Click Event is not Firing GTM - events

I created a Trigger Group which contains usual GA Event and the trigger when the user confirms Cookies. In preview mode, by clicking to the needed button only very first click event os tracking. After that, no clicks are tracking. What can be the problem? When the triggers are not in Trigger Group, everything works correctly.

Trigger group has been bugged since introduced. A trigger group can only be triggered once per pageview even if the triggers in the group keep repeating.


Magento 2 - Event being triggered multiple times in one request

I have created an Observer to monitor this event in Magento 2 newsletter_subscriber_save_after. I am lost and not sure how to proceed with this because this event is getting fired 3 times.
The purpose of the observer is to connect to an API and send an email when a user is added to the newsletter. Since the event is firing 3 times, so will the observer. This means 3 calls are made to the API and the only workaround was to create a stop at the API to prevent 3 emails being sent out. That is not the best solution.
Why is Magento 3 firing 3 events for one request? Is there a workaround?
Another awful issue is that if a user is unsubscribing the first two event firing has the user as Subscribed and only the 3rd event the user is then set to Unsubscribed? I am confused. I am have read about using a Plugin instead, but I really want to concentrate this module around Observers. Is Observer this unreliable?
I am new to Magento, but this makes me wonder if I am looking at it the wrong way.

What are the possible events for amp-story?

Is there one place to see all of the events for amp-story, events in the pipeline, and events that are never going to go live?
sample topics
clipboard events
drag events
mouse events
keyboard events
window event attributes
form events
media events
miscellaneous events such as ontoggle, which fires in HTML5 when the user opens or closes the element
I don't think such a list exists, but there are not currently any events that publishers can hook into, nor are there any pending.
You can always file a feature request with any specific use cases you might have.

FileNet P8 disable subscription event action

I am working on FileNet P8 5.2.1 and I am wondering what is the best practice in order to disable an event action and a subscription :
subscription disabled event action disabled
subscription disabled event action enabled
subscription enabled event action disabled
Did you ever had some trouble with one of these cases?
This third case (subscription enabled / event action disabled) is reallya wonder to me. I doubt it is a good practice to have but what happens if the subscription is triggered? Does the subscription try to launch the event action and eventually ends up with an error or does it do nothing?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Your subscription is what triggers your event action. So if you disable subscription, event action will not be triggered.
If you keep subscription enable but disable the action, it throws an error.
if you disable both then it is safer...
I would take the third approach if I don't want event action to be executed.

Account Prevalidation Doesn't Trigger For Lead Qualification Event

I have a plugin that fires on Pre-Validation for Account that works fine in all instances I can find, except when a Lead is being qualified. It is creating the account, via the OOB process, but the Account's pre-validation event is not being triggered.
Is there some other way to capture this event? The Pre-Operation works, but I want to perform the work outside of the transaction, not inside...
This is probably not a bug but "undocumented" functionality.
I'm fairly certain that the QualifyLeadRequest message handles the security check to create accounts, contacts, and opportunities so there is no need for a Pre-Val operation when creating the records - if the user didn't have permission to create the records the QualifyLeadRequest request would have failed.
That said, even if it did fire the pre-val plugin you would still be in the transaction because the transaction starts before the QualifyLeadRequest pre-op and commits after the QualifyLeadRequest post-op (therfore, everything that happens between those - including creating the account - is in the transaction.)
Thus, in this case there would be no difference between stage 10 (pre-validation) and stage 20 (pre-operation.)

UILocalNotification fires multiple times

An alarm application:
In my app,I set two alarms, the alarms have the same time and name, and add them to the local notifications ,when I click the iPhone's home button, the log print two notifications, but ,when the fire time is arriving, the dialog appears three times .
Is this the known bug of apple?
can everyone help me?
