Your app(s) are using a contains provider that contains a SQL Injection vulnerability. But this issues after update SQL query. #android-security - google-play-console

I am try to update my existing app on google play store with contain provider feature with access data from another app which is also my app and that app also on play store. now i have facing issue when i try to update query in SQL database for some data update but google play store warn me for SQL Injection Vulnerability.enter image description here


Laravel sqlite database locked

I am using the Azure web app with PHP 7.3 stack. In my project, we have the feature to sync from mobile to web and for that, we are using the SQLite file. And for other modules, we have a MySQL database.
The mobile app sends the SQLite file and we stored it in the directory. But we try to make a query to the SQLite with PDO then it throws the error that the database is locked.
I tried many solutions from the other's answer but not get success.
This has to do with permissions of the underlying storage mount.
One option you could try is mounting an Azure File share and persisting the database there, see The best option however is to utilize a cloud database such as Postgres or MySQL for Azure.

How can I access Oracle Apex login in my Android app via a rest interface?

I have a finished Oracle Apex application which is running in browser. Now I want to build a native Android app and access the data that is stored in the Oracle database.
First I need to authenticate the user with email/password login.
Second I want to send data to Oracle Apex over rest and store it in the database.
Is there a ready-made function of Oracle Apex that allows me to implement these things?
I think it is what you need:
Also you can look at this project:

Write SQL Statement against Oracle Cloud Database Schema services using Oracle SQL Developer

I have a subscription to Oracle Cloud Database Schema Services ( Schema not full Database ) , I am trying to access the database instance using Oracle SQL Developer , I followed the below to make connection in SQL developer :
1 - From "Database schema Service connection"
2 - New Cloud Connection and enter my username/password/instance URL
3- The database connected and I can list all tables inside the schema
But When I tried to open SQL worksheet and write some select statements , I can't achieve this.
I know that this task can be done through APEX console , but is there anyway to do it by using SQL Developer?
This is not currently supported.
The SCHEMA service is only reachable via HTTPS. We have built several REST Services that allow SQL Developer to do what you see currently today, which includes browsing the schema and uploading data via the CART.
We have just built a SQL 'REST Service' feature into Oracle REST Data Services which allow us..or any authenticated user, to run an ad-hoc SQL or PL/SQL block statement via a POST. This would allow us to add what you're looking for - the ability to do a SQL Worksheet for your service.
However, instead of building this into the SQL Developer desktop, we're looking at releasing 'SQL Developer Web' which will be available in your Oracle Cloud Database Services' consoles.
I can't tell you if/when that will be available for you in your Schema Service, but it's on the road map.
In the mean time, the APEX UI and its SQL Workshop is the way to go.

SonarQube Add Rules to Profile from database

I've created a new profile from database by adding in rules_profiles table.
It is reflecting on the SonarQube UI
However, when I am adding rules to that profile by inserting records in active_rules table and restarting sonar.It is showing those number of records on the SonarQube UI
but clicking that does not show me proper data.
Do I need to add information to any other tables.
Pls help
I am using Sonarqube 4.4
You will not get any support on this.
Modifying the database is not the right way to add information to SonarQube or customize it. The DB is not an API, it's just an internal storage system for SonarQube.
So either you do it through the Web interface, or through the Web Service API. But not directly on the DB.

What is the best use of provided SQL Database table in Windows Azure Mobile Services?

I have been experimenting with Windows Azure Mobile Services. I am impressed that it creates a table for me and a database connection along with projects in various platforms. I wish the data were Windows Azure Storage however, because SQL Database can be expensive.
My thought is, since it is already provided, it makes sense to use it to store account information. Then I can use Azure Storage for frequently changing data. What minimal information should be necessary for such a use?
Here is a possible table design.
unique_id: GUID
email_address : varchar
oath_provider_choice : varchar
oath_yahoo : varchar
oath_google : varchar
oath_microsoft : varchar
Does this make sense or is it too much?
You can access Azure Table Storage from Mobile Services using the Azure Module. I have a pretty extensive sample here ( which shows how to insert / update / delete / read tables and rows from Mobile Services Table Scripts (effectively bypassing using the SQL database). It also shows how you can use blob storage. Now that Mobile Services has Custom API, it might make more sense to use that as opposed to the table scripts. You can also communicate directly with table storage (warning: this would require having the account name / key in your client app). As pointed out in the comments, currently each table in Mobile Services generates an ID column which has to be a bigint.
