electron-builder - how to auto-update from github tags if program does not use semver? - electron-builder

electron-builder and its electron-updater dictate that program must have semver
how to point autoUpdater to take any tag - given it is the latest tag - and update?

take off heavy elecron - use full jvm .jar programs with swing ui instead


Which plugin (npm) to use for localization in NativeScript?

Which plugin (npm) to use for localization in NativeScript and Angular?
nativescript-localize implements the native way of localizing iOS / Android apps.
tns plugin add nativescript-localize
If you like to find any plugins, you can simply do a search at https://market.nativescript.org/ Checkout the number downloads / recent releases to understand the popularity / stability of the plugin.
Note: At present this plugin doesn't support switching the language within your app, it always picks up the default language of the device which is more generic way of handling localization with mobile apps.
If you prefer to control the language selection within your app, you may have to go with any angular specific plugins to manage your language.
You can simply use ngx-translate for you NativeScript project. All other plugins implements native i18n, so you can't change the application language on runtime. Because they depend on the os language.
Most of the time we use English as our os language but doesn't necessarily mean our native language is English. Here you go.

Can online ckbuilder be used to build a prior version of ckeditor?

My company has strict rules about which versions we can use of open source software like CKEditor. Right now we are on 4.4.7.
I want to start using the online CKBuilder to bundle everything in a single ckeditor.js file. But it seems like the online builder at http://ckeditor.com/builder only deals with the latest version.
Is there a way to run the online CKBuilder against a prior release of CKEditor?
I don't think that you can change the way the online CKBuilder works, but you can run it locally with whatever version you want: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_build

Netbeans javafx mac bundle without JRE

I am having a hard time trying to build my javafx app into .app (for mac).
I found a legit way to do that, here is resource for that:
However, it is far from what I'm looking for. By following that tutorial, I managed to build an app from my javafx project, however the size of file was just ridiculous and it is because the whole JRE is being bundled inside. I am now looking for a way to deploy .app file with dependencies (it's important) ONLY and without JRE. (JRE should be pre-installed by user). Is there a way to do that? I really tried to find one, but faild. Hope you, guys, help me.
Instructions for packaging a JavaFX application as a native installable app without including a JRE:
JavaFX packaging tools update - Self-Contained Applications: Create Package without Java Runtime.
The tools used are the same as from the deployment quick start you mention in your question. You just set the fx:platform basedir="".
I'll just quote the article here:
This may sound a bit puzzling at first glance. Package without embedded Java Runtime is not really self-contained and obviously will not help with:
Deployment on fresh systems. JRE need to be installed separately (and this step will require admin permissions).
Possible compatibility issues due to updates of system runtime.
However, these packages are much much smaller in size. If download size matters and you are confident that user have recommended system JRE installed then this may be good option to consider if you want to improve user experience for install and launch.
Technically, this is implemented as an extension of previous feature. Pass empty string as value for 'basedir' attribute and this will be treated as request to not bundle Java runtime, e.g.
<fx:platform basedir=""/>

Prefer my QuickLook plugin

I am making a QuickLook plugin that will be included with my application. It will be used to preview a file type that other applications also have QuickLook plugins for. Every time I attempt to test with my plugin (I put it into ~/Library/QuickLook/) it previews with another app's plugin. I am using qlmanage to preview. Is there a way to force it to use mine, at least for testing?
Generators embedded in applications are always preferred to plug-ins in ~/Library/QuickLook (which are preferred to the ones in /Library/QuickLook, which are preferred to the ones in /System/Library/QuickLook).
There is no way to change this priority. Also if 2 generators at the same level claims the same type of file, Quick Look will prefer one over the other, whichever you can't control.
At least for your test, you can force qlmanage to use the plug-in you want by using the -g option (but you will also have to specify the content-type with -c).
Try qlmanage -h to get all the options for your tests.
While the order of precedence described by #julien is accurate, it is still possible to override a particular application's QL provider. Simply edit the Info.plist file in the .qlgenerator of the offending application. For example, I like the way a certain QL provider handles markdown, but one of the text editors I have installed includes (imho) less than stellar markdown support. My preferred bundle loses... until I edit:
and remove
And in newer versions of OS X, you don't even need to restart the QL daemon. The preferred QL tool just takes over. =D

Detemining newer version of executable in Wix

We have a software that has couple of executables inside. One of the executables is Windows service, and it doesn't change that often, usually we release many updates to the main executable, but the service version is same inside installer.
When service is installed first time or upgraded with newer version, we need to run custom action. We managed to solve first install part, but we don't know how to determine that version we're installing now is newer than one that already exists. Sort of if(newver > oldver) run custom action.
Thank you in advance
- Jack
You can try using the upgrade rules of your package. More details here: How to implement WiX installer upgrade?
Rob Mensching (the second answer in the linked thread) shows an example for upgrade rules. You should first familiarize yourself with the Upgrade table and how upgrade rules work. There isn't an easy answer or a quick fix for this in WiX.
Basically, you should have 2 upgrade rules
the first sets a property when an older version is found
the second sets another property when a newer version is found
After that you can use the older versions property to condition your custom action. For example, if the property is named OLDERVERSIONFOUND the custom action condition can be:
or something like
Your best bet is to store the "service" version somewhere in the registry, search for that registry value during upgrade and run your CA if newver > oldver (and the CA should also update said registry value to newver)
Note that Custom Actions are (generally) an admission of failure. I always try to separate out the configuration portion of setup to a pre-install (for sysadmins doing deployment) or post-install (for interactive installations) step - often a separate executable.
Declarative installations with no custom actions are much more reliable - if you can figure out how to rewrite the service so that your custom action is no longer required, you'll be much better off in the long term (this doesn't help when you're under pressure to release now, but it's something to think of for future releases)
