I want to include the unofficial parts library on LeoCAD. I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and the path to "library.bin" is /snap/leocad/2/usr/share/leocad/. So, I must copy 'ldrawunf.zip' to /snap/leocad/2/usr/share/leocad/ (see the LeoCAD docs) and I run the following command on terminal:
sudo cp ~/Downloads/ldrawunf.zip /snap/leocad/2/usr/share/leocad/
but it returns me this error:
cp: cannot create regular file '/snap/leocad/2/usr/share/leocad/ldrawunf.zip': Read-only file system
Can someone help me?
I'm trying to install the mips-linux-gnu-gcc Toolchain on Debian 7 from a guide, which has the instructions to install it from a directory on the machine (which I already sent in) and has the following command to do so:
export PATH=toolchain/bin/path:$PATH
and the next step is to check it's version:
mips-linux-gnu-gcc --version
But the only result I have is the "command not found result", I made sure the files are inside the folder and they are, and checking the mips-linux-gnu-gcc file I have the following result:
Am I doing something wrong? I have no experience with this kind of files and I haven't found any other way to install it, so I really need help with this :/
I solved it! the problem was the directory that I was exporting to PATH, since I installed everything on the root folder I had to put /root/ at the start of the url indicated in the instruction guide.
I followed the guidance under the Training LeNet on MNIST with Caffe but I've got a error when creating lmdb..
$ ./examples/mnist/create_mnist.sh
Creating lmdb...
F:/program files/caffe/build/examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.exe:
error while loading shared libraries: boost_python-vc140-mt-1_61.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I'm using GIT Bash for run the shell script,
so what is wrong?
It appears that the linker/loader does not have access to that Python BOOST library. Did you run the scripts needed to set your environment variables? I suspect that there's a missing path in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
As a stop-gap, you can locate the missing file with
find / -name boost_python-vc140-mt-1_61.dll
... and then manually add that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The problem is that you'll hit thesefiles/caffe/build/examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.exe one at a time until you get them all.
You can also try
ldd files/caffe/build/examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.exe
... and see what you might be missing.
The "latex" command is available, but when trying to use it on a Scientific Linux 7.2 system, I get
tcfmgr: config file `tcfmgr.map' (usually in $TEXMFMAIN/texconfig) not found (ls-R missing?).
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
(and "ls -R" works). What do I need to do?
I had done a yum install texlive.x86_64 .
I don't know about Scientific Linux, but in Ubuntu, the 'fmtutil.cnf" file is found in the 'texlive-base' package.
Try to look for a package that has a similar name...
I am relatively new to the Cygwin program, and I have a .sh file that I need to edit and execute. I am currently running on Windows 10. I have installed Cygwin64 terminal on my machine.
The full list of steps required are as follows:
Be sure to have libtool installed.
Download protobuf from https://github.com/google/protobuf/ (download ZIP and unZIP at desired location, or clone the repo) The protocol buffer is used for communication between the CuraEngine and the GUI.
Before installing protobuf, change autogen.sh : comment line 18 to line 38 using #s. This removes the dependency on gtest-1.7.0.
Run autogen.sh from the protobuf directory: $ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install # Requires superused priviliges.
(In case the shared library cannot be loaded, you can try "sudo ldconfig" on Linux systems)
Once I get to 3.:
Before installing protobuf, change autogen.sh : comment line 18 to line 38 using #s. This removes the dependency on gtest-1.7.0.
I am having issues opening up to .sh file in Cygwin to make the appropriate edit.
When I try this command to even execute the .sh file:
$ '/cygdrive/c/Users/Thomas/Desktop/3D Printing/protobuf-master/autogen.sh'
I receive the error:
Could not find source code. Make sure you are running this script
from the root of the distribution tree.
If anyone has some insight as to a solution for this problem it would be greatly appreciated.
You are getting the error from this test in autogen.sh :
# Check that we're being run from the right directory.
if test ! -f src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h; then
cat >&2 << __EOF__
Could not find source code. Make sure you are running this script from the
root of the distribution tree.
In this test, common.h path is relative to the protbuf install directory, just cd to it before executing the script.
I am trying to install the zeroMQ for my server(redhat 7). Here is what I did:
1) download the zeroMQ and unpack it.
2) navigate to the file where I put the zeroMQ and run the commands below:
make install
Now I can find two head files in /usr/local/include: zmq.h and zmq_utils.h and five files in /usr/local/lib: libzmq.a libzmq.la libzmq.so libzmq.so.4 libzmq.so.4.0.0.
Then I try to code like this:
#include <zmq.h>
void * context = zmq_init(1);
But I get this error message: undefined reference to `zmq_init'
I find that the include works well but it cant find 'zmq_init', so maybe it's the problem of lib files. But all of the lib files have been in /usr/local/lib, right?
What should I do?
Problem solved:
I got that error message because the lib files are in the directory: /usr/local/lib
What we need to do is to create a file named local-lib.conf under the directory /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ and write /usr/local/lib in it. The name of the file is not important but its extension must be .conf.
Then, we must navigate to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ and type this command: sudo ldconfig
I tried the fix provided by #Yves above, but that didn't work out for me so here's another way for Debian/Git installations.
Alternative fix:
I have faced this issue on a Docker container which was occuring due to the libzmq/czmq which was installed by cloning the git repo.
The problem is that the shared libraries when installed using git are located in the /usr/local/lib folder instead of /usr/lib/ where usually, in my case a C/C++ program looks for shared library files.
I fixed it by copying all files from /usr/local/lib folder to/usr/lib/ using the command
$ sudo cp -R /usr/local/lib/* /usr/lib
This was for a RPi/ Ubuntu-16.04 docker, the command or location of the files may vary depending on your OS.