Task I want to solve:
Write a program that takes a string, will perform a transformation and return it.
For each of the letters of the parameter string switch it by the next one in alphabetical order.
'z' becomes 'a' and 'Z' becomes 'A'. Case remains unaffected.
def rotone(param_1)
a = ""
param_1.each_char do |x|
if x.count("a-zA-Z") > 0
a << x.succ
a << x
And I take this:
Input: "AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y "
Expected Return Value: "BlkiA aMLJKa , 23z "
Return Value: "BlkiAA aaMLJKaa , 23z "
When iterators find 'z' or 'Z' it increment two times z -> aa or Z -> AA
input = "AkjhZ zLKIJz , 23y"
p input.tr('a-yA-YzZ','b-zB-ZaA')
"BlkiA aMLJKa , 23z"
Your problem is that String#succ (aka String#next) has been designed in a way that does not serve your purpose when the receiver is 'z' or 'Z':
'z'.succ #=> 'aa'
'Z'.succ #=> 'AA'
If you replaced a << x.succ with a << x.succ[0] you would obtain the desired result.
You might consider writing that as follows.
def rotone(param_1)
param_1.gsub(/./m) { |c| c.match?(/[a-z]/i) ? c.succ[0] : c }
String#gsub's argument is a regular expression that matches every character (so every character is passed to gsub's block)1.
See also String#match?. The regular expression /[a-z]/i matches every character that is one of the characters in the character class [a-z]. The option i makes the match case-independent, so uppercase letters are matched as well.
Here is alternative way to write the method that employs two hashes that are defined as constants.
CODE = [*'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z'].each_with_object({}) do |c,h|
h[c] = c.succ[0]
end.tap { |h| h.default_proc = proc { |_h,k| k } }
#=> {"a"=>"b", "b"=>"c",..., "y"=>"z", "z"=>"a",
# "A"=>"B", "B"=>"C",..., "Y"=>"Z", "Z"=>"A"}
DECODE = CODE.invert.tap { |h| h.default_proc = proc { |_h,k| k } }
#=> {"b"=>"a", "c"=>"b", ..., "z"=>"y", "a"=>"z",
# "B"=>"A", "C"=>"B", ..., "Z"=>"Y", "A"=>"Z"}
For example,
CODE['e'] #=> "f"
CODE['Z'] #=> "A"
CODE['?'] #=> "?"
DECODE['f'] #=> "e"
DECODE['A'] #=> "Z"
DECODE['?'] #=> "?"
Let's try using gsub, CODE and DECODE with an example string.
str = "The quick brown dog Zelda jumped over the lazy fox Arnie"
rts = str.gsub(/./m, CODE)
#=> "Uif rvjdl cspxo eph Afmeb kvnqfe pwfs uif mbaz gpy Bsojf"
rts.gsub(/./m, DECODE)
#=> "The quick brown dog Zelda jumped over the lazy fox Arnie"
See Hash#merge, Object#tap, Hash#default_proc=, Hash#invert and the form of Sting#gsub that takes a hash as its optional second argument.
Adding the default proc to the hash h causes h[k] to return k if h does not have a key k. Had CODE been defined without the default proc,
CODE = [*'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z'].each_with_object({}) { |c,h| h[c] = c.succ[0] }
#=> {"a"=>"b", "b"=>"c",..., "y"=>"z", "z"=>"a",
# "A"=>"B", "B"=>"C",..., "Y"=>"Z", "Z"=>"A"}
gsub would skip over characters that are not letters:
rts = str.gsub(/./m, CODE)
#=> "UifrvjdlcspxoephAfmebkvnqfepwfsuifmbazgpyBsojf"
Without the default proc we would have to write
rts = str.gsub(/./m) { |s| CODE.fetch(s, s) }
#=> "Uif rvjdl cspxo eph Afmeb kvnqfe pwfs uif mbaz gpy Bsojf"
See Hash#fetch.
1. The regular expression /./ matches every character other than line terminators. Adding the option m (/./m) causes . to match line terminators as well.
