Prevent cycle in Depth first search using prolog - prolog

Is there any way to prevent cycle in this code.
goSolveTheMaze(Start,Way) :-
dfs(Start, Way),!.
dfs(Goal, [Goal]) :-
dfs(Start, [Start|Way]) :-
move(Start, N),
dfs(N, Way).
so when move(a,b) move to (b,c) dont go back to (b,a),
when run goSolveTheMaze(a,path).
The output should be path=[a,c,g,n].

What if you add a third argument to dfs which is a list of where you've already visited? You could then use \+/1 and member/2 to avoid returning to places you've already been.
For example, if you use the following:
goSolveTheMaze(Start,Way) :-
dfs(Start, Way, [Start]),!.
dfs(Goal, [Goal], _) :-
dfs(Start, [Start|Way], Visited) :-
move(Start, N),
\+ member(N, Visited),
dfs(N, Way, [N|Visited]).
Then the query:
?- goSolveTheMaze(a, X).
Will produce the result:
X = [a, c, g, n]
Update in response to comment "can you tell me what \+ do?":
The \+ predicate is true when its argument cannot be proven. Therefore in the above example the line \+ member(N, Visited) means "when N is not a member of the list Visited".


How to link constant with variable by assert?

I want to add in the DB a constant and a linked variable:
?- assertz(my(x, A))
So that in the future I can define A and get the only one entry. Sth like that:
?- assertz(my(x, A)), ..., A = 2.
?- my(A, B).
A = x,
B = 2.
Can this be done?
As I noted in the comments your idea of a link like a pointer is not the way to approach solving your problem.
A common solution is to walk the tree and construct a new tree as you walk the tree by replacing the leaf of the tree with a new leaf that contains the value from the input tree along with the associated value, what you are thinking should be linked.
Since you are somewhat new to Prolog I will do this with two examples. The first will just walk a tree and only return true when successfully walked. It can be used to understand how to walk a tree and run with gtrace to single step the code to understand it.
The second example will expand on the tree walk and add the type (link as you think) to the leaf item. The the old leaf for something simple like an atom a, will become a new leaf in the tree like (a,atom).
Also this was quickly written as a demonstration only. I am sure it will have problems if pressed into doing anything more than the single example.
:- module(example,
example(walk) :-
Term = term_size(a(1,"Hello",'Atom',1+2,[a,$,T])),
example(infer_type) :-
Term = term_size(a(1,"Hello",'Atom',1+2,[a,$,T])),
walk([]) :- !.
walk([T]) :- var(T), !.
walk(L) :- is_list(L), !, L = [H|T], walk(H), walk(T).
walk(T) :- compound(T), !, T =.. [_|Args], !, walk(Args).
walk(T) :- integer(T), !.
walk(T) :- var(T), !.
walk(T) :- atomic(T), !.
walk(T) :- T =.. [Arg|Args], !, walk(Arg), walk(Args).
infer_type([],[]) :- !.
infer_type([T],[(T,var)]) :- var(T), !.
infer_type(L,S) :- is_list(L), !, L = [H|T], infer_type(H,I), infer_type(T,Is), S = [I|Is].
infer_type(T,S) :- compound(T), !, T =.. [F|Args], !, infer_type(Args,Is), S =.. [F|Is].
infer_type(T,(T,integer)) :- integer(T), !.
infer_type(T,(T,var)) :- var(T), !.
infer_type(T,(T,atom)) :- atomic(T), !.
infer_type(T,S) :- T =.. [Arg|Args], !, infer_type(Arg,I), infer_type(Args,Is), S =.. [I|Is].
Example run
Note: I know there are warnings; it is a demo not production code.
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.5.3)
?- working_directory(_,'C:/Users/Groot').
?- [example].
Warning: c:/users/Groot/
Warning: Singleton variables: [T]
Warning: c:/users/Groot/
Warning: Singleton variables: [T]
?- example(walk).
?- example(infer_type).
As an exercise I did not identify the string as a string, the change should be easy.

Prolog: Swapping two halves of a list

I am writing a predicate in prolog that will break a list with an even number of variables into two halves and swap them. For example [a,b,c,d] --> [c,d,a,b].
append([], List, List).
append([Head|Tail], List, [Head|Rest]) :-
append(Tail, List, Rest).
divide(L, X, Y) :-
append(X, Y, L),
length(X, N),
length(Y, N).
swap([], []).
swap([A], D) :-
divide(A, B, C),
append(C, B, D).
I would expect this to work by dividing [A] into two smaller equal sized lists, then appending them together in the reverse order, and then assigning the variable "D" to the list.
What I am getting is "false", why does this not work?
I'm very new to prolog so this might be a silly/simple question, thanks!
Your question is why swap([a,b,c,d],[c,d,a,b]) fails. And here is the actual reason:
?- swap([_/*a*/,_/*b*/|_/*,c,d*/],_/*[c,d,a,b]*/).
:- op(950, fy, *).
swap([], _/*[]*/).
swap([A], D) :-
* divide(A, B, C),
* append(C, B, D).
So, not only does your original query fail, but even this generalization fails as well. Even if you ask
?- swap([_,_|_],_).
you just get failure. See it?
And you can ask it also the other way round. With above generalization, we can ask:
?- swap(Xs, Ys).
Xs = []
; Xs = [_A].
So your first argument must be the empty list or a one-element list only. You certainly want to describe also longer lists.
Maybe this helps
:- use_module(library(lists), []).
divide(L, X, Y) :-
append(X, Y, L),
length(X, N),
length(Y, N).
swap([], []).
swap(L, D) :-
divide(L, B, C),
append(C, B, D).

