Query GraphQL with multiple types - graphql

I'm trying to make a GraphQL query, out of the ordinary, but so far I haven't found anything related.
I would like to leave the where parameter with two optional types, see the example. Is this supported?
input Person {
name: String
email: String
input Company {
name: String
domain: String
type GetSearch {
extend type Query {
getSearch(where: Person | Company): [GetSearch]

This is not possible.
Adding Input Union type to GraphQL was already proposed back in 2018, but it was never added. See this discussion for more details.


Is it possible a schema type that gets the value of one property of already defined schema type

I have a schema that looks like this.
exports.typeDefs = gql`
type User {
userid: ID!
name: String
type Post {
post_id: ID!
post_category: String!
post_type: String!
post_hashtag: String
user: User
Now post have the field named "post_hashtag".
I want to define another schema type and get that post_hashtag property for all the nodes in post type.
of post.
I tried the below type hashtag and put a cipher query on that.
type hashtag{
post_hashtag: String
#cypher[statement: "MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN n.post_hashtag"]
But it returns only the one first found hashtag and save it on hashtag node. This is not what I want. I want all the hashtags that are available in any post_hashtag node.
Example: If I query
This should give all the hashtags that are available in any of the post node but instead it return only one hashtag.
I've been trying this since few days. going through different solutions but none worked.
Any suggestions Please.
I've figured out the problem. Actually, we just need to use the collect method of neo4j to return an array of hashtags and save it in the hashtag node. And it will save all the hashtags on the node and we can retrieve them later.
First, change the schema a little bit like this.
type hashtag{
post_hashtag: [String]
#cypher[statement: "MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN
Notice: I've changed the post_hashtag type and made it an array of strings.
Then just the cipher query will change by the one down below.
MATCH (n:Test_Temp) RETURN collect(n.post_hashtag)
And it is done.

Passing variables in GraphQL

I'm trying to run a GraphQL query in the AWS AppSync console:
query MyQuery {
getUserInfoById(id: "1234566789") {
account {
id // need this value for getAvailableCourses
getAvailableCourses(accountId: "", pageNumber: 0) {
data {
Basically I need the value account.id in getUserInfoById for getAvailableCourses. I'm obviously new to GraphQL. How would I go about this?
To the best of my knowledge, there can be two ways you can do this.
You can handle this in your frontend by getting user's id
from the session info and pass it to the other query.
You can also merge these two queries and make it one. You will also have to change the respective fields. Then attach a resolver with AvailableCourses and use $ctx.source.id in the resolver to get further details. Schema would look something like this
type Account {
id : ID!
availableCourses: AvailableCourses
type AvailableCourses {
name: String!
type: String!
type Query {
getUserInfoById(id: ID!): Account
Using the returned fields as inputs for a second query into your datasource is precisely what field resolvers are for. I can't say for sure since I don't know your schema or access patterns but it looks like you need to make available courses a sub field of the user.

Graphql include directive

I have a query that takes a status as an input variable which is an enum of (future, past, all).
I'd like to return some fields only when the status is future. I've tried using #include but it seems it will only accept a boolean exactly.
Is there some way of getting this to work:
aField #include(if: $status == future)
I think you can't use even use boolean fields with #include - literals/query variables only, so expressions are a no-go as well.
If it's really important, and you're able to modify the API/schema, you could (ab)use the interface functionality - have future entities resolve to one type, and past entities to another, then you can use fragments to select fields based on which it is:
interface Competition {
id: ID!
name: String!
status: Status!
something: String
type FutureCompetition implements Competition {
// same fields
type PastCompetition implements Competition {
// same fields
Then you can query with something like this:
competitions {
... on FutureCompetition {
A possibly easier thing to do would be to simply do two queries in one and merge the results client-side, assuming you can query by status:
pastCompetitions: competitions(withStatus: PAST) {
futureCompetitions: competitions(withStatus: FUTURE) {
variables is a JSON. So, you can also try passing the status : inputStatus==='FUTURE' ? true : false

apollo-codegen output is empty

I'm running into a situation in which apollo-codegen is not successfully generating typescript code.
For the graphql file (generated/schema.graphql):
type Author {
id: Int!
firstName: String
lastName: String
posts: [Post]
type Post {
id: Int!
title: String
author: Author
votes: Int
I then run :
$apollo-codegen introspect-schema generated/schema.graphql --output generated/schema.json
this generates a ./generated/schema.json that appears to contain the relevant information (I see information about Author and its properties, and Post and its properties).
I then run
$apollo-codegen generate generated/schema.graphql --schema generated/schema.json --target typescript and get an (effectively) empty output.
// This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
/* tslint:disable */
/* tslint:enable */
I've tried generating .swift files as well, with similar empty output.
Apollo codegen version is:
"apollo-codegen": "^0.11.2",
Anyone see if what I'm doing wrong?
I'm a collaborator on apollo-codegen. Happy to hear that you're giving it a try!
You're not seeing any output because apollo-codegen generates types based on the GraphQL operations (query, mutation) in your project -- not based solely on the types in your schema.
In our experience, it's very rare that you would send a query for a full GraphQL type. Instead, we have found types based on graphql operations to be the most useful.
For instance, given the types you've provided, you might write a query:
query AuthorQuery {
authors {
The type that would get generated (and that you'd probably want to use in code that consumes the results of this query, is
type AuthorQuery = {
authors: Array<{
firstName: string,
lastName: string
Notice how you would use the AuthorQuery type in your React component (or similar) whereas you wouldn't use an Author type since it would include more fields than you've actually requested.
If you do however have a use-case for a 1:1 type from your graphql schema to typescript, do file an issue on the project itself and I'd be happy to discuss there :)

Documenting GraphQL short-hand model

How does one document the model, using GraphQL shorthand notation?
type User {
name: String
Say I want to add a description for the type/attribute above.
Descriptions come in the form of comments:
# Someone who uses something
type User {
# How we refer to the user
name: String
Those should be added as descriptions to the schema generated from this notation.