This function should take in two strings "daBcD" and "ABC". It is trying to create the string "b" from the letters in "a". You can only delete or capitalize letters, you cant change them. b will always contain all uppercase letters.
def abbreviation(a, b)
aArray = a.split('')
idx = 0
aArray.each do |char|
#print "char: #{char}\n"
#print "Before loops: #{aArray}\n"
if char.casecmp(b[idx]) == 0
idx += 1
#print "char: #{char}\nArry: #{aArray}\n"
#print "idx: #{idx}\n siz: #{b.size}\n"
if idx == b.size
aArray.reject! {|i| i == 'delete'}
aArray[aArray.index(char)] = 'delete'
#print "deleted, now is: #{aArray}\n"
res = aArray.join('')
if res == b
return 'YES'
return 'NO'
This works for a couple test cases, but fails most of them. Can someone describe a better approach?
I have assumed the problem is to determine whether the characters in b appear in a (case indifferent), in the same order as in b, but not necessarily contiguous in a (see the second example below). If they do I return an array of the indices at which they appear in a. If there is no match, nil is returned.
def doit(a, b)
m = a.match(Regexp.new(b.each_char.map { |c| "(#{c})" }.join('.*'),
return nil if m.nil?
(1..b.size).map { |i| m.begin(i) }
doit "daBcD", "ABC"
#=> [1, 2, 3]
doit "daXBDecf", "ABC"
#=> [1, 3, 6]
doit "dacBD", "ABC"
#=> nil
For the first example the regular expression is as follows.
Regexp.new("ABC".each_char.map { |c| "(#{c})" }.join('.*'), Regexp::IGNORECASE)
#=> /(A).*(B).*(C)/i
The absolutely easiest way is via regular expression:
def abbreviation(a, b)
re = Regexp.new(b.each_char.map(&Regexp.method(:quote)).join('.*'), Regexp::IGNORECASE)
abbreviation("daBcD", "ABC")
# => true
abbreviation("daCbD", "ABC")
# => false
For the input ABC, we'll construct a regular expression /A.*B.*C/i, then test the other string against it. The .* construct will account for "deletion"; the IGNORECASE option for "capitalisation".
EDIT: If the problem is further constrained that only lowercase letters can be deleted, as suggested by the comments,
def abbreviation(a, b)
# (b is uppercase only)
re_pat = b.each_char.map { |c| "[#{c}#{c.downcase}]"}.join('[[:lower:]]*')
re = Regexp.new(re_pat)
p abbreviation("daBcD", "ABC") # => true
p abbreviation("daBdcD", "ABC") # => true
p abbreviation("daBDcD", "ABC") # => false
If I have a string like this
str =<<END
If a number in the first value shows up again, I want to add their second values together. So the final string would look like this
If the final output is an array that's fine too.
There are lots of ways to do this in Ruby. One particularly terse way is to use String#scan:
str = <<END
data = Hash.new(0)
str.scan(/(\d+),([\d.]+)/) {|k,v| data[k] += v.to_f }
p data
# => { "7312357006" => 1246.221,
# "3214058234" => 3499.2,
# "1324958723" => 232.1,
# "3214173443" => 234.1,
# "6134513494" => 23.2 }
This uses the regular expression /(\d+),([\d.]+)/ to extract the two values from each line. The block is called with each pair as arguments, which are then merged into the hash.
This could also be written as a single expression using each_with_object:
data = str.scan(/(\d+),([\d.]+)/)
.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) {|(k,v), hsh| hsh[k] += v.to_f }
# => (same as above)
There are likewise many ways to print the result, but here are a couple I like:
puts data.map {|kv| kv.join(",") }.join("\n")
# => 7312357006,1246.221
# 3214058234,3499.2
# 1324958723,232.1
# 3214173443,234.1
# 6134513494,23.2
# or:
puts data.map {|k,v| "#{k},#{v}\n" }.join
# => (same as above)
You can see all of these in action on repl.it.
Edit: Although I don't recommend either of these for the sake of readability, here's more just for kicks (requires Ruby 2.4+):
data = str.lines.group_by {|s| s.slice!(/(\d+),/); $1 }
.transform_values {|a| a.sum(&:to_f) }
...or, to going straight to a string:
puts str.lines.group_by {|s| s.slice!(/(\d+),/); $1 }
.map {|k,vs| "#{k},#{vs.sum(&:to_f)}\n" }.join
Since repl.it is stuck on Ruby 2.3: Try it online!
