Trying to generate a string that becomes a variable name in Freemarker or a "derived variable name" - freemarker

I'm using a data-directive or list to pull in several values, of which, I don't know how many there will be, and I want to try and list through them, and create several variables in the list if you will.
<#list 1..10 as x>
<#-- the next line doesn't work, but what i'm trying to fix -->
<#assign .vars['VAR'+x?string] = rand(100) />
But I can list them back out that way.
<#list 1..10 as x>
The documentation for assign, says:
name: name of the variable. It is not expression. However, it can be
written as a string literal, which is useful if the variable name
contains reserved characters, for example <#assign "foo-bar" = 1>.
Note that this string literal does not expand interpolations (as
Is there no way around this? Am I trying to do the impossible? Is there some way I can insert a derived name into the .vars... Hash is it?
A little more research that was close, but didn't get me there:
This prevoius question gives how to READ the derived variable, but I need to WRITE/CREATE the derived variable.
FreeMarker get variable value by concatenating another variable value
This prevoius question shows that I can use a string to assign a variable and re-iterates what we saw in the first link.
Variable name in Freemarker Template Language

As FreeMarker can't assign to elements of collections (but you can ?map(it -> ...) a collection to another), the only way is via ?interpret:
<#list 1..10 as x>
<#-- the next line doesn't work, but what i'm trying to fix -->
<#'<#assign VAR${x?c} = rand(100)>'?interpret />
I wonder why do you need to assign to a dynamically named variables though, since reading dynamically named variables is also a pain, even if a lesser one.

Ultimately, I believe the correct way to phrase my solution was a sequence of hashes:
<#list 1..z_Coupon_Pet.NUM_COUPONS as x>
<#assign INSTORE_COUPON=call_coupon_from_table1() />
<#assign ONLINE_COUPON=call_coupon_from_table2() />
<#assign coupon_string_row= '{
"COUPON_NUM" : ${x},
"INSTORE" : "${INSTORE_COUPON?js_string}",
"ONLINE" : "${ONLINE_COUPON?js_string}"
}' />
<#if x==1>
<#assign coupon_hash_string = coupon_string_row />
<#assign coupon_hash_string = coupon_hash_string + ',' + coupon_string_row />
<#if coupon_hash_string?has_content>
<#assign coupon_hash=parsejson('[' + coupon_hash_string + ']') />
We specifically avoid <#assign my_hash = my_hash + element /> because of this note in the documentation:
Note that hash concatenation is not to be used for many repeated concatenations, like for adding items to a hash inside a loop. While adding together hashes is fast and is constant time (independent of the size of the hashes added), the resulting hash is a bit slower to read than the hashes added together. Thus after tens... of additions the result can be impractically slow to read.


Freemarker, looping sequence with one object/multiple attributes

I am working on looping through one object with multiple attributes. In my scenario, I am looking for external content values.
These values can change all the time, so we have to define them manually every instance where we use this, but I want to be able to list them in a sequence and then loop through and include them when object.attribute=Y.
The below block is purely conceptual, but referencing the attribute within the expression is where I get confused.
<#assign seq = ['article01','article02','article03']>
<#list seq as articles>
<#if base.${article}="Y">
<#include "*/${article}.htm"/>
In this instance, the resulting code would be:
<html><article01.html content></html>
<html><article03.html content></html>
Assuming base.articel01 would work, you can use base[article] (instead of base.${article}).

Freemarker - How to put variables in hashmap?

I searched the web to find how to add some entries into an existing hashmap.
Consider this code:
<#assign foo={'bar':'go'}>
I want to add a new entry and have something like this:
How can I do that?
Using concatenation:
<#assign foo=foo+{'new':'entry'}>
print the hashmap:
<#list foo?keys as k>
${k}: ${foo[k]} <br>
The result is exactly what you want:
bar: go
new: entry

Freemarker assign value to variable

I'm having trouble while trying to assign value to a variable using Freemarker.
<#if size??>
<#assign num=size?number>
<#if (num>0)>
<#list 0..num-1 as i>
<#if .vars['abc'+i?c] = "test">
<#assign .vars['abc'+i?c] = .vars['abc'+i?c]?replace("test","Test")>
This is the error message: Encountered ".", but was expecting one of:
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you.
You can only write top-level variables in a FreeMarker template. Also you can't assign to a variable with dynamically constructed name, except with an ?interpret hack: <#"<#assign abc${i?c} = abc${i?c}?reaplce('test', "Test")>"?interpret />. Obviously that's horrid... BTW, what's the use case here? Why do you need to assign to dynamically constructed variable names?

freemarker how to use split in string which is readed with include

<#assign reasonValue="xxx.ftl">
and I call it like:
<#include "${reasonValue}">
and I get output like:
Rejected - Something
how can I now use split on this ouput because I would like to get just Something as output
I tried:
<#list "${reasonValue}"?split("-") as sValue>
but problem is that instead of real value i get name of ftl file...
Assign output of include to some variable and then use split on this variable.
<#assign xx>
<#include reasonValue>
<#list xx?split("-") as sValue>
If you need to show only part of the string after "-" then use substring and index_of.
${xx?substring(xx?index_of("-") + 2)}

Get sub list from a list in freemarker

I have a list in free marker as below:
<#assign listVar = ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4" ] />
From the above list I just want the sub list as v1 and v2.
I have been wandering to get the sub list in free marker. But couldn't managed to find.
Any help would be appreciate.
If you really want to make that slice based on indexes:
<#assign listVar = ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4" ] />
<#assign sublistVar = listVar[0..1] />
See Freemarker Sequence slicing.
But beware, it will stop with error if the index is out of range. Depending on what you need this for, you may want to use ?chunk(2) instead.
Update: As of avoiding index-out-of-bounds error, in FreeMarker 2.3.21 you can issue listVar[0..*2], which will slice out 2 items, or less if there's less available. (Also exclusive-end slicing can come handy: listVar[0..<2])
You can use the index variable when you list the sequence.
<#assign listVar = ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4" ] />
<#list listVar as aVar>
<#if aVar_index > 2><#break/></#if>
You can also partition the sequence using chunk. This will split the sequence in multiple sequences of the given size.
<#assign partitions = listVar?chunk(2) />
<#assign firstPartition = partitions?first />
Source: FreeMarker Manual
However, it is better to filter the data before passing it to the template.
