How to check if the line chart has rendered in Cyress? - cypress

I am trying to fix this problem, but I couldn't.
I have a table containg many data on my website, and there is a line chart which presents the value of the row. If I click one row of the table, the line chart will change.
How do I check the line chart which has already changed if I click the table in Cypress?


Oracle Apex - Interactive Grid rows values are repeating in other rows by clicking

I'm having this issue in Oracle Apex where I want to create a Master/Detail page with interactive grids for each section. The problem is that for some reason, when I click to edit rows in the detail grid, the values seem to "copy" into other fields too.
This is my grid when the values get copied when clicked in other row
For the master grid, this doesn't seem to happen.
I had the exact same problem.
I found myself that i defined the wrong column as primary key on the detail IG.
Try it and let me know if helped.
Have a nice day.

BIRT Reports column not spanding the whole row as desired

I am fairly new to BIRT reports.
In the BIRT reports designer I have added a 2nd row to my table which is binded to a data set. In this 2nd row I want 1 column from my data set to take up the whole row.
So what I did was to add the second row and merge all the columns in that row to form one column. I then added a text field with Dynamic HTML Text.
The problem I have is that the data is not taking the whole row. It is being wrapped into only a small section of the row. I must be missing something. Can someone help me with this pls.
I'm attaching both the way the end report looks like and also the screenshot of the set up in the designer.
End Result
Designer (you can see all the rows merged in the second row of the table and in the properties i can see a colspan of 10 for that single column)
I've found out that the asnwer to this question is to make the field element inline style rather than block and also to check the No Wrapping check box for this field int he designer.

datatables sorting with images

I have the following problem - I have a datatable with n number of rows. The first column is Serial Number using simple counter. My table has a functionality in which when I double click the row, it becomes editable and 'check' and 'cancel' images show up in the first column, right beside the serial number. User can edit row and save/cancel the row accordingly.
The problem with this logic is, since there are images in the first column, I'm not able to sort the table based on the first column. When I remove the images, sorting works perfectly.
I know this is a weird problem, but I really dont want to change the editing logic for this.
Please help!!
Got help from Removed the images from the first column. On edit event, used jQuery append and remove to add/remove the elements to the first column.

How do I change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report

I need to change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report so that the table header is vertical instead of horizontal.
Is this possible? I don't want to use a Crosstab.
It seems this thread is still being pointed at so I posted an example of a horizontal table layout using a crosstab. I know it won't help the original author but others following this thread now may find this helpful.
To create the horizontal grouping, first create your query like normal, then create a Data Cube. In this data cube, drag each field that you want into a group. Then drag a new crosstab on the report and drag each field into the top right column group area. It will create a new header row for each field. Don't put anything in the left side (Rows) and don't put anything in the measure field (bottom-right). This will create labels on the left... and the data will extend out to the right.
The report design example can be downloaded from:
If you want dataset records to be reported across the page, this would have to be done via a crosstab.
If you want dataset records to be reported down the page, this can't be done automatically as far as I know. However, it can be done by inserting a new detail line in your report table object for each database field to be reported, then moving column headings from the heading row into the first column's detail rows and moving record values into the second column's detail rows.
So, for example, a report with 6 columns in it would become a two column report with six detail rows.
Not in box (up to 3.7). You have to use 3'd party libs like that one.

jqgrid delete row only on screen and save the deleted row

I'm using jqgrid with inline editing , when the user gets to the last cell inside a row , when he clickes on "tab" key he will be editing the next row - and if it does not exist a new row will be created.
I want to add a delete row function for the user , but still to have that row data inorder to send it later to the server as a deleted row.
I tried hiding the row , but then when the user "tabs" to the next row - it goes to the hided row - and i want it to go only to the not hided rows.
Is there a way to mark a row as deleted? and then when I generate the xml from the grid rows it will be a part of those rows? or is there a way to delete the row and save it's cells values , and be able to navigate throgh the grids line without going throgh the deleted line?
Any help will be appritiated!
Thank's In Advance.
To fix problem with editing of hidden row you can try to add class "not-editable-row" to the row which you hide.
If it will not help you will have to overwrite the default "TAB" behavior of jqGrid (see the question for implementation details)
Probably more easer way would be to use delRowData which delete a row from the grid without sending any information to the server. If you want to have your custom implementation of the "Delete" button in the navigator (see the example here). Inside of your onClickButton event handler you can save the contain of rows, which will be deleted, to some JavaScript array/object and then delete the row with respect of delRowData. So you can trace all delete operation, save deleted rows and send later all needed informations to the server.