You could achieve this using each_with_object, as below:
str = "7312357006,1.121
# convert the string into nested pairs of floats
# to briefly summarise the steps: split entries by newline, strip whitespace, split by comma, convert to floats
arr = str.split("\n").map(&:strip).map { |el| el.split(",").map(&:to_f) }
result = arr.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |el, hash|
hash[el.first] += el.last
# => {7312357006.0=>1246.221, 3214058234.0=>3499.2, 1324958723.0=>232.1, 3214173443.0=>234.1, 6134513494.0=>23.2}
# You can then call `to_a` on result if you want:
# => [[7312357006.0, 1246.221], [3214058234.0, 3499.2], [1324958723.0, 232.1], [3214173443.0, 234.1], [6134513494.0, 23.2]]
each_with_object iterates through each pair of data, providing them with access to an accumulator (in this the hash). By following this approach, we can add each entry to the hash, and add together the totals if they appear more than once.
Hope that helps - let me know if you've any questions.
def combine(str)
str.each_line.with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |s,h|
k,v = s.split(',')
h.update(k=>v.to_f) { |k,o,n| o+n }
end.reduce('') { |s,kv_pair| s << "%s,%g\n" % kv_pair }
puts combine str
using String#each_line is preferable to str.split("\n") as the former returns an enumerator whereas the latter returns a temporary array. Each element generated by the enumerator is line of str that (unlike the elements of str.split("\n")) ends with a newline character, but that is of no concern.
see Hash::new, specifically when a default value (here 0) is used. If a hash has been defined h = Hash.new(0) and h does not have a key k, h[k] returns the default value, zero (h is not changed). When Ruby encounters the expression h[k] += 1, the first thing she does is expand it to h[k] = h[k] + 1. If h has been defined with a default value of zero, and h does not have a key k, h[k] on the right of the equality (syntactic sugar1 for h.[](k)) returns zero.
see Hash#update (aka merge!). h.update(k=>v.to_f) is syntactic sugar for h.update({ k=>v.to_f })
see Kernel#sprint for explanations of the formatting directives %s and %g.
the receiver for the expression reduce('') { |s,kv_pair| s << "%s,%g\n" % kv_pair } (in the penultimate line), is the following hash.
{"7312357006"=>1246.221, "3214058234"=>3499.2, "1324958723"=>232.1,
"3214173443"=>234.1, "6134513494"=>23.2}
1 Syntactic sugar is a shortcut allowed by Ruby.
Implemented this solution as hash was giving me issues:
d = []
s.split("\n").each do |line|
x = 0
q = 0
dup = false
line.split(",").each do |data|
if x == 0 and d.include? data then dup = true ; q = d.index(data) elsif x == 0 then d << data end
if x == 1 and dup == false then d << data end
if x == 1 and dup == true then d[q+1] = "#{'%.2f' % (d[q+1].to_f + data.to_f).to_s}" end
if x == 2 and dup == false then d << data end
x += 1
x = 0
s = ""
d.each do |val|
if x == 0 then s << "#{val}," end
if x == 1 then s << "#{val}\n ; x = 0" end
x += 1
Let's say I have a string, like string= "aasmflathesorcerersnstonedksaottersapldrrysaahf". If you haven't noticed, you can find the phrase "harry potter and the sorcerers stone" in there (minus the space).
I need to check whether string contains all the elements of the string.
string.include? ("sorcerer") #=> true
string.include? ("harrypotterandtheasorcerersstone") #=> false, even though it contains all the letters to spell harrypotterandthesorcerersstone
Include does not work on shuffled string.
How can I check if a string contains all the elements of another string?
Sets and array intersection don't account for repeated chars, but a histogram / frequency counter does:
require 'facets'
s1 = "aasmflathesorcerersnstonedksaottersapldrrysaahf"
s2 = "harrypotterandtheasorcerersstone"
freq1 = s1.chars.frequency
freq2 = s2.chars.frequency
freq2.all? { |char2, count2| freq1[char2] >= count2 }
#=> true
Write your own Array#frequency if you don't want to the facets dependency.
class Array
def frequency
Hash.new(0).tap { |counts| each { |v| counts[v] += 1 } }
I presume that if the string to be checked is "sorcerer", string must include, for example, three "r"'s. If so you could use the method Array#difference, which I've proposed be added to the Ruby core.
