Timed annotation micrometer does not work - spring

I have this code:
#Timed(value = "kafka.consumed.messages")
public void consume(...)
But I doesn't see this metric in prometheus, but I also have a Timer, which is shown in prometheus, how can I fixe it?


Can selective disable on Queue consumption in #JmsListener SpringBoot possible?

I'm using SpringBoot along with #JmsListener to retrieve IBM MQ messages from multiple queues within the same QManager. So far I can get messages without any issues. But there could be scenarios, where I had to stop consuming msgs from one of these queues temporarily. It doesn't have to be dynamic.
I'm not using any custom ConnectionFactory methods. When needed, I would like to make config changes in application.properties to disable that particular Queue consumption and restart the process. Is this possible? Can't find any specific info for this scenario. Would appreciate any suggestions. TIA.
public class MyJmsListener {
#JmsListener(destination = "{ibm.mq.queue.queue01}")
public void handleQueue01(String message) {
System.out.println("received: "+message);
#JmsListener(destination = "{ibm.mq.queue.queue02}")
public void handleQueue02(String message) {
System.out.println("received: "+message);
If you give each #JmsListener an id property, you can start and stop them individually using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistry bean.

Feign Client throws HystrixTimeoutException even though the underlying request is successful

I have a feign client like this with endpoints to two APIs from PROJECT-SERVICE
#FeignClient(name = "PROJECT-SERVICE", fallbackFactory = ProjectServiceFallbackFactory.class)
public interface ProjectServiceClient {
public ResponseEntity<Project> getProjectDetails(#PathVariable("projectKey") String projectKey);
public ResponseEntity<Project> createProject(#RequestBody Project project);
I'm using those clients like this:
public class MyService {
private ProjectServiceClient projectServiceClient;
public void doSomething() {
// Some code
ResponseEntity<Project> projectResponse = projectServiceClient.getProjectDetails(projectKey);
// Some more code
public void doSomethingElse() {
// Some code
ResponseEntity<Project> projectResponse = projectServiceClient.createProject(Project projectToBeCreated);
// Some more code
My problem is, most of the times (around 60% of the time), either one of these Feign calls result in a HystrixTimeoutException.
I initially thought there could be a problem in the downstream micro service (PROJECT-SERVICE in this case), but that is not the case. In fact, when getProjectDetails() or createProject() is called, the PROJECT-SERVICE actually does the job and returns a ResponseEntity<Project> with status 200 and 201 respectively, but my fallback is activated with the HystrixTimeoutException.
I'm trying in vain to find what might be causing this issue.
I, however, have this in my main application configuration:
Can anyone point me towards a solution?
Sriram Sridharan
Hystrix's timeout is not tied to that of Feign. There is a default 1 second execution timeout enabled for Hystrix. You need to configure this timeout to be slightly longer than Feign's, to avoid HystrixTimeoutException getting thrown earlier than desired timeout. Like so:
Doing so would allow FeignException, caused by timeout after 5 seconds, to be thrown first, and then wrapped in a HystrixTimeoutException

spring kafka embedded broker - My actual listener is never trigerred

I'm using Kafka embedded broker with spring boot and junit 5.I have been able to wire up successfully and see that the embedded broker is running.
In my setup method I pump in a few messages to the queue that my actual code listens on
public void setup() {
// code to play down some messages to topic X
My consumer/listener is never trigerred despite there being no errors encountered in the setup method
My Consumer is setup like
class Consumer() {
groupId ="...",
public void consume(ConsumerRecord<String,byte[] rec) {
//logic to handle
logger.info("Print rec : "+rec)
else where I've set up my ListenerContainerFactory with a name like
public KafkaContainerListenerFactory<String,byte[]> factory() {
What could be wrong with this?My assertions in the test case fail and additionally I don't see my log statements that should be printed if my consume method were ever called.
I've a feeling,that auto configuration due to #SpringBootTest and #EmbeddedKafka is setting up some other listener container factory and so maybe my #KafkaListener annotation is wrong.
I know,its a bit vague but could you please tell me what/where to look at?If I run as a #SpringBootApplication my Consumer is pulling in messages from the actual queue.So no problems with my actual app.Its the test that's not executing as per expectation.
Please help.
Edit 1:
I have spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset=earliest set in my yml file.

Spring Boot auto-configured metrics not arriving to Librato

I am using Spring Boot with auto-configure enabled (#EnableAutoConfiguration) and trying to send my Spring MVC metrics to Librato. Right now only my own created metrics are arriving to Librato but auto-configured metrics (CPU, file descriptors, etc) are not sent to my reporter.
If I access a metric endpoint I can see the info generated there, for instance http://localhost:8081/actuator/metrics/system.cpu.count
I based my code on this post for ConsoleReporter. so I have this:
public static MeterRegistry libratoRegistry() {
MetricRegistry dropwizardRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
String libratoApiAccount = "xx";
String libratoApiKey = "yy";
String libratoPrefix = "zz";
LibratoReporter reporter = Librato
.reporter(dropwizardRegistry, libratoApiAccount, libratoApiKey)
reporter.start(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
DropwizardConfig dropwizardConfig = new DropwizardConfig() {
public String prefix() {
return "myprefix";
public String get(String key) {
return null;
return new DropwizardMeterRegistry(dropwizardConfig, dropwizardRegistry, HierarchicalNameMapper.DEFAULT, Clock.SYSTEM) {
protected Double nullGaugeValue() {
return null;
and at my main function I added Metrics.addRegistry(SpringReporter.libratoRegistry());
For the Librato library I am using in my compile("com.librato.metrics:metrics-librato:5.1.2") build.gradle. Documentation here. I used this library before without any problem.
If I use the ConsoleReporter as in this post the same thing happens, only my own created metrics are printed to the console.
Any thoughts on what am I doing wrong? or what am I missing?
Also, I enabled debug mode to see the "CONDITIONS EVALUATION REPORT" printed in the console but not sure what to look for in there.
Try to make your MeterRegistry for Librato reporter as a Spring #Bean and let me know whether it works.
I tested with ConsoleReporter you mentioned and confirmed it's working with a sample. Note that the sample is on the branch console-reporter, not the master branch. See the sample for details.

Spring Kafka Template implementaion example for seek offset, acknowledgement

I am new to spring-kafka-template. I tried some basic stuff in it and they are working fine. But I am trying to implement some concepts mentioned at Spring Docs like :
Offset Seeking
Acknowledging listeners
I tried to find some example for it over net but was unsuccessful. The thing only I found is its source code.
We have a same issue as mentioned in this post Spring kafka consumer, seek offset at runtime.
But there is no example available to implement the same.
Can someone give any example on how to implement them?
Thanks in advance.
You should use ConsumerSeekAware for that purpose to deal with seeks:
static class Listener implements ConsumerSeekAware {
private final ThreadLocal<ConsumerSeekCallback> seekCallBack = new ThreadLocal<>();
public void registerSeekCallback(ConsumerSeekCallback callback) {
public void listen(#Payload String foo,
Acknowledgment ack) {
this.seekCallBack.get().seek(topic, partition, 0);
