spring kafka embedded broker - My actual listener is never trigerred - spring

I'm using Kafka embedded broker with spring boot and junit 5.I have been able to wire up successfully and see that the embedded broker is running.
In my setup method I pump in a few messages to the queue that my actual code listens on
public void setup() {
// code to play down some messages to topic X
My consumer/listener is never trigerred despite there being no errors encountered in the setup method
My Consumer is setup like
class Consumer() {
groupId ="...",
public void consume(ConsumerRecord<String,byte[] rec) {
//logic to handle
logger.info("Print rec : "+rec)
else where I've set up my ListenerContainerFactory with a name like
public KafkaContainerListenerFactory<String,byte[]> factory() {
What could be wrong with this?My assertions in the test case fail and additionally I don't see my log statements that should be printed if my consume method were ever called.
I've a feeling,that auto configuration due to #SpringBootTest and #EmbeddedKafka is setting up some other listener container factory and so maybe my #KafkaListener annotation is wrong.
I know,its a bit vague but could you please tell me what/where to look at?If I run as a #SpringBootApplication my Consumer is pulling in messages from the actual queue.So no problems with my actual app.Its the test that's not executing as per expectation.
Please help.
Edit 1:
I have spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset=earliest set in my yml file.


Can selective disable on Queue consumption in #JmsListener SpringBoot possible?

I'm using SpringBoot along with #JmsListener to retrieve IBM MQ messages from multiple queues within the same QManager. So far I can get messages without any issues. But there could be scenarios, where I had to stop consuming msgs from one of these queues temporarily. It doesn't have to be dynamic.
I'm not using any custom ConnectionFactory methods. When needed, I would like to make config changes in application.properties to disable that particular Queue consumption and restart the process. Is this possible? Can't find any specific info for this scenario. Would appreciate any suggestions. TIA.
public class MyJmsListener {
#JmsListener(destination = "{ibm.mq.queue.queue01}")
public void handleQueue01(String message) {
System.out.println("received: "+message);
#JmsListener(destination = "{ibm.mq.queue.queue02}")
public void handleQueue02(String message) {
System.out.println("received: "+message);
If you give each #JmsListener an id property, you can start and stop them individually using the JmsListenerEndpointRegistry bean.

Spring cloud stream - notification when Kafka binder is initialized

I have a simple Kafka producer in my spring cloud stream application. As my spring application starts, I have a #PostConstruct method which performs some reconciliation and tries sending events to the Kafka producer.
Issue is, my Kafka Producer is not yet ready when the reconciliation starts sending the enets into it, leading to the below:
org.springframework.messaging.MessageDeliveryException: Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel 'orderbook-service-1.orderbook'.; nested exception is org.springframework.integration.MessageDispatchingException: Dispatcher has no subscribers, failedMessage=GenericMessage ..
at org.springframework.integration.channel.AbstractSubscribableChannel.doSend(AbstractSubscribableChannel.java:77)
at org.springframework.integration.channel.AbstractMessageChannel.send(AbstractMessageChannel.java:445)
Is there is a way to get a notification during my application's startup that Kafka channel is initialized, so that I only kick off the rec job post it.
Here is my code snippets:
public interface OrderEventChannel {
String TOPIC_BINDING = "orderbook";
SubscribableChannel outboundEvent();
public class OutgoingKafkaConfiguration {
public class OutgoingOrderKafkaProducer {
private OrderEventChannel orderEventChannel;
public void onOrderEvent( ClientEvent clientEvent ) {
try {
Message<KafkaEvent> kafkaMsg = mapToKafkaMessage( clientEvent );
SubscribableChannel subscribableChannel = orderEventChannel.outboundEvent();
subscribableChannel.send( kafkaMsg );
} catch ( RuntimeException rte ) {
log.error( "Error while publishing Kafka event [{}]", clientEvent, rte );
#PostConstruct is MUCH too early in the context lifecycle to start using beans; they are still being created, configured and wired together.
You can use an ApplicationListener (or #EventListener) to listen for an ApplicationReadyEvent (be sure to compare the even's applicationContext to the main application context because you may get other events).
You can also implement SmartLifecycle and put your code in start(); put your bean in a late Phase so it is started after everything is wired up.
Output bindings are started in phase Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1000, input bindings are started in phase Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1000.
So if you want to do something before messages start flowing, use a phase in-between these (e.g. 0, which is the default).

Springboot cloud Stream with Kafka

I'm trying to setup a project with Springboot cloud Stream with Kafka. I managed to build a simple example, where a listener gets messages from a topic and after processed it, it sends the output to another topic.
My listener and channels are configured like this:
public class FileEventListener {
private FileEventProcessorService fileEventProcessorService;
public FileEventListener(FileEventProcessorService fileEventProcessorService) {
this.fileEventProcessorService = fileEventProcessorService;
#StreamListener(target = FileEventStreams.INPUT)
public void handleLine(#Payload(required = false) String jsonData) {
public interface FileEventStreams {
String INPUT = "file_events";
String OUTPUT = "raw_lines";
SubscribableChannel inboundFileEventChannel();
MessageChannel outboundRawLinesChannel();
The problem with this example is that when the service starts, it doesn't check for messages that already exist in the topic, it only process those messages that are sent after it started. I'm very new to Springboot stream and kafka, but for what I've read, this behavior may correspond to the fact that I'm using a SubscribableChannel. I tried to use a QueueChannel for example, to see how it works but I found the following exception:
Error creating bean with name ... nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No factory found for binding target type: org.springframework.integration.channel.QueueChannel among registered factories: channelFactory,messageSourceFactory
So, my questions are:
If I want to process all messages that exists in the topic once the application starts (and also messages are processed by only one consumer), I'm on the right path?
Even if QueueChannel is not the right choice for achieve the behavior explained in 1.) What do I have to add to my project to be able to use this type of channel?
Add spring.cloud.stream.bindings.file_events.group=foo
anonymous groups consume from the end of the topic only, bindings with a group consume from the beginning, by default.
You cannot use a PollableChannel for a binding, it must be a SubscribableChannel.

