Run a process in background with command nohup "sh &> /dev/null &" in jenkins - bash

I have this command "nohup sh &> /dev/null &"
which is working fine when I am running this command in the terminal but while i am running the same command from jenkins "nohup sh &> /dev/null &" it is only showing in the console output that "nohup sh" is being executed
I am looking a way to run the script in background and I don't want logs of that command as need a command to run in jenkins alternaive to "nohup sh &> /dev/null &"


process does not log when run as background

I want to run this command inside a docker container ( ubuntu:18.04 image ):
(cd inse/; sh > log.txt 2>&1 ;) &
but when I run it, it does not log it to log.txt. When I run it this way:
(cd inse/; sh > log.txt 2>&1 ;)
It locks the forground (as it should do) and when I kill it I see that the log.txt file is filled with log stuff, which means It works correctly.
Why is this behaviour happening?
The contents of is:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. venv/bin/activate;
Actually this command is not the entry point of container and I run it inside another shell but inside a long running container (testing container).
Using with nohup, no success:
(cd inse/; nohup sh | tee log.txt;) &
I think this problem refers to using () the subshell concept inside sh. It seems it does not let output go anywhere when ran in background.
Even this does not work:
sh -c "cd inse/; sh > log.txt 2>&1 &"
Not even this:
sh -c "cd inse/; sh > log.txt 2>&1;" &
I found what was causing the problem.
It was buffered python output. This problem is caused by python.
I should have used python unbuffered output:
python -u blahblah
Try to use this command and please check that have full access to that folder where log.txt is created.use CMD/RUN step in Dockerfile to run
CMD /inse/ > log.txt 2>&1 ;
RUN /inse/ > log.txt 2>&1 ;

Why is executing "docker exec" killing my SSH session?

Let's say I have two servers, A and B. I also have a bash script that is executed on server A that looks like this:
ssh user#B <<'ENDSSH'
echo "doing test"
bash -ex
echo "completed test"
docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!"
The problem is that completed test does not get printed to the terminal.
Here's the output of running
$ ./build_test
doing test
+ docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!"
I'm expecting completed test to be output after hi!, but it isn't. How do I fix this?
docker is consuming, though not using, its standard input, which it inherits from inherits its standard input from bash, which inherits its standard input from ssh. This means that docker itself is reading the last line of the script before the remote shell can.
To fix, just redirect docker's standard input from /dev/null.
docker exec -i my_container /bin/bash -c "echo hi!" < /dev/null

how to run shell script in background in unix

how to run shell script in background in unix?
My script
while [ true ]
ps -fu $USER>>/home/axway/trace.log 2>&1
sleep 10
running above script ( in background by nohup command on promt
nohup ./ &
having below isuue:
$ nohup ./ &
[3] 19520
$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
Its warning to say like the output of the script will be written in file 'nohup.out'. In order to remove this warning, you can try
nohup ./ >/tmp/output.txt &
nohup ./ >/dev/null &
Just a thought, you could make it connect or create a screen instance at the start.
screen -S bashscript
my bash script

How can I run this command line in the background?

I have this
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out
When I have the above command line running I can stop it by doing CTRL+C
However I'd like to run the above commandline in back ground so that I can stop it by doing kill -9 %1
But when I try to run this
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out &
I get
[2]+ Stopped (tty output) script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null 1>out
How can I run the above commandline in back ground?
In order to background a process with redirection to a file, you must also redirect stderr. With stdout and stderr redirected, you can then background the process:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out 2>&1 &
Fully working example:
while test "$i" -lt 100; do
echo "$i"
sleep 1
Running the script and tail of output file while backgrounded:
alchemy:~/scr/tmp/stack> ./ > outfile 2>&1 &
[1] 31779
alchemy:~/scr/tmp/stack> tailf outfile
[1]+ Done ./ > outfile 2>&1
In the case of:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null
The problem in in this case is the fact that script itself causes redirection of all dialog with script to FILE, in this case to /dev/null. So you need to simply issue the command without redirecting to /dev/null or just redirect stderr to out:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" out 2>&1 &
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null/ 2>out &

How do I run nohup as a different user without spawning two processes?

I'm trying to nohup a command and run it as a different user, but every time I do this two processes are spawned.
For example:
$ nohup su -s /bin/bash nobody -c "my_command" > outfile.txt &
This definitely runs my_command as nobody, but there's an extra process that I don't want to shown up:
$ ps -Af
root ... su -s /bin/bash nobody my_command
nobody ... my_command
And if I kill the root process, the nobody process still lives... but is there a way to not run the root process at all? Since getting the id of my_command and killing it is a bit more complicated.
This could be achieved as:
su nobody -c "nohup my_command >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
and to write the pid of 'my_command' in a pidFile:
touch $pidFile
chown nobody:nobody $pidFile
su nobody -c "nohup my_command >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo \$! > '$pidFile'"
nohup runuser nobody -c "my_command my_command_args....." < /dev/null >> /tmp/mylogfile 2>&1 &
If the user with nologin shell, run as follows:
su - nobody -s /bin/sh -c "nohup your_command parameter >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
runuser - nobody -s /bin/sh -c "nohup your_command parameter >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
sudo su - nobody -s /bin/sh -c "nohup your_command parameter >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
sudo runuser -u nobody -s /bin/sh -c "nohup your_command parameter >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
You might do best to create a small script in e.g. /usr/local/bin/start_my_command like this:
nohup my_command > outfile.txt &
Use chown and chmod to set it to be executable and owned by nobody, then just run su nobody -c /usr/local/bin/start_my_command.
A note on running this on a session, is that if you run in background, there is a job associated with the session, and background jobs may be killed (the su -c gets around this).
To disassociate the process from the shell (so you can exit the shell but keep the process running), use disown.
