Disable "Show on code map" in Visual Studio 2022 - visual-studio

Is there any way to disable the new "Show on code map" feature in Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise?
And here is the same pop-up in Visual Studio 2019:
This is what it looks like in Visual Studio 2022:

The "Code Map" feature can be removed using the Visual Studio Installer.
Just uncheck these two features and click "Modify":
See the official documentation for more information.


Adding SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017

Can I add SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017?
How do I add SSIS capability to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017?
I've looked in "Visual Studio Installer" at the "Workloads" options and also the "Individual Components" options .. but I can't see SSIS listed ?
Maybe I need a different version of Visual Studio for SSIS work?
The Microsoft page here has answer to this question.
Download and install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio
i.e. this Microsoft article has a link for "Download SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.2)" in the middle of this article which can be used.
The "Visual Studio Installer" tool from Start menu wasn't so useful for adding this capability (for me).

Cannot find "Paste Special" option in Visual Studio 2017

I cannot see the Paste Special option in my Visual Studio 2017 Professional Edition:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017
Version 15.4.5
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.02046
In this blog post it is shown for Visual Studio 2013. On my machine, the edit menu appears as below:
Is there a way to get back the option? Do I need to enable this option somehow?
I have missed an important step. There is nothing wrong in Visual Studio 2017. I was not in a .cs file.
Another possible answer to this problem is the WCF component is not installed in Visual Studio.
The Paste Special option will not show if you are debugging.
I stopped my application and the Paste Special option appeared right away.
This was in Visual Studio 2017, but I assume it would be the same for all versions.

How to switch on CodeLens in Visual Studio 2017?

I have installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017.
I cannot find any option to switch on CodeLens. Is this feature removed from this version?
CodeLens is not available in the Community editions. You need Professional or higher to switch it on.
In VS2015, one way to "get" CodeLens was to install the SQL Server Developer Tools (SSDT) but I believe this has been rectified in VS2017.
Visual Studio Community dose not support CodeLens , only Visual Studio
Professional and Visual Studio
Enterprise give this Integrated Development Environment Facility.
For more information go to this link enter link description here
For Visual information Please See this Image: Visual Studio
Community supported Features
If you like CodeLens you can install Visual Studio 2019 Community
Microsoft has enabled it even for the Community edition. See Integrated Development Environment on Visual Studio Comparison. Most features are enabled.
See CodeLens for Everyone What's New in Visual Studio 2019 for more info.
CodeLens is now available since VS 2017 Community Update 8, but it only contains Requests and Exceptions of Application Insights, no References:
From Dante Gagne [MSFT] on Oct 31, 2018 at 05:38 PM:
The infrastructure for CodeLens has been released in the Visual Studio 2017 Update 8. Please install and let us know your feedback. Please continue to provide feedback and help us make Visual Studio even better.
It can be enabled in the Text Editor Options under All Languages --> CodeLens --> Enable CodeLens
Resharper has "Find Usages" and "Find Usages Advanced". The default keyboard shortcut for "Find Usages" is Shift+F12. If you can live with using that shortcut instead of clicking on the reference link above a type then you're good to go. I've moved the results window from the bottom to the left and enabled auto-hide.
Good enough for me.
For Visual Studio Community 2019 a lesser CodeLens version is available:
Visual Studio Community 2019:
Visual Studio Professional 2019:

How to use Visual Studio 2010's advanced intellisense tooltip in Visual Studio 2012?

I don't know whether it is missing in Visual Studio 2012 but I wonder why I cannot see the advanced tooltip feature in 2012.
In VS2010, once you hover your mouse over a code, it displays the following:
But it is how it looks right now in Visual Studio 2012:
And it looks rather primitive compared to Visual Studio 2010.
That's from a Visual Studio Plug-in. I think it's either PowerTools or VSCommands. You should install the same plug-in in VS2012, and you should get that behavior back.
(Just confirmed that it's Productivity Power Tools that provides that feature.)

Show shortcut keys in ScreenTips in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 you used to be able to mouse over the toolbar and a tooltip would pop up showing the associated shortcut key if you turned on the feature. This feature seems to be missing in VS 2010.
Method to configure this feature in 2005 and 2008: Display keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio context menus
Suzanne Hanson from Microsoft indicated in a post that for 2010, this feature would not be configurable and would be turned on by default. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/489554/toolbar-icons-tool-tips-missing-shortcut-hint.
Does anyone have this feature turned on? Could it just be that my Visual Studio Version is out-dated? (Help -> About reports Visual Studio 2010 v. 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel)
The tooltips are there by default (at least in my version Visual Studio 2010 v. 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel). If you don't see them, try repairing/reinstalling. That fixed it for me.
