Is it possible a schema type that gets the value of one property of already defined schema type - graphql

I have a schema that looks like this.
exports.typeDefs = gql`
type User {
userid: ID!
name: String
type Post {
post_id: ID!
post_category: String!
post_type: String!
post_hashtag: String
user: User
Now post have the field named "post_hashtag".
I want to define another schema type and get that post_hashtag property for all the nodes in post type.
of post.
I tried the below type hashtag and put a cipher query on that.
type hashtag{
post_hashtag: String
#cypher[statement: "MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN n.post_hashtag"]
But it returns only the one first found hashtag and save it on hashtag node. This is not what I want. I want all the hashtags that are available in any post_hashtag node.
Example: If I query
This should give all the hashtags that are available in any of the post node but instead it return only one hashtag.
I've been trying this since few days. going through different solutions but none worked.
Any suggestions Please.

I've figured out the problem. Actually, we just need to use the collect method of neo4j to return an array of hashtags and save it in the hashtag node. And it will save all the hashtags on the node and we can retrieve them later.
First, change the schema a little bit like this.
type hashtag{
post_hashtag: [String]
#cypher[statement: "MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN
Notice: I've changed the post_hashtag type and made it an array of strings.
Then just the cipher query will change by the one down below.
MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN collect(n.post_hashtag)
And it is done.


Query GraphQL with multiple types

I'm trying to make a GraphQL query, out of the ordinary, but so far I haven't found anything related.
I would like to leave the where parameter with two optional types, see the example. Is this supported?
input Person {
name: String
email: String
input Company {
name: String
domain: String
type GetSearch {
extend type Query {
getSearch(where: Person | Company): [GetSearch]
This is not possible.
Adding Input Union type to GraphQL was already proposed back in 2018, but it was never added. See this discussion for more details.

graphql query with certain combination of parameters

I am looking to specify a certain required combination of parameters in a graphQL query.
The query should be valid either without any params and return all cats or filter by size AND species.
extend type Query {
cats(size: String, species: String): [Cat]
Is the only way to do this via the resolver (throw error if one arg is passed) or is there a neater way?
I don't believe that this is defined in the spec. You could define a new input type and then use this though.
input CatFilter {
size: String!
species: String!
extend type Query {
cats(filter: CatFilter): [Cat]
That way the parameter is optional, but if given, both properties are required.

Graphql types, should they represent db fields?

In Graphql, I have the following mutation:
activateUserAccount(token: String!): ActivateUserAccountResult!
the type is currently:
type ActivateUserAccountResult{
id: Int
activated_on: String
The problem with this is that the type ActivateUserAccountResult will most likely never get used by anything else. So I was wondering if i created a more generic UserAccount type as follows and returned that instead, can you think of why this might be bad?
activateUserAccount(token: String!): UserAccount !
type UserAccount {
id: Int
activated_on: String
email: String
... other db fields here
The client would obviously still only request id and activated_on and ignore the other fields. The only downside i can think of is that you cant enforce activated_on by adding an exclamation mark (activated_on!).
Which is better practise? Better re-usability or more concise?

Passing variables in GraphQL

I'm trying to run a GraphQL query in the AWS AppSync console:
query MyQuery {
getUserInfoById(id: "1234566789") {
account {
id // need this value for getAvailableCourses
getAvailableCourses(accountId: "", pageNumber: 0) {
data {
Basically I need the value in getUserInfoById for getAvailableCourses. I'm obviously new to GraphQL. How would I go about this?
To the best of my knowledge, there can be two ways you can do this.
You can handle this in your frontend by getting user's id
from the session info and pass it to the other query.
You can also merge these two queries and make it one. You will also have to change the respective fields. Then attach a resolver with AvailableCourses and use $ in the resolver to get further details. Schema would look something like this
type Account {
id : ID!
availableCourses: AvailableCourses
type AvailableCourses {
name: String!
type: String!
type Query {
getUserInfoById(id: ID!): Account
Using the returned fields as inputs for a second query into your datasource is precisely what field resolvers are for. I can't say for sure since I don't know your schema or access patterns but it looks like you need to make available courses a sub field of the user.

How to use the query for custom fields on GraphQL?

I have this schema on my graphcool:
type User #model {
id: ID! #isUnique
name: String!
email: String!
password: String!
Using playground, I can execute this properly:
query {
User(id: "1234") {
But this query:
query {
User(name: "Thomas") {
throws error:
Unknown argument 'name' on field 'User' of type 'Query'. (line 2,
column 8):
User(name: "Thomas").
Why? And how to fix this? From my pov, anything that's already on the model, can be queried immediately, right? Btw, I'm very newbie in graphQL, and there's almost no article talk about this error (every tutorial just like assume that this will immediately works), so please give some more elaborate answer if necessary.
GraphQL does not intrinsically allow arbitrary queries against objects.
Somewhere in your schema there will be an additional declaration like
type Query {
User(id: ID!): User
The names in the Query type are the top-level queries you can run, and the arguments listed in that query are the only arguments they accept. (There is a corresponding Mutation type for top-level mutations, which can change the underlying state, and use the mutation keyword in a query.)
If you control the server implementation, you could add a parameter or an additional top-level query
userByName(name: String!): User
but you'd also have to provide an implementation of this query or handle the additional parameter, which is a code change.