How to set a Message Handler programmatically in Spring Cloud AWS SQS?

maybe someone has an idea to my following problem:
I am currently on a project, where i want to use the AWS SQS with Spring Cloud integration. For the receiver part i want to provide a API, where a user can register a "message handler" on a queue, which is an interface and will contain the user's business logic, e.g.
MyAwsSqsReceiver receiver = new MyAwsSqsReceiver();
receiver.register("a-queue-name", new MessageHandler(){
public void handle(String message){
//... business logic for the received message
I found examples, e.g.
and read the docu
But the only thing i found there to "connect" a functionality for processing a incoming message is a annotation on a method, e.g. #SqsListener or #MessageMapping.
These annotations are fixed to a certain queue-name, though. So now i am at a loss, how to dynamically "connect" my provided "MessageHandler" (from my API) to the incoming message for the specified queuename.
In the Config the example there is a SimpleMessageListenerContainer, which gets a QueueMessageHandler set, but this QueueMessageHandler does not seem
to be the right place to set my handler or to override its methods and provide my own subclass of QueueMessageHandler.
I already did something like this with the Spring Amqp integration and RabbitMq and thought, that it would be also similar here with AWS SQS.
Does anyone have an idea, how to accomplish this?
thx + bye,
I found, that Spring JMS could actually do that, e.g. www.javacodegeeks.com/2016/02/aws-sqs-spring-jms-integration.html. Does anybody know, what consequences using JMS protocol has here, good or bad?
I am facing the same issue.
I am trying to go in an unusual way where I set up an Aws client bean at build time and then instead of using sqslistener annotation to consume from the specific queue I use the scheduled annotation which I can programmatically pool (each 10 secs in my case) from which queue I want to consume.
I did the example that iterates over queues defined in properties and then consumes from each one.
Client Bean:
public AmazonSQSAsync awsSqsClient() {
return AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder
// injected in the constructor
private final AmazonSQSAsync awsSqsClient;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000)
public void pool() {
.forEach(queue -> {
val receiveMessageRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queue)
// reading the messages
val result = awsSqsClient.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest);
val sqsMessages = result.getMessages();
log.info("Received Message on queue {}: message = {}", queue, sqsMessages.toString());
// deleting the messages
sqsMessages.forEach(message -> {
val deleteMessageRequest = new DeleteMessageRequest(queue, message.getReceiptHandle());
Just to clarify, in my case, I need multiple queues, one for each tenant, with the queue URL for each one passed in a property file. Of course, in your case, you could get the queue names from another source, maybe a ThreadLocal which has the queues you have created in runtime.
If you wish, you can also try the JMS approach where you create message consumers and add a listener to each one you wish (See the doc Aws Jms documentation).
When we do Spring and SQS we use the spring-cloud-starter-aws-messaging.
Then just create a Listener class
public class MyListener {
public void listen(MyMessageType message) {
//process the message

Spring Cloud Stream does not create a queue

I'm trying to configure a simple Spring Cloud Stream application with RabbitMQ. The code I use is mostly taken from spring-cloud-stream-samples.
I have an entry point:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
and a simple messages producer from the example:
public class SourceModuleDefinition {
private String format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
#InboundChannelAdapter(value = Source.OUTPUT, poller = #Poller(fixedDelay = "${fixedDelay}", maxMessagesPerPoll = "1"))
public MessageSource<String> timerMessageSource() {
return () -> new GenericMessage<>(new SimpleDateFormat(this.format).format(new Date()));
Additionally, here is application.yml configuration:
fixedDelay: 5000
destination: test
When I run the example, it connects to Rabbit and creates an exchange called test. But my problem is, it doesn't create a queue and binding automatically. I can see traffic going in Rabbit, but all my messages are then gone. While I need them to stay in some queue unless they are read by consumer.
Maybe I misunderstand something, but from all the topics I read, it seems like Spring Cloud Stream should create a queue and a binding automatically. If not, how do I configure it so my messages are persisted?
I'm using Spring Cloud Brixton.SR5 and Spring Boot 1.4.0.RELEASE.
A queue would be created as soon as you start a consumer application.
In the case of Rabbit MQ, where we have separate queues for each consumer group and we cannot know all groups beforehand, if you want to have the queues created automatically for consumer groups that are known in advance, you can use the requiredGroups property of the producers. This will ensure that messages are persisted until a consumer from that group is started.
See details here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/Brooklyn.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#_producer_properties
You will need a consumer in order to have a queue created.
Here you can find an example of a producer and a consumer using rabbitMq:
