->Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
Now, Visual Studio 2012 supports black theme.
To change to black theme :
Tools -> Options -> Visual Experience -> Color theme
Check out shanselmans blog article about this, he lists quite a few of them, so pick one you like. Personally, I've got the Monaco font installed, and I love it!
In Visual Studio 2017 you can do the following:
Tools -> Options.. -> Environment -> General -> Color theme -> Dark -> OK
you can do this by taking visual studio tools - > options - > font and colors and set what ever you want in font and text.
If you want some background image means : try this tool
I personally find it easier to read, and the colors can have more subtle hues and convey more meaning for me.
I used this scheme to start with: https://web.archive.org/web/20080116232122/http://www.agileprogrammer.com/dotnetguy/archive/2006/09/07/19030.aspx
Go to VS -> Tools -> Options.
It has list of settings you can change.
For changing color; look left side pane and select Fonts and color.
You also can change default Item foreground and item background color as your wish from right side pane.
In VS 2015, go to tools>>options>>environment>>general>>dark
That's the theme I see most people use, and it feels much better on the eyes.
Select : Tools > Options > General > Color Theme > Dark
You can also change the font by selecting :
Select : Tools > Options > General > Fonts and Colors > ...
For me:
Tools > Options > Environment > Color theme(from dropdown select): > Blue