class Array
def difference(other)
h = other.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |e,h| h[e] += 1 }
reject { |e| h[e] > 0 && h[e] -= 1 }
str = "aasmflathesorcerersnstonedksaottersapldrrysaahf"
target = "sorcerer"
#=> true
target = "harrypotterandtheasorcerersstone"
#=> true
If the characters of target must not only be in str, but must be in the same order, we could write:
target = "sorcerer"
r = Regexp.new "#{ target.chars.join "\.*" }"
#=> /s.*o.*r.*c.*e.*r.*e.*r/
str =~ r
#=> 2 (truthy)
(or !!(str =~ r) #=> true)
target = "harrypotterandtheasorcerersstone"
r = Regexp.new "#{ target.chars.join "\.*" }"
#=> /h.*a.*r.*r.*y* ... o.*n.*e/
str =~ r
#=> nil
A different albeit not necessarily better solution using sorted character arrays and sub-strings:
Given your two strings...
subject = "aasmflathesorcerersnstonedksaottersapldrrysaahf"
search = "harrypotterandthesorcerersstone"
You can sort your subject string using .chars.sort.join...
subject = subject.chars.sort.join # => "aaaaaaacddeeeeeffhhkllmnnoooprrrrrrssssssstttty"
And then produce a list of substrings to search for:
search = search.chars.group_by(&:itself).values.map(&:join)
# => ["hh", "aa", "rrrrrr", "y", "p", "ooo", "tttt", "eeeee", "nn", "d", "sss", "c"]
You could alternatively produce the same set of substrings using this method
search = search.chars.sort.join.scan(/((.)\2*)/).map(&:first)
And then simply check whether every search sub-string appears within the sorted subject string:
search.all? { |c| subject[c] }
Create a 2 dimensional array out of your string letter bank, to associate the count of letters to each letter.
Create a 2 dimensional array out of the harry potter string in the same way.
Loop through both and do comparisons.
I have no experience in Ruby but this is how I would start to tackle it in the language I know most, which is Java.
When trying to find the frequency of letters in 'fantastic' I am having trouble understanding the given solution:
def letter_count(str)
counts = {}
str.each_char do |char|
next if char == " "
counts[char] = 0 unless counts.include?(char)
counts[char] += 1
I tried deconstructing it and when I created the following piece of code I expected it to do the exact same thing. However it gives me a different result.
blah = {}
x = 'fantastic'
x.each_char do |char|
next if char == " "
blah[char] = 0
blah[char] += 1
The first piece of code gives me the following
puts letter_count('fantastic')
{"f"=>1, "a"=>2, "n"=>1, "t"=>2, "s"=>1, "i"=>1, "c"=>1}
Why does the second piece of code give me
puts blah
{"f"=>0, "a"=>0, "n"=>0, "t"=>0, "s"=>0, "i"=>0, "c"=>0}
Can someone break down the pieces of code and tell me what the underlying difference is. I think once I understand this I'll be able to really understand the first piece of code. Additionally if you want to explain a bit about the first piece of code to help me out that'd be great as well.
You can't split this line...
counts[char] = 0 unless counts.include?(char)
... over multiple line the way you did it. The trailing conditional only works on a single line.
If you wanted to split it over multiple lines you would have to convert to traditional if / end (in this case unless / end) format.
unless counts.include?(char)
counts[char] = 0
Here's the explanation of the code...
# we define a method letter_count that accepts one argument str
def letter_count(str)
# we create an empty hash
counts = {}
# we loop through all the characters in the string... we will refer to each character as char
str.each_char do |char|
# we skip blank characters (we go and process the next character)
next if char == " "
# if there is no hash entry for the current character we initialis the
# count for that character to zero
counts[char] = 0 unless counts.include?(char)
# we increase the count for the current character by 1
counts[char] += 1
# we end the each_char loop
# we make sure the hash of counts is returned at the end of this method
# end of the method
Now that #Steve has answered your question and you have accepted his answer, perhaps I can suggest another way to count the letters. This is just one of many approaches that could be taken.
def letter_count(str)
str.downcase.each_char.with_object({}) { |c,h|
(h[c] = h.fetch(c,0) + 1) if c =~ /[a-z]/ }
#=> {"f"=>1, "a"=>2, "n"=>1, "t"=>2, "s"=>1, "i"=>1, "c"=>1}
Here is what's happening.