Prolog need to get it fix

The solution
ppath(X,Y,M,Path,[Y|Path]) :- edge(X,Y,M),
\+ memberchk(Y,Path).
path(X,Y,P,SoFar,Path) :- edge(X,W,M), \+
path(W,Y,N,[W|SoFar],Path), P is M+N.
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[],P),
After that i am trying to use ?- pravilo(a,z,M). get the result. but it says false.
My version SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 6.4.1)
Thank You
You should avoid assert/retract as far as possible.
Your graph has a loop between f and g, then you can't use the naive path/4 predicate, or your program will loop.
To avoid looping, you should invert the path construction (now it's 'bottom up'), to 'top down' adding a further argument (an accumulator) to path/4, and check that a node isn't already visited before recursing.
You can use memberchk for the test.
edit: here is the code
path(X,Y,M,Path,[Y|Path]) :- edge(X,Y,M), \+ memberchk(Y,Path).
path(X,Y,P,SoFar,Path) :- edge(X,W,M), \+ memberchk(W,SoFar),
path(W,Y,N,[W|SoFar],Path), P is M+N.
this yields
?- path(a,z,W,[],P).
W = 27,
P = [z, e, j, b] ;
W = 26,
P = [z, g, b] ;
let's use library(aggregate) to complete the assignment:
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[],P), Z).
now I get
?- pravilo(a,z,M).
M = 24.
edit To get (full) ordered paths, these changes are necessary in recursion base
path(X,Y,M,Path,FullPath) :-
edge(X,Y,M), \+ memberchk(Y,Path), reverse([Y|Path], FullPath).
and in top level predicate:
pravilo(X,Y,Z) :-
aggregate(min(W), P^path(X,Y,W,[X],P), Z).

Regarding two implementations of min_of_list in prolog

Can someone explain clearly why this implementation (from SO 3965054) of min_of_list works in prolog:
% via:
min_of_list_1( [H], H).
min_of_list_1([H,K|T],M) :- H =< K, min_of_list_1([H|T],M).
min_of_list_1([H,K|T],M) :- H > K, min_of_list_1([K|T],M).
while this implementation generates an incorrect output:
min_of_list_2( [H], H).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], X) :- compare(<, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, X).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], H) :- compare(>, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, X).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], H) :- compare(=, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, H).
Epilogue. This works.
min_of_list_3( [H], H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], X) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(<, X, H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], H) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(>, X, H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], H) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(=, X, H).
The behavior I get is that min_of_list_2 returns the last element in the list.
The first clause of min_of_list_2/2 is OK, it says the minimum of a list with a single element is that element. The second clause is not quite so OK: The intention seems to state that if X is the minimum of the list T, and X is smaller than H, then X is also the minimum of the list [H|T], and this would work as intended if compare/3 behaved like a true relation, but unfortunately it doesn't:
?- compare(<, a, b).
Yet the more general query fails as if there were no solution (although we know there is at least one!):
?- compare(<, a, X).
Since one typical usage of min_of_list_2/2 (including for example its use in the third clause) leaves the second argument uninstantiated, you will run into this problem. Your code will work as expected if you place all calls of compare/3 after the respective recursive calls of min_of_list_2/2. As a consequence, your predicate is then no longer tail recursive, in contrast to the other program you posted. The compare/3 call in the last clause should be removed (what is the X in that case?), as it will always fail!
the first one compares the first two elements of the list and then puts the min again in the list till there is only one element.
the second one... takes the head of the list and compares with X. X is non-instantiated in the first call so compare(<,X,_any_number) will be true. X wont be instantiated so the same will repeat till there is only one element in the list which will be returned* (the last one).
'* where returned = unified with the second argument.

not member rule in prolog doesn't work as expected

I'm trying to write a simple maze search program in prolog, before I add a room to visited list I'm checking whether it is already a member of the visited list. However, I can't get this to work, even if I use the code from the book:
go(X, X, T).
go(X, Y, T) :-
(d(X,Z) ; d(Z, X)),
\+ member(Z,T),
go(Z, Y, [Z|T]).
What do I do wrong?
Your program seems to be ok.
I guess the problem is that you are calling go/3 with the third argument uninstantiated.
In that case it will member(X, T) will always succeed, thus failing the clause.
You might call your predicate with the empty list as the third parameter:
?- go(a, g, []).
If you want to return the path consider adding another parameter to go, like this:
go(From, To, Path):-
go(From, To, [], Path).
go(X, X, T, T).
go(X, Y, T, NT) :-
(d(X,Z) ; d(Z, X)),
\+ member(Z,T),
go(Z, Y, [Z|T], NT).