str = 'Fantastic'
We use String#downcase so that, for example, 'f' and 'F' are treated as the same character for purposes of counting. (If you don't want that, simply remove .downcase.) Let
s = str.downcase #=> "fantastic"
s.each_char.with_object({}) { |c,h| (h[c] = h.fetch(c,0) + 1) c =~ /[a-z]/ }
the enumerator String#each_char is chained to Enumerator#with_index. This creates a compound enumerator:
enum = s.each_char.with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator: "fantastic":each_char>:with_object({})>
We can view what the enumerator will pass to the block by converting it to an array:
#=> [["f", {}], ["a", {}], ["n", {}], ["t", {}], ["a", {}],
# ["s", {}], ["t", {}], ["i", {}], ["c", {}]]
(Actually, it only passes an empty hash with 'f'; thereafter it passes the updated value of the hash.) The enumerator with_object creates an empty hash denoted by the block variable h.
The first element enum passes to the block is the string 'f'. The block variable c is assigned that value, so the expression in the block:
(h[c] = h.fetch(c,0) + 1) if c =~ /[a-z]/
evaluates to:
(h['f'] = h.fetch('f',0) + 1) if 'f' =~ /[a-z]/
c =~ /[a-z]/
is true if and only if c is a lowercase letter. Here
'f' =~ /[a-z]/ #=> true
so we evaluate the expression
h[c] = h.fetch(c,0) + 1
h.fetch(c,0) returns h[c] if h has a key c; else it returns the value of Hash#fetch's second parameter, which here is zero. (fetch can also take a block.)
Since h is now empty, it becomes
h['f'] = 0 + 1 #=> 1
The enumerator each_char then passes 'a', 'n' and 't' to the block, resulting in the hash becoming
h = {'f'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'n'=>1, 't'=>1 }
The next character passed in is a second 'a'. As h already has a key 'a',
h[c] = h.fetch(c,0) + 1
evaluates to
h['a'] = h['a'] + 1 #=> 1 + 1 => 2
The remainder of the string is processed the same way.
I am new to Ruby and to this site.
The following two functions are different, one alters the variable outside the function and one does not.
def m1 (x)
x << "4"
def m2 (x)
x = x + "4"
m2(str) #str remains unchanged 123
m1(str) #str is changed to 1234
I would like to make sure I understand this correctly -
When m1 is called, the reference to str is copied and passed to the function which sees it as x. Operator << changes x which references the origial str so str is changed by this operation.
When m2 is called, the reference to str is copied and passed to the function which sees it as x. Operator + creates a new string, and the assignment x = x + "4" simply redirects x to the new string leaving the original str variable untouched.
String#+ :: str + other_str → new_str Concatenation—Returns a new String containing other_str concatenated to str.
String#<< :: str << integer → str : Append—Concatenates the given object to str.
<< doesn't create the new object, where as + does.
a = "str"
#=> "str"
#=> 14469636
b = a << "ing"
#=> "string"
#=> 14469636
#=> 14469636
a= "str"
#=> "str"
b = a + "ing"
#=> "string"
#=> 16666584
#=> 17528916
From your comment, got your point. See below:
def m1 (x)
x << "4"
#=> nil
def m2 (x)
x = x + "4"
#=> nil
#=> "123"
#=> "1234"
#=> "123"
Here str didn't change as you passed the value inside the method m2(), all the changes local to the method as per the above call. Thus below str not showing that change.To see the change you have to call it as below.
str = m2(str)
#=> "1234"
#=> "1234"
You could do the stuff as below :- where I passed reference address of str but not the value.
str = "abc"
#=> "abc"
#=> 16250484
#=> "abc"
def m1 (x)
ObjectSpace._id2ref(x) << "4"
#=> nil
#=> "abc4"
#=> "abc4"
Hope it make sense :)
<< the concatenate operator is destructive to a string. This means that it will manipulate the variable it acts upon, not just return the result of the expression.
str = "abc"
puts str + "d" # "abcd"
puts str # "abc"
puts str << "d" # "abcd"
puts str # "abcd"
The following two functions are different, one alters the variable outside the function and one does not.
This is wrong. Neither of the two methods (they are methods, BTW, not functions, Ruby doesn't have functions; there is a fundamental difference) alters the str variable. m1 modifies the object the variable points to, but that is completely different from modifying the variable itself.